
时间:2011-04-30 16:33:43

标签: c++ eclipse g++ segmentation-fault

我正在尝试为我的Geometry类创建一个C ++项目。我希望用户能够存储和访问变量。为此,我创建了一个struct var,其中包含string namefloat value。我有一个vector < var > varList来保存变量。但是,在编译时,程序根本不能正常工作......首先,它检查变量“dog”是否存在,它显然不存在,并发现它确实存在。然后它尝试更改变量dog并changeVar,而不是返回ERR_NONEXISTENT,返回正确的退出状态为零。在检查变量时,它看到它不存在。然后,在尝试列出所有变量时,会产生分段错误。见下文:

Building Generator 1.0 Alpha
   Variable Systems Test   

Enter a variable name:
Enter a value (A FLOAT!):
Checking to see if dog exists.
It exists!
Changing variable. Function returned 0
Enter a variable to check:
Variable "dog" doesn't exist!
Segmentation fault

我的来源是here。我正在使用Eclipse Helios编译,使用G ++ 4.2.1,在Mac 10.6.7 Snow Leopard上编译。发生了什么事?

如果这不起作用,我会尝试找出std::map ...






 * vsystem.cpp
 *  Created on: Apr 29, 2011
 *      Author: wjc

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include "vsystem.h"

using namespace std;

vector <var> varList;

int addVar(string varName, float value){
    // Check to see if varName already exists
    bool varExists = false;
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<varList.size(); i++){
        if (varList[i].name == varName){
            varExists = true;
            return ERR_VAR_EXISTS;

    // Good! The variable doesn't exist yet.
    var tempVar;
    tempVar.name = varName;
    tempVar.value = value;
    return 0;

int changeVar(string varName, float newValue){
    // Check to see if varName exists
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<varList.size(); i++){
        if(varList[i].name != varName){    // If it doesn't match…
            if (i == varList.size() - 1) // And it's the last one…
                return ERR_NONEXISTENT;  // Uh oh!
        } else { // Found it!
            varList[i].value = newValue;
    return 0;

fetchResult fetchVar(string varName){
    fetchResult returnValue;
    // Check to see if varName exists
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<varList.size(); i++){
        if(varList[i].name != varName){     // If it doesn't match…
            if (i == varList.size() - 1){ // And it's the last one…
                returnValue.good = false; // Uh oh!
                returnValue.result = -1;
            } else {
                returnValue.good = true;
                returnValue.result = varList[i].value;
    return returnValue;

bool checkVar(string varName){
    // Check to see if varName exists
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<varList.size(); i++){
        if(varList[i].name != varName){  // If it doesn't match…
            if (i == varList.size() - 1) // And it's the last one…
                return false;            // It's not here.
        }else break;
    return true;

vector < var > getVarList(){
    return varList;

string getVarList(string varDelim, string valueDelim){
    stringstream final;
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<varList.size()-1; i++){
        // add variable name, delim 1 (probably tab), variable value, delim 2 (probably newline)
    // same, but don't add a newline (or other)
    return final.str();


 * vsystem.h
 *  Created on: Apr 29, 2011
 *      Author: wjc

#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "consts.h"

using namespace std;

#ifndef VSYSTEM_H_
#define VSYSTEM_H_

struct fetchResult {
    float result;
    bool good;

struct var {
    string name;
    float value;

int addVar(string varName, float value);
int changeVar(string varName, float newValue);
fetchResult fetchVar(string varName);
bool checkVar (string varName);

vector < var > getVarList();
string getVarList(string varDelim, string valueDelim);

#endif /* VSYSTEM_H_ */


 * ui.cpp
 *  Created on: Apr 26, 2011
 *      Author: wjc

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

#include "filedaemon.h"
#include "vsystem.h"

using namespace std;

int runUI(){
    cout << "   Variable Systems Test   "<<endl;
    cout << "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"<<endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout<<"Enter a variable name:"<<endl;
    string varname;
    cout<<"Enter a value (A FLOAT!):"<<endl;
    float value;
    cout<<"Checking to see if "<<varname<<" exists."<<endl;
    bool alreadythere = checkVar(varname);
    alreadythere ? cout<<"It exists!"<<endl : cout<<"It doesn't exist."<<endl;
    if (alreadythere){
        cout<<"Changing variable. Function returned "<<changeVar(varname, value)<<endl;
    } else {
        cout<<"Setting variable. Function returned "<<addVar(varname, value)<<endl;
    cout<<"Enter a variable to check:"<<endl;
    string varcheck;
    fetchResult result = fetchVar(varcheck);
    if(! result.good){
        cout<<"Variable \""<<varcheck<<"\" doesn't exist!"<<endl;
    } else {
        cout<<"Variable \""<<varcheck<<"\" is equal to "<<result.result<<endl;
    string exitstr;
    return 0;


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

你在向量上循环并返回true / false的方式很奇怪,你的应用程序因checkVar()而崩溃。


bool checkVar(string varName)
    // Check to see if varName exists
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<varList.size(); i++)
        if (varList[i].name == varName)
        {   // If matches,
            return true;        

    // If execution reaches here, it means it didn't found a match
    return false;


Building Generator 1.0 Alpha
   Variable Systems Test   

Enter a variable name:
Enter a value (A FLOAT!):
Setting variable. Function returned 0
Enter a variable to check:
Variable "alpha" doesn't exist!
dog     2.2



<强> consts.h

#ifndef CONSTS_H_
#define CONSTS_H_

#define VERSION "1.0 Alpha"

// Variable errors
#define ERR_VAR_EXISTS 1

// File r/w errors
#define ERR_FILE_OPEN 2

#endif /* CONSTS_H_ */

<强> vsystem.cpp

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include "vsystem.h"

using namespace std;

vector <var> varList;

int addVar(string varName, float value){
        // Check to see if varName already exists
        bool varExists = false;
        for (unsigned int i=0; i<varList.size(); i++){
                if (varList[i].name == varName){
                        varExists = true;
                        return ERR_VAR_EXISTS;

        // Good! The variable doesn't exist yet.
        var tempVar;
        tempVar.name = varName;
        tempVar.value = value;
        return ERR_NONEXISTENT;

int changeVar(string varName, float newValue){
        // Check to see if varName exists
        for(unsigned int i=0; i<varList.size(); i++){
                if(varList[i].name == varName)
        {   // If it match, replace the value
                        varList[i].value = newValue;
            return ERR_VAR_EXISTS;

    return ERR_NONEXISTENT;  // Uh oh!

fetchResult fetchVar(string varName){
        fetchResult returnValue;
        // Check to see if varName exists
        for(unsigned int i=0; i<varList.size(); i++){
                if(varList[i].name == varName){     // If it matches
                        if (i == varList.size() - 1)
                                returnValue.good = true;
                                returnValue.result = varList[i].value;
                    return returnValue;

    returnValue.good = false; // Uh oh!
        returnValue.result = -1;
        return returnValue;

bool checkVar(string varName)
        // Check to see if varName exists
        for(unsigned int i=0; i<varList.size(); i++){
                if(varList[i].name == varName)
        {   // If matches, return true
                    return true;

    // If execution reaches here, it means it didn't found a match
        return false;

vector < var > getVarList(){
        return varList;

string getVarList(string varDelim, string valueDelim){
        stringstream final;
        for (unsigned int i=0; i<varList.size()-1; i++){
                // add variable name, delim 1 (probably tab), variable value, delim 2 (probably newline)
        // same, but don't add a newline (or other)
        return final.str();