
时间:2019-07-07 15:53:53

标签: browser development-environment

是否可以出于脚本目的从Linux终端访问开发人员工具(Chrome / Firefox)控制台?


我正在探索的其他替代方法是使用某种headless browserdevtools-protocolpuppeteer之类的工具还可以使用enter image description here来以编程方式访问Chrome开发者工具。

一个简单的Node REPL就足够了,但是问题是,如果我将网站的JavaScript文件加载到REPL中,我将不得不手动计算很多东西。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

除非您想使用或编写JavaScript parser(这仅对非常有限的一组人很有趣),否则我建议您 蓬勃发展的无头Chrome社区的优势。用抓取JS变量 使用一些样板节点代码后,puppeteer很简单。 它的速度也令人震惊(但不是“非常”)。


  • 让节点js和npm在您的计算机上工作
  • Install jq用于在外壳中解析JSON。大多数软件包管理器都提供此功能,因此brew install jqsudo apt install jq等应该可以使用。
  • 在这些脚本要与npm i puppeteer一起驻留的目录中安装Puppeteer


#!/usr/bin/env node

const puppeteer = require('puppeteer')

;(async () => {
  const browser = await puppeteer.launch()
  // Replace the line above with this statement a fun show
  // const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
  //   headless: false,
  //   devtools: true,
  // })
  const page = await browser.newPage()

  // Arbitrarily choosing SO for the demo, replace with your website
  await page.goto('https://stackoverflow.com/')
  // Or use an argument:
  // const uri = process.argv[2]
  // await page.goto(process.argv[0])

  const retrievedData = await page.evaluate(() => {
    // This block has the page context, which is almost identical to being in the console
    // except for some of the console's supplementary APIs.

    // Get the URL host name and path separately
    const { origin, pathname } = window.location;

    // Get the title in a silly way, for demonstration purposes only
    const title = document.querySelector('title').textContent

    // More interesting - save data from the `StackExchange` object from `window`
    const { options: soOptions } = window.StackExchange

    // Return an object literal with data for the shell script 
    return {

  // Convert the object from the browser eval to JSON to parse with with jq later
  const retrievedJSON = JSON.stringify(retrievedData, null, 4)

  // console.log writes to stdout in node

  await browser.close()



chmod +x get-so-data.js



# Confirm that jq understands the result (should pretty print with ANSI colors):
./get-so-data.js | jq
# {
#   Many data...
# }

# Check if user is logged in (the user is our node script in a sandboxed browser, so no):
./get-so-data.js | jq '.soOptions.user.isRegistered' 
# null

# Tell the time, according to StackExchange's server clock (linux only):
./get-so-data.js | jq '.soOptions.serverTime' | date -d $(echo -n '@' && cat --)
# Fri 11 Sep 2020 04:37:02 PM PDT

# Open a subset of the JSON payload returned by Puppeteer in the default editor:
./get-so-data.js | jq '.soOptions' | $EDITOR --
# or VS Code specifically
./get-so-data.js | jq '.soOptions' | code --

# ...


使用三年前的Chromebook的日期约需1.5秒Linux (Beta) container 使用25mbps的公共wifi。您的里程会根据 您正在调试的网站以及脚本中的步骤。

$ time ./get-so-data.js | jq '.soOptions.serverTime' | date -d $(echo -ne '@' && cat --)
Fri 11 Sep 2020 04:43:24 PM PDT

real    0m1.515s
user    0m0.945s
sys     0m0.383s

$ time ./get-so-data.js | jq '.soOptions.serverTime' | date -d $(echo -ne '@' && cat --)
Fri 11 Sep 2020 04:43:30 PM PDT

real    0m1.755s
user    0m0.999s
sys     0m0.433s

$ time ./get-so-data.js | jq '.soOptions.serverTime' | date -d $(echo -ne '@' && cat --)
Fri 11 Sep 2020 04:43:33 PM PDT

real    0m1.422s
user    0m0.802s
sys     0m0.361s
