
时间:2019-05-30 12:02:53

标签: python c++ swig


enum VehicleSide {
    LEFT = 0,  ///< left side of vehicle is always 0
    RIGHT = 1  ///< right side of vehicle is always 1

/// Class to encode the ID of a vehicle wheel.
/// By convention, wheels are counted front to rear and left to right. In other
/// words, for a vehicle with 2 axles, the order is: front-left, front-right,
/// rear-left, rear-right.
class WheelID {
    WheelID(int id) : m_id(id), m_axle(id / 2), m_side(VehicleSide(id % 2)) {}
    WheelID(int axle, VehicleSide side) : m_id(2 * axle + side), m_axle(axle), m_side(side) {}

    /// Return the wheel ID.
    int id() const { return m_id; }

    /// Return the axle index for this wheel ID.
    /// Axles are counted from the front of the vehicle.
    int axle() const { return m_axle; }

    /// Return the side for this wheel ID.
    /// By convention, left is 0 and right is 1.
    VehicleSide side() const { return m_side; }

    int m_id;            ///< wheel ID
    int m_axle;          ///< axle index (counted from the front)
    VehicleSide m_side;  ///< vehicle side (LEFT: 0, RIGHT: 1)

/// Global constant wheel IDs for the common topology of a 2-axle vehicle.
static const WheelID FRONT_LEFT(0, LEFT);
static const WheelID FRONT_RIGHT(0, RIGHT);
static const WheelID REAR_LEFT(1, LEFT);
static const WheelID REAR_RIGHT(1, RIGHT);

我在静态常量WheelID FRONT_LEFT(0,LEFT); 处收到“输入语法错误”。 在接口文件上,我只是在相应的标头上使用%include。 我不知道导致错误的原因,因此可以提供任何帮助,但我不希望编辑标题。 谢谢

编辑: 删除 static 关键字无济于事

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

显示SWIG .i文件会有所帮助,但是原因可能是您已将类的实例放在头文件中。我看到您不想编辑标题,但是.h文件应该extern类实例,并且定义应该在.cpp文件中;否则,如果文件包含在两个不同的.cpp文件中,则将有多个单独的全局变量实例。而且,SWIG并不能完全理解它,因此您真的别无选择...



enum VehicleSide {
    LEFT = 0,  ///< left side of vehicle is always 0
    RIGHT = 1  ///< right side of vehicle is always 1

/// Class to encode the ID of a vehicle wheel.
/// By convention, wheels are counted front to rear and left to right. In other
/// words, for a vehicle with 2 axles, the order is: front-left, front-right,
/// rear-left, rear-right.
class WheelID {
    WheelID(int id) : m_id(id), m_axle(id / 2), m_side(VehicleSide(id % 2)) {}
    WheelID(int axle, VehicleSide side) : m_id(2 * axle + side), m_axle(axle), m_side(side) {}

    /// Return the wheel ID.
    int id() const { return m_id; }

    /// Return the axle index for this wheel ID.
    /// Axles are counted from the front of the vehicle.
    int axle() const { return m_axle; }

    /// Return the side for this wheel ID.
    /// By convention, left is 0 and right is 1.
    VehicleSide side() const { return m_side; }

    int m_id;            ///< wheel ID
    int m_axle;          ///< axle index (counted from the front)
    VehicleSide m_side;  ///< vehicle side (LEFT: 0, RIGHT: 1)

// Instances of these global variables must be outside the header.
// What if the header was included in two files?
extern const WheelID FRONT_LEFT;
extern const WheelID FRONT_RIGHT;
extern const WheelID REAR_LEFT;
extern const WheelID REAR_RIGHT;


%module test

%{ // Section included verbatim in the generated wrapper source.

#include "test.h"

// One-time instances of the class.  In this case, directly
// added to the wrapper, but it could be in a separate .cpp file
// or .lib and linked to the final extension.
const WheelID FRONT_LEFT(0, LEFT);
const WheelID FRONT_RIGHT(0, RIGHT);
const WheelID REAR_LEFT(1, LEFT);
const WheelID REAR_RIGHT(1, RIGHT);


// Generate wrappers for test.h contents
%include "test.h"


>>> import test
>>> test.REAR_RIGHT.id()