
时间:2019-07-17 20:54:31

标签: c++ arrays sorting

我应该编写一个排序功能,将每月(用户输入的)英寸雨量按升序排序。该输出应该每月输出英寸及其对应月份的并行数组。它看起来应该类似于“ x英寸的降雨(月)”。 X和(月)是并行数组的输出。但是,当我输入几英寸的雨水时,没有输出。


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

// Function Prototypes
void getMonthlyRainfall(double[], string[], int);
double getTotal(const double[], int);
int getHighestAmount(const double[], int);
int getLowestAmount(const double[], int);
void dualSort(double[], string[], int);
void swap(double&, double&);
void swap(string&, string&);
void showOrder(const double[], string[], int);

int main()
    const int MONTHS = 12;
    string monthNames[MONTHS] = { "January", "February", "March", 
"April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", 
"November", "December" };
    double rainfall[MONTHS], // Array
    int lowestIndex,

    //Get rainfall input from user
    getMonthlyRainfall(rainfall, monthNames, MONTHS);

        // Get the total amount of rain for the year
    total = getTotal(rainfall, MONTHS);

    // Get the average rainfall
    average = total / MONTHS;

    // Get the month with the lowest rainfall
    lowestIndex = getLowestAmount(rainfall, MONTHS);

    // Get the month with the highest rainfall
    highestIndex = getHighestAmount(rainfall, MONTHS);

    cout << "Total rainfall: " << total << endl;
    cout << "Average rainfall: " << average << endl;
    cout << "Least rainfall in: " << monthNames[lowestIndex] << endl;
    cout<< "Most rainfall in: "<< monthNames[highestIndex] << endl;

    // Sort the array.
    dualSort(rainfall, monthNames, MONTHS);

    // Display sorted numbers
    showOrder(rainfall, monthNames, MONTHS);

    return 0;


// This function sorts an array into ascending    *
// order.                                         *

void dualSort(double rainfall[], string monthNames[], int size)
    int start, minIndex;
    double minValue;
    string tempId;

    for (start = 0; start < (size - 1); start++); 
        minIndex = start;
        minValue = rainfall[start];
        tempId = monthNames[start];

        for (int index = start + 1; index < size; index++) 
        if (rainfall[index] < minValue)
            minValue = rainfall[index];
            tempId = monthNames[index];
            minIndex = index;

    swap(rainfall[minIndex], rainfall[start]);
    swap(monthNames[minIndex], monthNames[start]);

// The swap function swaps two int's in           *
// memory.                                        *

void swap(double &a, double &b)
double temp;

temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;

// The swap function swaps two strings in       *
// memory.                                      *

void swap(string &a, string &b)
string temp;

temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;

// showOrder function displays sorted values     *

void showOrder(const string monthNames[],const double rainfall[], int 
for (int index = 0; index < num; index++) 
    cout << rainfall[index] << "inches in " << monthNames[index] 
 << endl;
cout << endl;




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


void dualSort(double rainfall[], string monthNames[], int size)
    std::vector<std::pair<double&, std::string&> > tied;
    auto tie = [](double & rain, std::string & month){ return std::tie(rain, month); };
    std::transform(rainfall, rainfall + size, monthNames, std::back_inserter(tied), tie);
    std::sort(tied.begin(), tied.end());