
时间:2019-06-25 05:53:22

标签: php mysqli




    function _UPDATE_IP_BAD(&$mysqli, $id_of_ip, &$value){

    ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('log_errors',1); error_reporting(E_ALL); mysqli_report(MYSQLI_REPORT_ERROR | MYSQLI_REPORT_STRICT);

    $timestamp = time();

    //  UPDATE `dbmxpca_ipinfo`.`list` SET `is_bad` = '0.0111000000000000000', `cached_bad` = '1553849540' WHERE (`id` = '2');
    $exec_data = array();

    $prepare = "UPDATE dbmxpca_ipinfo.list SET `is_bad`=?, `cached_bad`=? WHERE `id`=?";
    //$prepare = 'UPDATE dbmxpca_ipinfo.list SET `is_bad`=?, `cached_bad`=? WHERE `id`=?;';
    //$prepare = 'UPDATE dbmxpca_ipinfo.list SET is_bad=?, cached_bad=? WHERE id=?;';

    // $prepare = 'UPDATE `dbmxpca_ipinfo`.`list` SET is_bad=?, cached_bad=? WHERE id=?;';

    //$prepare = 'UPDATE `dbmxpca_ipinfo`.`list` SET ( `is_bad`, `cached_bad` ) VALUES (?, ?) WHERE (`id`=' . $id_of_ip . ');';

    //$prepare = 'UPDATE `dbmxpca_ipinfo`.`list` SET ( `is_bad`, `cached_bad` ) VALUES (?, ?) WHERE (`id`=' . $id_of_ip . ');';
    //$prepare = 'UPDATE `dbmxpca_ipinfo`.`list` SET `is_bad`=?, `cached_bad`=? WHERE (`id`=?);';

    //$prepare = 'UPDATE `dbmxpca_ipinfo`.`list` SET `is_bad`=?, `cached_bad`=? WHERE (`id`=?);';
    //$prepare = 'UPDATE `dbmxpca_ipinfo`.`list` SET `is_bad` = ?, `cached_bad` = ? WHERE (`id` = ?);';
    // $prepare = 'UPDATE `dbmxpca_ipinfo`.`list` SET `is_bad` = \'?\', `cached_bad` = \'?\' WHERE (`id` = \'?\');';
    //$bind_types = 'iii';
    $bind_types = 'dii';
    //$bind_types = 'idi';
    // $bind_types = 'di';
    //$bind_values = array($value, $timestamp);
    $bind_values = array($value, $timestamp, $id_of_ip);
    $exec_result = DB_EXEC2($mysqli, $prepare, $bind_types, $bind_values, $exec_data);

    if ($exec_result){

        return true;

    return false;

/ *


UPDATE_IP_BAD($mysqli, 2, 0);

($ mysqli已在其他位置定义和初始化)。





function DB_EXEC2(&$mysqli, $prepare, $bind_types, &$bind_values, &$result_data = null){

    //  Get number of bind types.
    $nBindTypeCount = strlen($bind_types);

    //  Get number of bind values.
    $nBindValCount = count($bind_values);

    //  Make sure they match.
    if ($nBindTypeCount != $nBindValCount){

        $errmsg = 'DB_EXEC2 Error: [Number of bind types does not match number of bind parameters].';
        if (ENABLE_LOG_DB){
            \SYSTEM\DBMSLOG2(DB_LOGNAME, 'ERROR', $errmsg);

        return false;

    //  Prepare
    $stmt = $mysqli->prepare($prepare);
    if ($stmt === false){

        //  ------------ Prepared statement error ------------

        $errmsg = 'SQL Prepared-Statement Error: [' . $mysqli->errno . ': ' . $mysqli->error . '].';
        if (ENABLE_LOG_DB){
            \SYSTEM\DBMSLOG2(DB_LOGNAME, 'ERROR', $errmsg);


        return false;

    //  Make array of all params.
    $fparams = array();
    array_push($fparams, $bind_types);
    foreach($bind_values as $bvk){
        array_push($fparams, $bvk);
    //  Fucking piece of shit "hack" for this piece of shit function call_user_func_array().
    $ptrParams = array();
    $nParamCount = count($fparams);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nParamCount; $i++){
        $ptrParams[$i] = &$fparams[$i];

