
时间:2019-08-13 19:05:38

标签: batch-file



:: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
:: Loops through a series of directories and executes the following steps for each directory
::   1) Execute batch command which runs a SQL query and exports a list of IDs to a file in the
::      Current subdirectory called ids.txt
::   2) Execute an exe that exists in a subdirectory of the directory where the batch file is run
::      that takes the list of IDS and creates CSV files with pre-created test data
:: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
::   1) Execute sqlcmd inline instead of calling a seperate batch file
::   2) Execute a process to upload the generated CSV files to DEV server
::   2) Skip any directory that is missing the .sql file or the 
:: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
::   - The process can (and should if possible) be run in parallel for each subdirectory, but the
::     steps for each subdirectory should be run in series

@echo off
set back = %cd%
for /R ./ %%i in (.) do (
   cd "%%i"

   call "./RunSql.bat" ids.txt

   :: Run the genreate statements exe in the base folder
   start /WAIT "%back%/CreateStatements/CreateStatements.exe" --background=true --idFile=ids.txt
cd %back%


'“ ./ RunSql.bat”'无法识别为内部或外部命令, 可操作的程序或批处理文件。 系统找不到文件--background = true。

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