
时间:2009-02-19 03:17:38

标签: django django-forms


This page似乎是关于此事的有争议的Django门票。虽然错误/增强是以模板与视图逻辑为框架而不仅仅是让视图可以访问参数,这是我的问题。

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



答案 1 :(得分:1)


  1. 创建一个自定义装饰器(下面为login_required2),如果用户通过身份验证,则返回请求的视图,否则返回项目的登录视图。
  2. 登录视图:
    1. 将原始POST参数存储在会话变量中。
    2. 将原始HTTP_REFERER存储在会话变量
    3. 如果用户正确进行身份验证,则返回与请求的路径相对应的视图(请求的路径在整个登录过程中保持相同,并且与用户最初传递登录视图时请求的路径相同。)
  3. 因此,受保护的任何视图必须在使用请求的POSTMETA['HTTP_REFERER']
  4. 之前检查会话变量


    def login_view(request):    
        from django.conf import settings
        from django.core.urlresolvers import resolve
        USERNAME_FIELD_KEY = 'username'
        PASSWORD_FIELD_KEY = 'password'
        message = '' #A message to display to the user
        error_message = '' #An error message to display to the user
        #If the request's path is not the login URL, the user did not explicitly request 
        # the login page and we assume this view is protecting another.
        protecting_a_view = request.path != settings.LOGIN_URL
        post_params_present = bool(request.POST)
        #Any POST with username and password is considered a login attempt, regardless off what other POST parameters there may be
        login_attempt = request.POST and request.POST.has_key(USERNAME_FIELD_KEY) and request.POST.has_key(PASSWORD_FIELD_KEY)
        if protecting_a_view:
            message = 'You must login for access.'
            if not request.session.has_key(ACTUAL_REFERER_KEY):
                #Store the HTTP_REFERER if not already
                request.session[ACTUAL_REFERER_KEY] = request.META.get(HTTP_REFERER_KEY)
        if protecting_a_view and post_params_present and not login_attempt: 
            #Store the POST parameters for the protected view
            request.session[FORWARDED_POST_PARAMS_KEY] = request.POST
        if login_attempt:
            form = LoginForm(request.POST)
            if form.is_valid():
                username = form.cleaned_data[USERNAME_FIELD_KEY]
                password = form.cleaned_data[PASSWORD_FIELD_KEY]
                user = auth.authenticate(username=username, password=password)
                if user is not None:
                    if user.is_active:
                        auth.login(request, user)
                        if protecting_a_view:
                            actual_view, actual_args, actual_kwargs = resolve(request.path) #request.path refers to the protected view
                            return actual_view(request, *actual_args, **actual_kwargs)
                        message = 'That account is inactive.'
                    error_message = 'That username or password is incorrect.'
            form = LoginForm()
        context_dict = {
            'form': form,
            'message': message,
            'error_message': error_message,
        return render_to_response2('my_app/login.html', context_dict)
    def protected_view(request):
        post_params = {}
        if request.POST:
            post_params = request.POST
        elif request.session.has_key(FORWARDED_POST_PARAMS_KEY):
            post_params = request.session[FORWARDED_POST_PARAMS_KEY]
            del request.session[FORWARDED_POST_PARAMS_KEY]
        if post_params:
            #Process post_params as if it were request.POST here:
        #assuming this view ends with a redirect.  Otherwise could render view normally
        if request.session.has_key(ACTUAL_REFERER_KEY):
            redirect_location = request.session.get(ACTUAL_REFERER_KEY)
        elif request.META.get(HTTP_REFERER_KEY) != request.path:
            redirect_location = request.META.get(HTTP_REFERER_KEY)
            redirect_location = ROOT_PATH
        return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_location)
    def login_required2(view_func):
        A decorator that checks if the request has an authenticated user.
        If so it passes the request to the view.
        Otherwise, it passes the request to the login view, which is responsible
        for recognizing that the request was originally for another page and forwarding
        state along (GET, POST).
        See django.contrib.auth.decorators for how Django's auth decorators mesh 
        using _CheckLogin.  This decorator bypasses that for my ease of creation.
        def login_required_decoration(request, *args, **kwargs):
            if request.user.is_authenticated():
                return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
                from django.conf import settings
                from django.core.urlresolvers import resolve
                login_url = settings.LOGIN_URL
                login_view, login_args, login_kwargs = resolve(login_url)
                #Here the user gets a login view instad of the view they requested
                return login_view(request, *login_args, **login_kwargs)
        return login_required_decoration

答案 2 :(得分:0)



from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlencode

from django.http import QueryDict, HttpRequest
from django.contrib.auth.mixins import AccessMixin

class loginRequiredOnPostMixin (AccessMixin):
    Lets a CBV be freely accessible on GET requests, but requires login on POST.
    On redirect for unauthenticated POST requests, the POST parameters are stored in the session.
    Once the user authenticated and is redirected to the page as GET, the POST parameters are retrieved so the request can complete.

    def get_session_referer_key(self):

    def get_session_post_params_key(self):
        return self.SESSION_POST_PARAMS_KEY or 'POST_PARAMS'

    def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        referer_key = self.get_session_referer_key()
        post_params_key = self.get_session_post_params_key()

        if request.method == 'POST' and bool(request.POST) and not request.user.is_authenticated:
            # save the referer url to match it later in case of GET to the same page (after login)
            if not request.session.has_key(referer_key): # so we don't overwrite previous values)
                parsed_url = urlparse(request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER'))
                request.session[referer_key] = parsed_url.path
                # save the POST params in the session
                request.session[post_params_key] = request.POST
            #redirect to login View
            return self.handle_no_permission()

        elif request.method == 'POST' and request.user.is_authenticated:
            # user logged in and rePOSTed... clean up and let the magic work on its on
            if request.session.has_key(referer_key):
                del request.session[referer_key]
            if request.session.has_key(post_params_key):
                del request.session[post_params_key]

        elif request.method == 'GET' and request.user.is_authenticated:
            print ("dispatch: GET authenticated")
            if request.session.has_key(referer_key):
                if request.session[referer_key] == request.get_full_path():
                    newRequest = HttpRequest()
                    newRequest.COOKIES = request.COOKIES
                    newRequest.META = request.META
                    newRequest.FILES = request.FILES
                    newRequest.path = request.path
                    newRequest.path_info = request.path_info
                    newRequest.method = 'POST'
                    newRequest.resolver_match = request.resolver_match
                    newRequest.content_type = request.content_type
                    newRequest.content_params = request.content_params
                    q = QueryDict(urlencode(request.session[post_params_key]))
                    newRequest.POST = q
                    newRequest.session = request.session
                    newRequest.user = request.user
                    self.request = newRequest
                    del request.session[referer_key]
                    del request.session[post_params_key]
                    return super().dispatch(newRequest, *args, **kwargs)
                # we clean up as it seems the user has moved on.
                del request.session[referer_key]
                del request.session[post_params_key]
        return super().dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)



    def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        form_class = self.get_form_class()
        form = self.get_form(form_class)
        return super().post(request, *args, **kwargs)

为我工作。 享受吧!