
时间:2019-07-29 15:48:46

标签: sql vb.net visual-studio


Dim example As String = "111-2233-44-555"
If example.HasYear(33) Then
  'Do Something'
End If


Public Module StringExtensionMethods
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Finds the year in a competition number of format XXX-XXXX-XX-XXX
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="pstrCompNum">The competition number to find the year in</param>
    Public Function HasYear(ByVal pstrCompNum As String, ByVal pstrCompYear As String) As Boolean

            Dim testString As String = pstrCompNum

            Dim testSubstring As String = testString.Substring(6, 2)
            If testSubstring.Equals(pstrCompYear) Then
                Return True
            End If
            Return False

        Catch ex As Exception
            Throw ex
        End Try
    End Function
End Module


Dim o = From c In myContext.Competitions.Include("CodeJusticeBranches").Include("CodeJusticeLocations").Include("CodeCompetitionTypes").Include("CodePositionTypes").Include("CompetitionPositions") _
                        Where (pstrCompNum Is Nothing OrElse c.comp_number = pstrCompNum) _
                        And (pstrCompYear Is Nothing OrElse c.comp_number.HasYear(strYear) = True) _
                        And (pstrCompTypeId Is Nothing OrElse c.CodeCompetitionTypes.code_ct_id = CInt(pstrCompTypeId)) _
                        And (pstrBranchId Is Nothing OrElse c.CodeJusticeBranches.code_branch_id = CInt(pstrBranchId)) _
                        And (pstrPosTypeId Is Nothing OrElse c.CodePositionTypes.code_pos_type_id = CInt(pstrPosTypeId)) _
                        Order By c.comp_number _
                        Select c

我收到错误LINQ to Entities,无法识别方法'Boolean HasYear(System.String,System.String)'方法,并且该方法无法转换为商店表达式。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


Dim o = (
    From c In myContext.Competitions.Include("CodeJusticeBranches").Include("CodeJusticeLocations").Include("CodeCompetitionTypes").Include("CodePositionTypes").Include("CompetitionPositions")
    Where (pstrCompNum Is Nothing OrElse c.comp_number = pstrCompNum) _
    And (pstrCompTypeId Is Nothing OrElse c.CodeCompetitionTypes.code_ct_id = CInt(pstrCompTypeId)) _
    And (pstrBranchId Is Nothing OrElse c.CodeJusticeBranches.code_branch_id = CInt(pstrBranchId)) _
    And (pstrPosTypeId Is Nothing OrElse c.CodePositionTypes.code_pos_type_id = CInt(pstrPosTypeId))
    Order By c.comp_number Select c).ToList().
    Where(Function(c) c.pstrCompYear Is Nothing OrElse c.comp_number.HasYear(strYear))

答案 1 :(得分:0)

我喜欢@djv所发布的内容,但是我决定尝试执行安德鲁·莫顿(Andrew Morton)的建议,以完全省略HasYear()。我最终使用了这个:

Dim k = From c In myContext.Competitions.Include("CodeJusticeBranches").Include("CodeJusticeLocations").Include("CodeCompetitionTypes").Include("CodePositionTypes").Include("CompetitionPositions") _
                        Where (pstrCompNum Is Nothing OrElse c.comp_number = pstrCompNum) _
                        And (pstrCompYear Is Nothing OrElse c.comp_number.Substring(6, 2) = pstrCompYear) _
                        And (pstrCompTypeId Is Nothing OrElse c.CodeCompetitionTypes.code_ct_id = CInt(pstrCompTypeId)) _
                        And (pstrBranchId Is Nothing OrElse c.CodeJusticeBranches.code_branch_id = CInt(pstrBranchId)) _
                        And (pstrPosTypeId Is Nothing OrElse c.CodePositionTypes.code_pos_type_id = CInt(pstrPosTypeId)) _
                        Order By c.comp_number _
                        Select c

注意第And (pstrCompYear Is Nothing OrElse c.comp_number.Substring(6, 2) = pstrCompYear)

