libzip`make test`在centOS / amazonlinux上失败

时间:2019-05-22 07:25:57

标签: docker centos amazon-linux libzip

The following tests FAILED:
     21 - clone-fs-add.test (Not Run)
     22 - clone-fs-delete.test (Not Run)
     23 - clone-fs-replace.test (Not Run)

我正在基于图像amazonlinux:2018.03.0.20190212构建一个容器,该容器将包含PHP 7.3和一些我需要的依赖项。现在,我被困在安装libzip> = 0.11的过程中。可以安装1.4.0之前的所有版本,而不会出现任何错误,但是/sbin/ldconfig -v并未列出共享库。

从1.4.0开始,我可以运行make test,但是由于上面的错误消息而失败。奇怪的是:“失败”的测试被跳过了。


# Copyright 2019, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0

####### PHP custom runtime #######

####### Install and compile everything #######

# Same AL version as Lambda execution environment AMI
FROM amazonlinux:2018.03.0.20190212 as builder

# Lock to 2017.03 release (same as Lambda) and install compilation dependencies
RUN sed -i 's;^releasever.*;releasever=2018.03;;' /etc/yum.conf && \
    yum clean all && \
    yum install -y autoconf \
                bison \
                gcc \
                gcc-c++ \
                cpp \
                make \
                bzip2-devel \
                kernel-headers.x86_64 \
                libcurl-devel \
                libxml2-devel \
                openssl-devel \
                libjpeg-devel \
                libpng-devel \
                freetype-devel \
                tar \
                gzip \
                zip \
                unzip \
                git \
                libicu-devel \
                gnupg \
                libfreetype6-devel \
                libjpeg62-turbo-devel \
                libmcrypt-devel \
                nscd \ 

RUN yum install -y wget cmake cmake3

RUN pwd && \
        wget && \
        tar zxvf libzip-1.5.1.tar.gz && \
        cd libzip-1.5.1 && \
        mkdir build && \
        cd build && \
        cmake3 .. && \
        make && \
        make test && \
        make install

RUN /sbin/ldconfig
RUN /sbin/ldconfig -p | grep libzip

关于如何进行这项工作的任何想法?我可以忽略make test吗,我是否忘了其他东西?

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