    //  Dump values to log file for debugging.
    if (ENABLE_LOG_DB){

        \SYSTEM\DBMSLOG2(DB_LOGNAME, 'INFO', 'ptrParams Dump:');
        \SYSTEM\DBMSLOG2(DB_LOGNAME, 'INFO', '-----------------------');
        foreach ($ptrParams as $ptrParamsK){
            \SYSTEM\DBMSLOG2(DB_LOGNAME, 'INFO', '  ' . $ptrParamsK);
        \SYSTEM\DBMSLOG2(DB_LOGNAME, 'INFO', '-----------------------');

    //  Bind.
    call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_param'), $ptrParams);

    //  Attempt to execute.
    if ($stmt->execute() === true){

        //  ------------ Execution success ------------

        $errmsg = 'SQL execution successful:';
        if (ENABLE_LOG_DB){

            $errmsg = 'SQL execution successful.';
            \SYSTEM\DBMSLOG2(DB_LOGNAME, 'INFO', $errmsg);

            \SYSTEM\DBMSLOG2(DB_LOGNAME, 'INFO', 'Affected Rows = [' . $stmt->affected_rows . '].');
            \SYSTEM\DBMSLOG2(DB_LOGNAME, 'INFO', 'Error = [' . $stmt->error . '].');


        //  TODO: If $result_data is null, just return true on success.     

        $result = $stmt->get_result();      
        if (!$result){

            //  ------------ GetResult Execution error ------------
            if (ENABLE_LOG_DB){
                $errmsg = 'GetResult Error: [' . $mysqli->error . ' - ' . mysqli_error($mysqli) . '].';
                \SYSTEM\DBMSLOG2(DB_LOGNAME, 'ERROR', $errmsg);

            return false;

            //  ------------ GetResult Execution success ------------

            //  Create structure to store the results.
            if (!isset($result_data)){

                $result_data = array();

            if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0){

                //  $result_data should hold all resulting rows. If we get 1 result as
                //  we normally should, all payload should be at $result_data[0].

                while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){

                    array_push($result_data, $row);

                return true;

                //  No results
                return true;


        return true;


        //  ------------ Execution error ------------

        $errsql = $stmt->error;
        $errsql2 = 'N/A';
        $errmsg = 'SQL Error: [' . $errsql . ': ' . $errsql2 . '].';
        if (ENABLE_LOG_DB){
            \SYSTEM\DBMSLOG2(DB_LOGNAME, 'ERROR', $errmsg);


        return false;



[06/25/2019 @ 01:18:34 AM EDT] [INFO] [@DB_EXEC2]: ptrParams Dump:
[06/25/2019 @ 01:18:34 AM EDT] [INFO] [@DB_EXEC2]: -----------------------
[06/25/2019 @ 01:18:34 AM EDT] [INFO] [@DB_EXEC2]:   dii
[06/25/2019 @ 01:18:34 AM EDT] [INFO] [@DB_EXEC2]:   0
[06/25/2019 @ 01:18:34 AM EDT] [INFO] [@DB_EXEC2]:   1561439914
[06/25/2019 @ 01:18:34 AM EDT] [INFO] [@DB_EXEC2]:   2
[06/25/2019 @ 01:18:34 AM EDT] [INFO] [@DB_EXEC2]: -----------------------
[06/25/2019 @ 01:18:34 AM EDT] [INFO] [@DB_EXEC2]: SQL execution successful.
[06/25/2019 @ 01:18:34 AM EDT] [INFO] [@DB_EXEC2]: Affected Rows = [1].
[06/25/2019 @ 01:18:34 AM EDT] [INFO] [@DB_EXEC2]: Error = [].
[06/25/2019 @ 01:18:34 AM EDT] [ERROR] [@DB_EXEC2]: GetResult Error: [ - ].
[06/25/2019 @ 01:18:34 AM EDT] [INFO] [@DB_CLOSE]: Closing database connection...
[06/25/2019 @ 01:18:34 AM EDT] [INFO] [@DB_CLOSE]: Done.

