
时间:2019-08-15 21:55:40

标签: c++ bit-fields





struct Color32 {
    uint32_t a : 8;
    uint32_t r : 8;
    uint32_t g : 8;
    uint32_t b : 8;

Color32 BLACK = {0xFF000000}; // this line has the compilation error

我在位域分配周围看到other questions,但它们似乎都使用按位运算来设置各个字段。

还有this reference,它具有以下示例,这似乎与我使用的示例相同,只是我的不会编译:

#include <iostream>
struct S {
 // three-bit unsigned field,
 // allowed values are 0...7
 unsigned int b : 3;
int main()
    S s = {6};
    ++s.b; // store the value 7 in the bit field
    std::cout << s.b << '\n';
    ++s.b; // the value 8 does not fit in this bit field
    std::cout << s.b << '\n'; // formally implementation-defined, typically 0

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)

您可以在此处使用aggregate initialization

Color32 BLACK = {0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};


struct Color32 {
    uint8_t a;
    uint8_t r;
    uint8_t g;
    uint8_t b;

答案 1 :(得分:3)


bit field


答案 2 :(得分:0)





答案 3 :(得分:0)


答案已在Windows 7上的cygwin(-Wno-unused-variable -O0 -ggdb标志)上进行了测试


版本1: union


#include <iostream>  

union c_space32{
    uint32_t space;
    uint8_t channels[4];

int main(){

    { // just a anonymous scope to keep things clear 
        union c_space32 temp = {0xff00fe32};
        std::cout << "sizeof : " << sizeof( union c_space32 ) << "\n\n";
        std::cout << (int)temp.channels[1] << "\t" << std::hex << temp.space <<  "\n";
        std::cout << (int)temp.channels[1] << "\t" << std::hex << temp.space <<  "\n";
        std::cout << (int)temp.channels[1] << "\t" << std::hex << temp.space <<  "\n";

return 0;}  


sizeof : 4
fe  ff00fe32
ff  ff00ff32
0   ff000032  

版本2: bit-fields


#include <iostream> 
#include <bitset> 

struct temp1{
    uint8_t a:1;
    temp1(uint8_t val){ // just so i can assign it
        this->a = (val & 0x1 ); // this is needed to avoid truncated warning

int main(){
    struct temp1 t1 = 3;
    uint8_t *ptr = (uint8_t *)&t1;
    std::cout << sizeof(struct temp1) << std::endl; // size of 1 byte
    std::cout << std::bitset<8>( *ptr ) << std::endl; // 0000-0001 position of our bitfield
return 0;}

因此,在这种情况下,sizeof(struct temp1)返回的大小为1 byte 。以我们的位字段的位置为最右边。这就是MIA文档开始使用的地方。

#include <iostream> 
#include <bitset> 

struct temp2{
    uint8_t a:1;
    uint8_t b:1;
    uint8_t c:1;
    temp2(int VAL){ // just so i can assign it
        this->a = (VAL & 0x1 );
        this->b = 0;
        this->c = (VAL >> 2 ) & 0x1;

int main(){
    struct temp2 t1 = 0xf;
    uint8_t *ptr = (uint8_t *)&t1;
    std::cout << sizeof(struct temp2) << std::endl; // size of 1
    std::cout << std::bitset<8>( *ptr ) << std::endl; // 0000-0101
return 0;}

在这种情况下,constructor必须拥有的,因为计算机不知道您要如何构造数据。可以肯定的是,如果我们对位进行排队,则逻辑上分配它们与共享内存是相同的。但是问题是计算机不会为我们bitwise operators做。确保这些位是按顺序排列并自然排列的,但计算机只是抓住了一些位并将其定义为唯一变量,您可以选择将其放置在该变量中。

