
时间:2019-05-25 20:20:22

标签: excel vba


我在row 1中有一个标题。我想选择多个列标题,然后删除这些列。我还希望代码在指定的标题不存在的情况下也不会中断(即,如果要搜索的标题不存在,则循环继续)。

我有可以找到指定标题并删除该列的代码。但是,我不想为每个要删除的标题(大约20个标题)执行此代码。我也不知道如何制作,这样就不会出现标题不中断的情况。这将是我每月执行的操作,很可能所有标题都将始终相同,但是我不能保证。我下载了.cs v文件并使用该文件。


Find a column header and delete that column
    Dim rngHeadings As Range
    Set rngHeadings = Range("A1", Range("A1").End(xlToRight)).Find("Category")
        If rngHeadings Is Nothing Then
            MsgBox "Can't find that"
            Exit Sub
        End If

所以“ Category”是标题之一。其他一些是“ AirDur,” RefNbr“等(我可以填写其余部分)。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

Dim rngHeadings As Range, f As Range
Set rngHeadings = ActiveSheet.Rows(1)

For Each h in Array("Category","AirDur")
    Set f = rngHeadings.Find(What:=h, lookat:=xlWhole)
    If Not f Is Nothing Then f.EntireColumn.delete
Next h

答案 1 :(得分:1)


Sub delColumns()

Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet 'better use Thisworkbook.Sheets("SheetName") / or ActiveWorkbook / or specific workbook
Dim lCol As Long: lCol = ws.Cells(1, ws.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column 'Get the last column
Dim R As Long, C As Long

Dim arrHeadingsToDelete() As String
arrHeadingsToDelete = Split("Category,AirDur,RefNbr", ",")              'Add more as needed

For C = lCol To 1 Step -1                                               'Loop from last column to first
    For R = LBound(arrHeadingsToDelete) To UBound(arrHeadingsToDelete)  'Loop through each of the headings in the above array
        If ws.Cells(1, C) = arrHeadingsToDelete(R) Then                 'If there is a match
            ws.Cells(1, C).EntireColumn.Delete                          'Delete the column...
            Exit For                                                    '...and move to check the next one
        End If
    Next R
Next C

End Sub