**更新1 **


    $stmt = DB_EXEC3($mysqli, $sql, $aParams, $strBindTypes);

    if ($stmt === true){

        \SYSTEM\DBMSLOG2(DB_LOGNAME, 'INFO', "Success!");
        return true;

    \SYSTEM\DBMSLOG2(DB_LOGNAME, 'ERROR', "stmt->execute() did not return true.");
    \SYSTEM\DBMSLOG2(DB_LOGNAME, 'INFO', "-- Error ID: $stmt->errno");
    \SYSTEM\DBMSLOG2(DB_LOGNAME, 'INFO', "-- Error: $stmt->error");
    if (isset($stmt->error_list)){

        \SYSTEM\DBMSLOG2(DB_LOGNAME, 'INFO', "-- Error List:");
        foreach ($stmt->error_list as $errk => $errv){
            \SYSTEM\DBMSLOG2(DB_LOGNAME, 'INFO', "---- $errk -> $errv");
    \SYSTEM\DBMSLOG2(DB_LOGNAME, 'INFO', "-- Affected rows: $stmt->affected_rows");


[06/25/2019 @ 04:14:25 AM EDT] [INFO] [@DB_CONNECT]: Attempting mysqli initialization... please wait.
[06/25/2019 @ 04:14:25 AM EDT] [ERROR] [@UPDATE_IP_BAD]: stmt->execute() did not return true.
[06/25/2019 @ 04:14:25 AM EDT] [INFO] [@UPDATE_IP_BAD]: -- Error ID: 0
[06/25/2019 @ 04:14:25 AM EDT] [INFO] [@UPDATE_IP_BAD]: -- Error: 
[06/25/2019 @ 04:14:25 AM EDT] [INFO] [@UPDATE_IP_BAD]: -- Error List:
[06/25/2019 @ 04:14:25 AM EDT] [INFO] [@UPDATE_IP_BAD]: -- Affected rows: 1
[06/25/2019 @ 04:14:25 AM EDT] [INFO] [@DB_CLOSE]: Closing database connection...
[06/25/2019 @ 04:14:25 AM EDT] [INFO] [@DB_CLOSE]: Done.



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


UPDATE_IP_BAD($mysqli, 1, 0);

function UPDATE_IP_BAD(&$mysqli, $id_of_ip, $value){

    ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('log_errors',1); error_reporting(E_ALL); mysqli_report(MYSQLI_REPORT_ERROR | MYSQLI_REPORT_STRICT);

    $timestamp = time();
    $exec_data = array();

    $prepare = "UPDATE list SET `is_bad`=?, `cached_bad`=? WHERE `id`=?";
    $bind_types = 'dii';
    $bind_values = array($value, $timestamp, $id_of_ip);
    $exec_result = DB_EXEC2($mysqli, $prepare, $bind_types, $bind_values, $exec_data);

    if ($exec_result){

        return true;

    return false;

    function DB_EXEC2(&$mysqli, $prepare, $bind_types, &$bind_values, &$result_data = null)

       //  Get number of bind types.
       $nBindTypeCount = strlen($bind_types);

       //  Get number of bind values.
       $nBindValCount = count($bind_values);

       //  Make sure they match.
       if ($nBindTypeCount != $nBindValCount)
            $errmsg = 'DB_EXEC2 Error: [Number of bind types does not match number of bind parameters].';
          /*  if (ENABLE_LOG_DB)
                 \SYSTEM\DBMSLOG2(DB_LOGNAME, 'ERROR', $errmsg);
             return false;

          //  Prepare
         $stmt = $mysqli->prepare($prepare);
         if($stmt === false)
             //  ------------ Prepared statement error ------------
             $errmsg = 'SQL Prepared-Statement Error: [' . $mysqli->errno . ': ' . $mysqli->error . '].';
           /*  if (ENABLE_LOG_DB)
                  \SYSTEM\DBMSLOG2(DB_LOGNAME, 'ERROR', $errmsg);
              } */
          return false;

