我的Altera板卡在HE0数字输出中显示为“ 8”吗?

时间:2019-11-08 08:07:10

标签: verilog quartus intel-fpga

对于我的计算机体系结构课程,我和我的搭档被分配去实现一个单周期MIPS CPU并编写一个C程序,该程序将在altera硬件的HE0数字插槽上交替显示5和A。但是,我们不确定为什么我们的板卡在显示“ 8”而不是5或A上。为什么我不熟悉verilog,所以我不确定是什么原因导致了此错误。


`timescale 1ns/1ps
`define mydelay 1

// single-cycle MIPS processor
module mips(input         clk, reset,
            output [31:0] pc,
            input  [31:0] instr,
            output        memwrite,
            output [31:0] memaddr,
            output [31:0] memwritedata,
            input  [31:0] memreaddata);

  wire        signext, shiftl16, memtoreg, branch;
  wire        pcsrc, zero;
  wire        alusrc, regdst, regwrite, jump;
  wire [2:0]  alucontrol;

  // Instantiate Controller
  controller c(
    .op         (instr[31:26]),
        .funct      (instr[5:0]),
        .zero       (zero),
        .signext    (signext),
        .shiftl16   (shiftl16),
        .memtoreg   (memtoreg),
        .memwrite   (memwrite),
        .pcsrc      (pcsrc),
        .alusrc     (alusrc),
        .regdst     (regdst),
        .regwrite   (regwrite),
        .jump       (jump),
        .alucontrol (alucontrol));

  // Instantiate Datapath
  datapath dp(
    .clk        (clk),
    .reset      (reset),
    .signext    (signext),
    .shiftl16   (shiftl16),
    .memtoreg   (memtoreg),
    .pcsrc      (pcsrc),
    .alusrc     (alusrc),
    .regdst     (regdst),
    .regwrite   (regwrite),
    .jump       (jump),
    .alucontrol (alucontrol),
    .zero       (zero),
    .pc         (pc),
    .instr      (instr),
    .aluout     (memaddr),
    .writedata  (memwritedata),
    .readdata   (memreaddata));


module controller(input  [5:0] op, funct,
                  input        zero,
                  output       signext,
                  output       shiftl16,
                  output       memtoreg, memwrite,
                  output       pcsrc, alusrc,
                  output       regdst, regwrite,
                  output       jump,
                  output [2:0] alucontrol);

  wire [1:0] aluop;
  wire       branch;

  maindec md(
    .op       (op),
    .signext  (signext),
    .shiftl16 (shiftl16),
    .memtoreg (memtoreg),
    .memwrite (memwrite),
    .branch   (branch),
    .alusrc   (alusrc),
    .regdst   (regdst),
    .regwrite (regwrite),
    .jump     (jump),
    .aluop    (aluop));

  aludec ad(
    .funct      (funct),
    .aluop      (aluop),
    .alucontrol (alucontrol));

  assign pcsrc = branch & zero;


module maindec(input  [5:0] op,
               output       signext,
               output       shiftl16,
               output       memtoreg, memwrite,
               output       branch, alusrc,
               output       regdst, regwrite,
               output       jump,
               output [1:0] aluop);

  reg [10:0] controls;

  assign {signext, shiftl16, regwrite, regdst, alusrc, branch, memwrite,
          memtoreg, jump, aluop} = controls;

  always @(*)
      6'b000000: controls <= #`mydelay 11'b00110000011; // Rtype
      6'b100011: controls <= #`mydelay 11'b10101001000; // LW
      6'b101011: controls <= #`mydelay 11'b10001010000; // SW
      6'b000100: controls <= #`mydelay 11'b10000100001; // BEQ
      6'b001001: controls <= #`mydelay 11'b10101000000; // ADDI, ADDIU: only difference is exception
      6'b001101: controls <= #`mydelay 11'b00101000010; // ORI
      6'b001111: controls <= #`mydelay 11'b01101000000; // LUI
      6'b000010: controls <= #`mydelay 11'b00000000100; // J
      default:   controls <= #`mydelay 11'bxxxxxxxxxxx; // ???


module aludec(input      [5:0] funct,
              input      [1:0] aluop,
              output reg [2:0] alucontrol);

  always @(*)
      2'b00: alucontrol <= #`mydelay 3'b010;  // add
      2'b01: alucontrol <= #`mydelay 3'b110;  // sub
      2'b10: alucontrol <= #`mydelay 3'b001;  // or
      default: case(funct)          // RTYPE
          6'b100001: alucontrol <= #`mydelay 3'b010; // ADD, ADDU: only difference is exception
          6'b100011: alucontrol <= #`mydelay 3'b110; // SUB, SUBU: only difference is exception
          6'b100100: alucontrol <= #`mydelay 3'b000; // AND
          6'b100101: alucontrol <= #`mydelay 3'b001; // OR
          6'b101011: alucontrol <= #`mydelay 3'b111; // SLT, SLTU **added
          default:   alucontrol <= #`mydelay 3'bxxx; // ???