如果我们超出了 unit memory size(字节)的范围,则OS开始干扰我们的工作。

#include <iostream> 
#include <bitset> 

struct temp3{
    bool b0:1;
    bool b1:1;
    bool b2:1;
    bool b3:1;
    bool b4:1;
    bool b5:1;
    bool b6:1;
    bool b7:1;

    temp3( int a ){
        this->b0 = ( a & 0x1 );
        this->b1 = ( a & 0x2 );
        this->b2 = ( a & 0x4 );
        this->b3 = ( a & 0x8 );
        this->b4 = ( a & 0x10 );
        this->b5 = ( a & 0x20 );
        this->b6 = ( a & 0x40 );
        this->b7 = ( a & 0x80 );


int main(){
    struct temp3 t1 = 0xc3;
    uint8_t *ptr = (uint8_t *)&t1;
    std::cout << sizeof(struct temp3) << std::endl; // still size of 1
    std::cout << std::bitset<8>( *ptr ) << std::endl; // 1100-0011
return 0;}  


#include <iostream> 
#include <bitset> 
struct temp4{
    bool b0:1;
    bool b1:1;
    bool b2:1;
    bool b3:1;
    bool b4:1;
    bool b5:1;
    bool b6:1;
    bool b7:1;
    bool b8:1;

    temp4( int a ){
        this->b0 = ( a & 0x1 );
        this->b1 = ( a & 0x2 );
        this->b2 = ( a & 0x4 );
        this->b3 = ( a & 0x8 );
        this->b4 = ( a & 0x10 );
        this->b5 = ( a & 0x20 );
        this->b6 = ( a & 0x40 );
        this->b7 = ( a & 0x80 );
        this->b8 = ( a & 0x100 );


int main(){
    struct temp4 t1 = 0x1c3;
    uint16_t *ptr = (uint16_t *)&t1;
    std::cout << sizeof(struct temp4) << std::endl; // size of 2
    std::cout << std::bitset<16>( *ptr ) << std::endl; // 0000-0000 1100-0011
    std::cout << t1.b8 << std::endl; // still returns 1
    std::cout << "\n\n";

    union t_as{
        uint16_t space;
        temp4 data;
        uint8_t bytes[2];

    union t_as t2 = {0x1c3};
    std::cout << std::bitset<8>( t2.bytes[0] ) << "-"  << std::bitset<8>( t2.bytes[1] ) << std::endl;
return 0;}  

这里发生了什么?由于我们添加了另一个 bool bit-field ,因此我们的结构增长了1个字节(因为bool是1个字节),而我们的16位指针却没有显示最后一个b8-但联合会显示。问题是操作系统接管了,在这种情况下,由于固有的OS字节顺序,最后一丝滞后了我们的原始内存。如您在联合中所看到的,字节仍然被读取,但是顺序不同。




struct half_opacity{
    uint8_t alpha:4;
    uint8_t red;
    uint8_t green;
    uint8_t blue;
    half_opacity(int a){
        this->alpha = ( a >> 24 )&0xf;
        this->red   = ( a >> 16 )&0xff;
        this->green = ( a >> 8  )&0xff;
        this->blue  = ( a & 0xff );
    operator uint32_t(){
        return      ( this->alpha << 24 )
                |   ( this->red   << 16 )
                |   ( this->green << 8 )
                |   this->blue;

    struct half_opacity c_space = 0xff00AABB;
    std::cout << "size of : " << sizeof(struct half_opacity) << std::endl; //size of : 4
    std::cout << std::hex << (uint32_t)c_space << std::endl; // 0x0f00AABB  

因此,除非您打算将原始通道分配给某个位大小,否则我强烈建议使用union方法,因为使用{{1将32位整数拆分为单个字节没有任何其他好处。 }}。关于bit-fields的主要问题是,您需要将它们拆分并进行构建,然后像其他任何整数字段一样进行备份-bit fields通常会绕过整个OS字节序。

您得到的截断警告是由于您的结构中有多个成员,并且该结构自然地分配了第一个成员,并且由于您添加的bit shifts超出了编译器的处理能力,因此警告您某些数据将丢失。
