
时间:2019-06-20 11:07:07

标签: mysql sql relational-database


select * from articles
where exists (
    select * from tags
    join article_tag on article_tag.tag_id = tags.id
    where article_tag.article_id = articles.id
    and tags.tag = 'food'
) and exists (
    select * from tags
    join article_tag on article_tag.tag_id = tags.id
    where article_tag.article_id = articles.id
    and tags.tag = 'lifestyle'
) and exists (
    select * from tags
    join article_tag on article_tag.tag_id = tags.id
    where article_tag.article_id = articles.id
    and tags.tag = 'health'


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

select a.*
from articles a 
join (
select articles.id
from articles
join article_tag on article_tag.article_id = articles.id
join tags on article_tag.tag_id = tags.id
where tags.tag in ('food','lifestyle','health')
group by articles.id
having SUM(CASE WHEN tags.tag = 'food' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) >= 1
AND SUM(CASE WHEN tags.tag = 'lifestyle' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) >= 1
AND SUM(CASE WHEN tags.tag = 'health' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) >= 1) b on a.id = b.id

答案 1 :(得分:0)


select a.*
from articles a join
     article_tag at
     on at.article_id = a.id join
     tags t
     on at.tag_id = t.id
where t.tag in ('food', 'lifestyle', 'health')
group by a.id
having count(*) = 3;


  • idarticle中的主键(或至少是唯一键)
  • tag_id没有重复

答案 2 :(得分:0)


select a.*
  articles a
    inner join(
      select at.article_id
        article_tag at
          inner join tags t
          on t.id = at.tag_id
      where t.tag in ('food', 'lifestyle', 'health')
      group by at.article_id
      having count(distinct t.tag) = 3
    ) at
    on at.article_id = a.id

答案 3 :(得分:-1)

  select * from articles
where articles.id in (
    select article_tag.article_id from tags
    join article_tag on article_tag.tag_id = tags.id
    where article_tag.article_id = articles.id
    and tags.tag in ('food', 'lifestyle', 'health')        
    having count(*) >= 3    