module datapath(input         clk, reset,
                input         signext,
                input         shiftl16,
                input         memtoreg, pcsrc,
                input         alusrc, regdst,
                input         regwrite, jump,
                input  [2:0]  alucontrol,
                output        zero,
                output [31:0] pc,
                input  [31:0] instr,
                output [31:0] aluout, writedata,
                input  [31:0] readdata);

  wire [4:0]  writereg;
  wire [31:0] pcnext, pcnextbr, pcplus4, pcbranch;
  wire [31:0] signimm, signimmsh, shiftedimm;
  wire [31:0] srca, srcb;
  wire [31:0] result;
  wire        shift;

  // next PC logic
  flopr #(32) pcreg(
    .clk   (clk),
    .reset (reset),
    .d     (pcnext),
    .q     (pc));

  adder pcadd1(
    .a (pc),
    .b (32'b100),
    .y (pcplus4));

  sl2 immsh(
    .a (signimm),
    .y (signimmsh));

  adder pcadd2(
    .a (pcplus4),
    .b (signimmsh),
    .y (pcbranch));

  mux2 #(32) pcbrmux(
    .d0  (pcplus4),
    .d1  (pcbranch),
    .s   (pcsrc),
    .y   (pcnextbr));

  mux2 #(32) pcmux(
    .d0   (pcnextbr),
    .d1   ({pcplus4[31:28], instr[25:0], 2'b00}),
    .s    (jump),
    .y    (pcnext));

  // register file logic
  regfile rf(
    .clk     (clk),
    .we      (regwrite),
    .ra1     (instr[25:21]),
    .ra2     (instr[20:16]),
    .wa      (writereg),
    .wd      (result),
    .rd1     (srca),
    .rd2     (writedata));

  mux2 #(5) wrmux(
    .d0  (instr[20:16]),
    .d1  (instr[15:11]),
    .s   (regdst),
    .y   (writereg));

  mux2 #(32) resmux(
    .d0 (aluout),
    .d1 (readdata),
    .s  (memtoreg),
    .y  (result));

  sign_zero_ext sze(
    .a       (instr[15:0]),
    .signext (signext),
    .y       (signimm[31:0]));

  shift_left_16 sl16(
    .a         (signimm[31:0]),
    .shiftl16  (shiftl16),
    .y         (shiftedimm[31:0]));

  // ALU logic
  mux2 #(32) srcbmux(
    .d0 (writedata),
    .d1 (shiftedimm[31:0]),
    .s  (alusrc),
    .y  (srcb));

  alu alu(
    .a       (srca),
    .b       (srcb),
    .alucont (alucontrol),
    .result  (aluout),
    .zero    (zero));



`timescale 1ns/1ps
`define mydelay 1

`define REGFILE_FF

module regfile(input             clk, 
               input             we, 
               input      [4:0]  ra1, ra2, wa, 
               input      [31:0] wd, 
               output reg [31:0] rd1, rd2);

    reg [31:0] R1;
    reg [31:0] R2;
    reg [31:0] R3;
    reg [31:0] R4;
    reg [31:0] R5;
    reg [31:0] R6;
    reg [31:0] R7;
    reg [31:0] R8;
    reg [31:0] R9;
    reg [31:0] R10;
    reg [31:0] R11;
    reg [31:0] R12;
    reg [31:0] R13;
    reg [31:0] R14;
    reg [31:0] R15;
    reg [31:0] R16;
    reg [31:0] R17;
    reg [31:0] R18;
    reg [31:0] R19;
    reg [31:0] R20;
    reg [31:0] R21;
    reg [31:0] R22;
    reg [31:0] R23;
    reg [31:0] R24;
    reg [31:0] R25;
    reg [31:0] R26;
    reg [31:0] R27;
    reg [31:0] R28;
    reg [31:0] R29;
    reg [31:0] R30;
    reg [31:0] R31;

    always @(posedge clk)
     if (we) 
        case (wa[4:0])
        5'd0:   ;
        5'd1:   R1  <= wd;
        5'd2:   R2  <= wd;
        5'd3:   R3  <= wd;
        5'd4:   R4  <= wd;
        5'd5:   R5  <= wd;
        5'd6:   R6  <= wd;
        5'd7:   R7  <= wd;
        5'd8:   R8  <= wd;
        5'd9:   R9  <= wd;
        5'd10:  R10 <= wd;
        5'd11:  R11 <= wd;
        5'd12:  R12 <= wd;
        5'd13:  R13 <= wd;
        5'd14:  R14 <= wd;
        5'd15:  R15 <= wd;
        5'd16:  R16 <= wd;
        5'd17:  R17 <= wd;
        5'd18:  R18 <= wd;
        5'd19:  R19 <= wd;
        5'd20:  R20 <= wd;
        5'd21:  R21 <= wd;
        5'd22:  R22 <= wd;
        5'd23:  R23 <= wd;
        5'd24:  R24 <= wd;
        5'd25:  R25 <= wd;
        5'd26:  R26 <= wd;
        5'd27:  R27 <= wd;
        5'd28:  R28 <= wd;
        5'd29:  R29 <= wd;
        5'd30:  R30 <= wd;
        5'd31:  R31 <= wd;

