
时间:2019-05-28 13:03:47

标签: bash gnuplot


$ tree
├── Original_folder
│   └── cat.txt
├── folder1
│   └── cat.txt
├── folder2
│   └── cat.txt
├── folder3
└── cat.txt

每个cat.txt文件在开始列标题之前都有5行。 示例cat.txt文件就是这样

Version LRv1.10.0
Build date 2017-12-06
      Time[s]     InletT[K]   InletP[Pa]   O2_GasOut     C_GasOut
       100         0.000885   1000000       0.0007       0.2111
and so on....

我想绘制第一列以及具有关键字“ _GasOut”的列标题的列。 (此关键字的标题数量未知,对于每列我都希望有一个单独的图)。此外,对于folder1,folder2,folder3 ......等所有绘图,应将Original_folder的图形结果绘制在同一图形中。





## truncate tmp.plt and set line style
echo -e "set style data lines\nplot \\" > tmp.plt

cnt=0   ## flag for adding ',' line ending

## loop over each file
for i in folder*/data; do
    if ((cnt == 0)); then       ## check flag (skips first iteration)
        cnt=1                   ## set flag to write ending comma
        printf ",\n" >> tmp.plt             ## write comma
    printf "\"$i\" using 1:2,\n" >> tmp.plt ## write using 1:2
    printf "\"$i\" using 1:3" >> tmp.plt    ## write using 1:3 (no ending)
echo "" >> tmp.plt              ## write final newline



gnuplot -p tmp.plt

但这是基于列号,而不是基于列标题的名称。 我添加了cat.txt文件之一作为参考。!Aoomvi55MLAQh1wMmpnPGnliFmgg

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)




gawk -F $'\t' '                                     # Using TABs as field separators
   /_GasOut/{                                       # On lines containing "_GasOut"
      for(f=1;f<=NF;f++){                           # ... iterate over all fields on line
         hdr=$f                                     # ... picking them up
         colhdr[f]=hdr                              # ... saving the column headers
         if(index(hdr,"_GasOut"))wanted[f]=1        # ... and noting which ones we want to print
   ENDFILE{                                         # As we reaach end of each file
      for(f in wanted){                             # ... iterate over wanted fields
         if(length(cmds)) cmds = cmds ",\n"         # ... adding commas and newlines if needed
         hdr = colhdr[f]                            # ... grabbing column header
         gsub(/^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$/,"",hdr) # ... trim leading or trailing spaces
         folder = FILENAME
         gsub(/\/cat.txt/,"",folder)                # ... deriving foldername
         print "hdr=", hdr, ", folder=", folder     # FIXME
         cmds = cmds "\"" FILENAME "\" using 1:" f  # ... and adding the "using" statement
      delete wanted                                 # Forget list of wanted fields for next file
   END{                                             # At very end of last file
      print cmds                                    # ... print accumulated gnuplot cmds

   ' folder*/cat.txt


hdr= O2_GasOut , folder= folder1
hdr= H2O_GasOut , folder= folder1
hdr= H2_GasOut , folder= folder1
hdr= N2_GasOut , folder= folder1
hdr= NO_GasOut , folder= folder1
hdr= NO2_GasOut , folder= folder1
hdr= N2O_GasOut , folder= folder1
hdr= O2_GasOut , folder= folder2
hdr= H2O_GasOut , folder= folder2
hdr= H2_GasOut , folder= folder2
hdr= N2_GasOut , folder= folder2
hdr= NO_GasOut , folder= folder2
hdr= NO2_GasOut , folder= folder2
hdr= N2O_GasOut , folder= folder2
"folder1/cat.txt" using 1:22,
"folder1/cat.txt" using 1:23,
"folder1/cat.txt" using 1:24,
"folder1/cat.txt" using 1:25,
"folder1/cat.txt" using 1:26,
"folder1/cat.txt" using 1:27,
"folder1/cat.txt" using 1:28,
"folder2/cat.txt" using 1:22,
"folder2/cat.txt" using 1:23,
"folder2/cat.txt" using 1:24,
"folder2/cat.txt" using 1:25,
"folder2/cat.txt" using 1:26,
"folder2/cat.txt" using 1:27,
"folder2/cat.txt" using 1:28




gawk -F $'\t' '                                     # Using TABs as field separators
   /_GasOut/{                                       # On lines containing "_GasOut"
      for(f=1;f<=NF;f++){                           # ... iterate over all fields on line
         this=$f                                    # ... picking them up
         if(index(this,"_GasOut"))wanted[f]=1       # ... and noting which ones we want to print
   ENDFILE{                                         # As we reaach end of each file
      for(f in wanted){                             # ... iterate over wanted fields
         if(length(cmds)) cmds = cmds ",\n"         # ... adding commas and newlines if needed
         cmds = cmds "\"" FILENAME "\" using 1:" f  # ... and adding the "using" statement
      delete wanted                                 # Forget list of wanted fields for next file
   END{                                             # At very end of last file
      print cmds                                    # ... print accumulated gnuplot cmds

   ' folder*/cat.txt


"folder1/cat.txt" using 1:22,
"folder1/cat.txt" using 1:23,
"folder1/cat.txt" using 1:24,
"folder1/cat.txt" using 1:25,
"folder1/cat.txt" using 1:26,
"folder1/cat.txt" using 1:27,
"folder1/cat.txt" using 1:28,
"folder2/cat.txt" using 1:22,
"folder2/cat.txt" using 1:23,
"folder2/cat.txt" using 1:24,
"folder2/cat.txt" using 1:25,
"folder2/cat.txt" using 1:26,
"folder2/cat.txt" using 1:27,
"folder2/cat.txt" using 1:28

答案 1 :(得分:0)



set term pdf
set key autotitle columnheader   # not strictly necessary but ensures the program
                                 # interprets the first line of data as headers
HEADER = "_GasOut"
orig = "original_folder/cat.txt"
do for [f=1:10] {                # 10 folders 
  in = sprintf("folder%d/cat.txt", f)
  out = sprintf("folder%d/plot.pdf")
  plot orig skip 5 using 1:(column(HEADER)), \
       in skip 5 using 1:(column(HEADER))


set term pdf
set key autotitle columnheader

array HEADS = [ "C_GasOut", "SurfaceT_cell7[K]", "O2_intMassFlowOut[kg]", \
                  "H2O_Conv", "InletT[K]" ]
orig = "original_folder/cat.txt"

do for [h = 1 : |HEADS|] {
  do for [f=1:10] { 
    in = sprintf("folder%d/cat.txt", f)
    out = sprintf("folder%d/plot.pdf")
    plot orig skip 5 using 1:(column(HEADER)), \
         in skip 5 using 1:(column(HEADER))

如果事先不知道子文件夹的名称或编号,则可以用循环访问文件夹名称列表的循环[f = 1:10]代替循环[f = 1:10]。例如:

folders = system("ls -1 fold*")
nfolders = words(folders)
do for [f = 1 : nfolders] {
    in = sprintf("%s/cat.txt", folders(word(folders,f)))
    ... etc

答案 2 :(得分:0)

此示例显示如何绘制标题包含子字符串“ _GasOut”的所有列。该策略是测试子字符串的每个列标题。如果匹配,则绘制列值;如果不匹配,则将所有值视为NaN。 set datafile missing NaN然后跳过整个情节。


set rmargin at screen 0.85
set key reverse Left top left at screen 0.85, 0.9
set log y

data = 'cat.txt'
set datafile missing NaN

plot for [i=1:99] data skip 5 using 1:(strstrt(columnhead(i),"_GasOut") ? column(i) : NaN) title columnhead(i) noenhanced lw 2

resulting plot