NSAttributed String缺少返回值

时间:2019-06-04 15:53:15

标签: ios swift


func populateTextViewWithCurrentScene() {

    let fileURL = getFileURL()

    do {
        let attributedStringWithRtf:NSAttributedString = try NSAttributedString(
            url: fileURL,
            options: [.documentType: NSAttributedString.DocumentType.rtf],
            documentAttributes: nil
        self.textViewOutlet.attributedText = attributedStringWithRtf
    catch {
        print("failed to populate text view with current scene with error: \(error)")



到目前为止,我已经按照How could I create a function with a completion handler in Swift?的指南进行了尝试,并且还尝试了在函数之前声明var的版本。我在下面遇到的错误是无法调用非函数类型'NSAttributedString'的值。


func populateTextViewWithCurrentScene(rtfString: NSAttributedString) -> Void {

    let fileURL = getFileURL()
    do {
        let rtfString:NSAttributedString = try NSAttributedString(
            url: fileURL,
            options: [.documentType: NSAttributedString.DocumentType.rtf],
            documentAttributes: nil
    catch {
        print("failed to populate text view with current scene with error: \(error)")

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”“我想尝试打开位于import UIKit // You mentioned wanting to extend your viewcontroller // so I extend UIViewController to support that extension UIViewController { // Returns an optional NSAttributedString, based upon successfully loading the file contents func loadString() -> NSAttributedString? { do { // Everything is cleaned up into a single return command, // including the getFileURL, which can be used as a parameter instead // of creating a variable for it return try NSAttributedString(url: getFileURL(), options: [.documentType: NSAttributedString.DocumentType.rtf], documentAttributes: nil) } catch { // If this fails, use your existing print command print("failed to populate text view with current scene with error: \(error)") // and then return nil to indicate that nothing was loaded return nil } } } 的文件,然后   想要使用我通过getFileURL()参数指定的一些选项。   由于此操作可能失败,因此Xcode使我使用options:。   假设此文件已成功打开,则返回   内容以try的形式返回给呼叫者。   但是,如果失败,请打印一条消息,告诉我为什么失败   然后返回NSAttributedString表示没有数据返回。”