Maatwebsite 3.1导入,队列不起作用

时间:2019-07-11 12:17:42

标签: laravel-5.7 maatwebsite-excel

我的文件是 excel .xlsx 包含超过 20,000行,我使用 Centos 7 Nginx Web服务器 >。当我上传一个只有几行的小型文件时,它可以工作,但是当我引入 ShouldQueue WithChunkReading 接口时,即使文件很小,它也会失败。请我帮忙。谢谢您的时间



[2019-07-11 14:48:47] development.ERROR: [0] File "/tmp/laravel-excel-4noteGu1gFjJoFClKJQsLw8SgDShm1nd.xlsx" does not exist. on line 344 of file vendor/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Xlsx.php  
[2019-07-11 14:48:47] development.ERROR: [0] File "/tmp/laravel-excel-4noteGu1gFjJoFClKJQsLw8SgDShm1nd.xlsx" does not exist. on line 344 of file vendor/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Xlsx.php 


    [2019-07-12 10:11:47][532] Processing: Maatwebsite\Excel\Jobs\QueueImport
[2019-07-12 10:11:47][532] Processed:  Maatwebsite\Excel\Jobs\QueueImport
[2019-07-12 10:11:47][533] Processing: Maatwebsite\Excel\Jobs\ReadChunk
[2019-07-12 10:11:47][534] Processing: Maatwebsite\Excel\Jobs\ReadChunk
[2019-07-12 10:11:47][535] Processing: Maatwebsite\Excel\Jobs\ReadChunk
[2019-07-12 10:11:47][535] Failed:     Maatwebsite\Excel\Jobs\ReadChunk


public function store(Request $request)
     Excel::import(new HsCodeImport(),"650.xlsx",'local'); 
     return redirect()->back()->withFlashSuccess(__('label.app_success'));

这是我在App \ Imports \ HsCodeImport.php上的导入文件


namespace App\Imports;

use App\Exceptions\GeneralException;
use App\Models\Application\Hscode;
use App\Models\ReceiptCode\ReceiptCode;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\Importable;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\ToCollection;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\ToModel;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithBatchInserts;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithChunkReading;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithHeadingRow;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithMultipleSheets;

class HsCodeImport implements ToCollection, WithHeadingRow, ShouldQueue, WithChunkReading
    use Importable;

    protected $receiptCode;
    protected $chunk = 500;
    protected $hscode_key = 'hscode';
    protected $description_key = 'description';
    protected $regulatory_status_key = 'regulatory_status';
    protected $comment_key = 'comment';
    protected $headings = ['hscode','description','regulatory_status','comment'];

    public function __construct(/*ReceiptCode $receiptCode*/)
//        $this->receiptCode = $receiptCode;

     * @param Collection $collection
     * @throws GeneralException
    public function collection(Collection $collection)
        /*fetching the first Collection*/
        $columns = $collection->first();

        if (!$columns->has($this->headings)) {
            /*When file has different headings*/

        } else {
            /*When the file has expected headings*/

            /*Truncate temp table*/

            /*Counting rows on a file*/
            $original_file_rows_count = $collection->count();

            /*Chunk the file data according @var $chunk*/
            $chunks = $collection->chunk($this->chunk);

            /*read each chunks insert into Temporary table and validate to get if there is error in each row*/
            $chunks->each(function ($item) {
                /*Iterate on each chunk*/

                foreach ($item as $row) {

                    /* start: Validating row entries */
                    $error_report = "";
                    $error = 0;

                    foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
                        if (trim($key) == $this->hscode_key) {
                            if (trim($value) == "" Or $value == NULL) {
                                $error = 1;
                                $error_report = $error_report . trans('exceptions.backend.upload.entries', ['column' => $key, 'entry' => $value]) . ", \r\n";
                                $row[$key] = NULL;
                        } elseif (trim($key) == $this->description_key) {
                            if (trim($value) == "" Or $value == NULL) {
                                $error = 1;
                                $error_report = $error_report . trans('exceptions.backend.upload.entries', ['column' => $key, 'entry' => $value]) . ", \r\n";
                                $row[$key] = NULL;
                        } elseif (trim($key) == $this->regulatory_status_key) {
                            if (trim($value) == "" Or $value == NULL) {
                                $error = 1;
                                $error_report = $error_report . trans('exceptions.backend.upload.entries', ['column' => $key, 'entry' => $value]) . ", \r\n";
                                $row[$key] = NULL;


                    /*Inserting into Temp table*/
                        'code' => $row[$this->hscode_key],
                        $this->description_key => $row[$this->description_key],
                        $this->regulatory_status_key => $row[$this->regulatory_status_key],
                        $this->comment_key => $row[$this->comment_key],
                        'receipt_code_id' => 1/*$receiptCode->id*/,
                        'error' => $error,
                        'error_report' => $error_report,
                        'created_at' => Carbon::now(),

                    /* end: Validating row entries*/



            /*compare total rows with no error to total rows of the file*/
            $total_temp_rows_count = DB::table('hs_code_temps')->whereError(0)->count();

            if ($total_temp_rows_count != $original_file_rows_count) {
                /*When there is error and rows are not equal*/
            } else {
                /*When there is no error*/
                $originalHsCode = new Hscode();
                $temp_table = DB::table('hs_code_temps')->get(['code', $this->description_key, $this->regulatory_status_key, $this->comment_key])/*->toArray()*/;
                /*Iterate throw the rows in a temp row*/
                foreach ($temp_table as $object) {
                    /*copy data from temp table to origin table*/
                /*Truncate temp table*/




    public function headings(): array
        return ['HSCode','Description','Regulatory_Status','Comment'];

    /*public function sheets(): array


    public function chunkSize(): int
        return 500;

    public function batchSize(): int
        return 500;



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


$data = [];
Excel::filter('chunk')->load($path)->chunk(1000, function ($results) use (&$data) {
    foreach ($results as $row) {
        $data[] = $row;
}, $shouldQueue = false);
return $data;