
时间:2019-05-31 07:34:52

标签: php symfony mocking phpunit

我在这里和Symfony一起使用simple-phpunit from phpunit/phpunit-bridge


在模拟B及其方法时,我意识到它被称为多次并且具有多个参数:类名和整数。 我为此使用returnValueMap(),但有一个问题:PHPUNIT似乎要求我精确设置参数,使其在调用方法时准确地赋值。 我可以设置类名(它们有给定的可能数字,因此可以手动设置它们),但是给定的整数是任意的(并且该方法在循环中调用),因此无法精确设置它。

是否可以告诉PHPUNIT接受此函数的任何参数? 就像anyParameter()方法(在搜寻TestCase文件后找不到)。


class ToBeTested{
     public $objectB;
     public function functionToTest($dataList){
        $objectB=new ObjectB();
        foreach($dataList as $data){
            //Here if $inetegerNeeded is not the exact value set in the Mock
            //$result will be null
            if($result == null) throw new \Excpetion(" Object is null");

class UnitTest extends TestCase{
         $generatedDataList comes from a DataProvider 
          with some varied and exotic data close to real use cases
       public function testFunction($generatedDataList)
           $mockOfObjectB= $this->getMockBuilder(ObjectB::class)
      Here I'd like to use $this->anyParameter() or something that'd work that      way 
      If I set this to a fixed value here and in the functionToTest() method it   passes 
           $dataReferenceMap= [
              ['ClassNameA',$anyInteger,new MockObject()],
              ['ClassNameB',$anyInteger,new MockObject()],
              ['ClassNameC',$anyInteger,new MockObject()],
            $objectToTest = new ToBeTested();

            //DO THE TESTING - will because of the parameter Fail 



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我会选择willReturnCallback。这是示例(已通过phpunit 8.1检查)


declare(strict_types = 1);

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

final class SomeTest extends TestCase
    public function testSome()
        $mock = $this
                function (string $classname, int $int) {
                    $map = [
                    'ClassNameA' => 123,
                    'ClassNameB' => 345,
                    // ...
                    return $map[$classname];
        $this->assertSame(123, $mock->doSomething('ClassNameA', 1));
        $this->assertSame(123, $mock->doSomething('ClassNameA', 1111111));
        $this->assertSame(345, $mock->doSomething('ClassNameB', 13456));
        $this->assertSame(345, $mock->doSomething('ClassNameB', 999999));

这是->will($this->returnCallback(...))的快捷方式。 The doc
