计算每个bin中的numpy ndarray的最大值

时间:2019-05-28 01:35:46

标签: python numpy

我正在努力使用优化的numpy向量化运算来执行概念上简单的算法。在下面的代码中,我有data,这是一个带有一堆值的数组,并且其中coords的项i包含与data[i]相对应的3D空间坐标。我想填充数组max_data,使条目max_data[i,j,k]data的所有条目的最大值,以使coords的相应条目落入{{1} }。下面是生成数据并实现算法的示例代码。


[ [i,i+1], [j,j+1], [k,k+1] ]

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
import time

shape = ( 20, 30, 40 )

ndata = int( 1e6 )

data = np.random.normal(  loc = 10, scale = 5, size = ndata ) 

coords = np.vstack( [ np.random.uniform( 0, shape[i], ndata )
                      for i in range( len( shape ) ) ] ).T

max_data = np.zeros( shape ) 

start = time.time()

for i in range( len( data ) ) :

    # shortcut to find bin indices when the bins are
    # [ range( shape[i] ) for i in range( len( shape ) ) ]

    bin_indices = tuple( coords[i].astype( int ) )  

    max_data[ bin_indices ] = max( max_data[ bin_indices ], data[ i ] )

elapsed = time.time() - start

print( 'elapsed: %.3e' % elapsed )  # 2.98 seconds on my computer 

start = time.time()

bin_indices = np.ravel_multi_index(coords.astype(int).T, shape)
aux = sparse.csr_matrix((data, bin_indices, np.arange(data.size+1)),
                        (data.size, np.prod(shape))).tocsc()
cut = aux.indptr.searchsorted(data.size)
max_data_pp = np.empty(shape)
max_data_pp.ravel()[:cut] = np.maximum.reduceat(aux.data, aux.indptr[:cut])


max_data_pp.ravel()[aux.indptr[:-1]==aux.indptr[1:]] = CLIPAT
max_data_pp[max_data_pp < CLIPAT] = CLIPAT

elapsed = time.time() - start

print( 'elapsed: %.3e' % elapsed )  # 2.98 seconds on my computer 

assert np.all(max_data == max_data_pp)


elapsed: 2.417e+00
elapsed: 6.387e-02