
时间:2019-05-21 11:42:36

标签: flutter





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1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

使用var divide = function(dividend, divisor) { var returnValue = ""; var remainder = 0; var currentDividend = 0, currentQuotient; dividend.split("").forEach(function(digit, index) { // use classical digit by digit division if (currentDividend !== 0) { currentDividend = currentDividend * 10; } currentDividend += parseInt(digit); if (currentDividend >= divisor) { currentQuotient = Math.floor(currentDividend / divisor); currentDividend -= currentQuotient * divisor; returnValue += currentQuotient.toString(); } else if (returnValue.length > 0) { returnValue += "0"; } if (index === dividend.length - 1) { remainder = currentDividend; } }); return { quotient: returnValue.length === 0 ? "0" : returnValue, remainder: remainder }; }; var convertToIPv6 = function(input, base) { base = base || 10; var blocks = []; var blockSize = Math.pow(2, 16); // 16 bit per block while (blocks.length < 8) { var divisionResult = divide(input, blockSize); // The remainder is the block value blocks.unshift(divisionResult.remainder.toString(base)); // The quotient will be used as dividend for the next block input = divisionResult.quotient; } return blocks.join(":"); }; // Examples ["63802943797675961899382738893456539648", "16894619001915479834806084984789761616", "734987203501750431791304671034703170303" ].forEach(function(input) { console.log("Input:", input); console.log("IP address (decimal):", convertToIPv6(input)); console.log("IP address (hex):", convertToIPv6(input, 16)); });确定FocusNode何时未聚焦,然后将所需的颜色分配给TextField中的Icon(),并在聚焦时显示默认主题颜色:
