YouTube API quota been reduced

时间:2019-05-31 11:26:04

标签: youtube-api youtube-data-api

I have encounter some problems when using YouTube API recently, and I would like to ask if you have the same problem like I do and if anyone have any solution.

Before, I had 100 millions and 50 millions quotas per day, but I just found out that the quota of some keys with less usage has decreased a lot (500 millions has decreased to 300K and the one with 1 million has decreased to 600K and 10K )

The info that I found are all from the project of 2016, and the quotas are all 10K or other case like the whole project had been shut down, so the quota is 0. And none of them is the same as the problem that we have encountered. So I would like to ask if anybody knows why does this happen and how can we prevent and resolve it. Thanks a lot!

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启用YouTube数据API的项目具有默认配额   每天分配1万个单位,足以支付   我们绝大多数的API用户...

以前,他们已经为新帐户分配了100万个单位。我自己的API也分别从一百万减少到一万,因为我什至从不使用五千。如果您已达到配额限制,则可以在开发人员控制台内的IAM & Admin> Quotas> EDIT QUOTAS中请求更多单位:

enter image description here

答案 1 :(得分:0)

增加配额的唯一方法是填写此表格并将您的请求提交给YouTube。然后,您必须等待不少于两个星期。 请注意:如果您的应用不遵守YouTube服务条款,则会终止该应用