         //  Make array of all params.
         $fparams = array();
         array_push($fparams, $bind_types);
         foreach($bind_values as $bvk)
            array_push($fparams, $bvk);

         //  Fucking piece of shit "hack" for this piece of shit function call_user_func_array().
         $ptrParams = array();
         $nParamCount = count($fparams);
          for ($i = 0; $i < $nParamCount; $i++)
               $ptrParams[$i] = &$fparams[$i];

          //  Dump values to log file for debugging.
       /*  if(ENABLE_LOG_DB)
             \SYSTEM\DBMSLOG2(DB_LOGNAME, 'INFO', 'ptrParams Dump:');
              \SYSTEM\DBMSLOG2(DB_LOGNAME, 'INFO', '-----------------------');
             foreach ($ptrParams as $ptrParamsK)
                    \SYSTEM\DBMSLOG2(DB_LOGNAME, 'INFO', '  ' . $ptrParamsK);
              \SYSTEM\DBMSLOG2(DB_LOGNAME, 'INFO', '-----------------------');
           } */

         //  Bind.
         call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_param'), $ptrParams);

         //  Attempt to execute.
         if ($stmt->execute() === true)

              //  ------------ Execution success ------------
              $errmsg = 'SQL execution successful:';
            /*  if(ENABLE_LOG_DB)
                   $errmsg = 'SQL execution successful.';
                   \SYSTEM\DBMSLOG2(DB_LOGNAME, 'INFO', $errmsg);
                   \SYSTEM\DBMSLOG2(DB_LOGNAME, 'INFO', 'Affected Rows = [' . $stmt->affected_rows . '].');
                   \SYSTEM\DBMSLOG2(DB_LOGNAME, 'INFO', 'Error = [' . $stmt->error . '].');
        //  TODO: If $result_data is null, just return true on success.     

        $result = $stmt->get_result();      
        if (!$result){

            //  ------------ GetResult Execution error ------------
        /*    if (ENABLE_LOG_DB){
                $errmsg = 'GetResult Error: [' . $mysqli->error . ' - ' . mysqli_error($mysqli) . '].';
                \SYSTEM\DBMSLOG2(DB_LOGNAME, 'ERROR', $errmsg);
            return false;

            //  ------------ GetResult Execution success ------------

            //  Create structure to store the results.
            if (!isset($result_data)){

                $result_data = array();

            if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0){

                //  $result_data should hold all resulting rows. If we get 1 result as
                //  we normally should, all payload should be at $result_data[0].

                while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){

                    array_push($result_data, $row);

                return true;

                //  No results
                return true;


        return true;


        //  ------------ Execution error ------------

        $errsql = $stmt->error;
        $errsql2 = 'N/A';
        $errmsg = 'SQL Error: [' . $errsql . ': ' . $errsql2 . '].';
    /*    if (ENABLE_LOG_DB){
            \SYSTEM\DBMSLOG2(DB_LOGNAME, 'ERROR', $errmsg);

        return false;


答案 1 :(得分:0)

说实话,您的函数很难阅读。让我建议您改为我写的very simple mysqli helper function。有了它,您的代码将成为

function UPDATE_IP($mysqli, $id_of_ip, $value){
    $prepare = "UPDATE list SET `is_bad`=?, `cached_bad`=? WHERE `id`=?";
    $bind_values = array($value, time(), $id_of_ip);
    return mysqli($mysqli, $prepare, $bind_values)->affected_rows();


$num_rows = UPDATE_IP_BAD($mysqli, 2, 0);
echo $num_rows;


我刚刚注意到ipinfo.list.list不是一个有效的表名,因此必须出现错误。您必须正确配置mysqli才能查看mysql错误。请参阅此canonical mysqli connection code。我写道,除其他外,它还配置了错误报告。进行设置后,您将立即看到错误。

答案 2 :(得分:0)


事实证明,设置了以下选项:SET AUTOCOMMIT = 0函数中的DB_CONNECT()(原始帖子中未包括)。删除它似乎已经解决了问题。

因此,确实有可能出现第三种结果 (与评论中所说的相反)。
