
时间:2019-06-10 22:59:57

标签: go

我正在按照本书(https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Go-Design-Patterns/blob/master/Chapter02/main.go)中所述的Singleton设计模式进行操作,并将此代码保存在文件“ singleton2.go”中:

package singleton2

type Singleton interface {
  AddOne() int

type singleton struct {
  count int

//var instance = &singleton{}
var instance *singleton

func GetInstance() *singleton {
  if instance == nil {
    return new(singleton)
  return instance

func (s *singleton) AddOne() int {
  return s.count


package singleton2

import "testing"

func TestGetInstance(t *testing.T) {
  counter1 := GetInstance()
  if counter1 == nil {
    t.Fatal("expected pointer to Singleton after calling GetInstance(), not nil")

  expectedCounter := counter1

  currentCount := counter1.AddOne()
  if currentCount != 1 {
    t.Errorf("After calling for the first time to count, the counter must be 1 but it is %d", currentCount)

  counter2 := GetInstance()
  if counter2 != expectedCounter {
    t.Errorf("Expected same instance in counter2 but it got a different instance.")
    t.Logf("Got %v, want %v", counter2, expectedCounter)

  currentCount = counter2.AddOne()
  if currentCount != 2 {
    t.Errorf("After calling AddOne() using second counter, the count must be 2, but it was %d", currentCount)



--- FAIL: TestGetInstance (0.00s)
    singleton2_test.go:20: Expected same instance in counter2 but it got a different instance.
    singleton2_test.go:21: Got &{0}, want &{1}
    singleton2_test.go:26: After calling AddOne() using second counter, the count must be 2, but it was 1
exit status 1
FAIL    github.com/d3c3/design_patterns/singleton/singleton2    0.029s

有趣的是,如果我将var instance *singleton行更改为var instance = &singleton{}行,则测试通过!这是为什么? IMO,它也应与“ var instance * singleton”一起使用


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


声明但不初始化单例(var instance *singleton)时,instancenil。调用GetInstance会将instance == nil评估为true,并在每次调用时返回一个新的*singleton。这就是counter2永远不会等于expectedCounter的原因-对GetInstance的每次调用都返回一个新的计数器实例。

初始化单例实例(var instance = &singleton{})时,对GetInstance的调用将返回该单例实例,因为它不是nil


func GetInstance() *singleton {
    if instance == nil {
        instance = new(singleton)
    return instance


尽管您没有提到需要该单例是线程安全的,但用户colminator正确地指出,以这种方式实例化一个单例会导致多个go例程实例化其自己的单例实例,挫败了拥有一个人的目的。鉴于Golang中的并发性很高,了解更多信息可能会有所帮助! Check out the link he posted here