    always @(*)
        case (ra2[4:0])
        5'd0:   rd2 = 32'b0;
        5'd1:   rd2 = R1;
        5'd2:   rd2 = R2;
        5'd3:   rd2 = R3;
        5'd4:   rd2 = R4;
        5'd5:   rd2 = R5;
        5'd6:   rd2 = R6;
        5'd7:   rd2 = R7;
        5'd8:   rd2 = R8;
        5'd9:   rd2 = R9;
        5'd10:  rd2 = R10;
        5'd11:  rd2 = R11;
        5'd12:  rd2 = R12;
        5'd13:  rd2 = R13;
        5'd14:  rd2 = R14;
        5'd15:  rd2 = R15;
        5'd16:  rd2 = R16;
        5'd17:  rd2 = R17;
        5'd18:  rd2 = R18;
        5'd19:  rd2 = R19;
        5'd20:  rd2 = R20;
        5'd21:  rd2 = R21;
        5'd22:  rd2 = R22;
        5'd23:  rd2 = R23;
        5'd24:  rd2 = R24;
        5'd25:  rd2 = R25;
        5'd26:  rd2 = R26;
        5'd27:  rd2 = R27;
        5'd28:  rd2 = R28;
        5'd29:  rd2 = R29;
        5'd30:  rd2 = R30;
        5'd31:  rd2 = R31;

    always @(*)
        case (ra1[4:0])
        5'd0:   rd1 = 32'b0;
        5'd1:   rd1 = R1;
        5'd2:   rd1 = R2;
        5'd3:   rd1 = R3;
        5'd4:   rd1 = R4;
        5'd5:   rd1 = R5;
        5'd6:   rd1 = R6;
        5'd7:   rd1 = R7;
        5'd8:   rd1 = R8;
        5'd9:   rd1 = R9;
        5'd10:  rd1 = R10;
        5'd11:  rd1 = R11;
        5'd12:  rd1 = R12;
        5'd13:  rd1 = R13;
        5'd14:  rd1 = R14;
        5'd15:  rd1 = R15;
        5'd16:  rd1 = R16;
        5'd17:  rd1 = R17;
        5'd18:  rd1 = R18;
        5'd19:  rd1 = R19;
        5'd20:  rd1 = R20;
        5'd21:  rd1 = R21;
        5'd22:  rd1 = R22;
        5'd23:  rd1 = R23;
        5'd24:  rd1 = R24;
        5'd25:  rd1 = R25;
        5'd26:  rd1 = R26;
        5'd27:  rd1 = R27;
        5'd28:  rd1 = R28;
        5'd29:  rd1 = R29;
        5'd30:  rd1 = R30;
        5'd31:  rd1 = R31;



module regfile(input         clk, 
               input         we, 
               input  [4:0]  ra1, ra2, wa, 
               input  [31:0] wd, 
               output [31:0] rd1, rd2);

  reg [31:0] rf[31:0];

  // three ported register file
  // read two ports combinationally
  // write third port on rising edge of clock
  // register 0 hardwired to 0

  always @(posedge clk)
    if (we) rf[wa] <= #`mydelay wd; 

  assign #`mydelay rd1 = (ra1 != 0) ? rf[ra1] : 0;
  assign #`mydelay rd2 = (ra2 != 0) ? rf[ra2] : 0;


module alu(input      [31:0] a, b, 
           input      [2:0]  alucont, 
           output reg [31:0] result,
           output            zero);

  wire [31:0] b2, sum, slt, sltu;
  wire        N, Z, C, V;

  assign b2 = alucont[2] ? ~b:b; 

  adder_32bit iadder32 (.a   (a),
                                .b   (b2),
                                .cin (alucont[2]),
                                .sum (sum),
                                .N   (N),
                                .Z   (Z),
                                .C   (C),
                                .V   (V));

  // signed less than ("N set and V clear" OR "N clear and V set")
  assign slt  = N ^ V ; 

  // unsigned lower (C clear) 
  assign sltu = ~C ;   

      2'b00: result <= #`mydelay a & b;
      2'b01: result <= #`mydelay a | b;
      2'b10: result <= #`mydelay sum;
      2'b11: result <= #`mydelay slt;

  assign #`mydelay zero = (result == 32'b0);


module adder_32bit (input  [31:0] a, b, 
                    input         cin,
                    output [31:0] sum,
                    output        N,Z,C,V);

    wire [31:0]  ctmp;

    assign N = sum[31];
    assign Z = (sum == 32'b0);
    assign C = ctmp[31];
    assign V = ctmp[31] ^ ctmp[30];

    adder_1bit bit31 (.a(a[31]), .b(b[31]), .cin(ctmp[30]), .sum(sum[31]), .cout(ctmp[31]));
    adder_1bit bit30 (.a(a[30]), .b(b[30]), .cin(ctmp[29]), .sum(sum[30]), .cout(ctmp[30]));
    adder_1bit bit29 (.a(a[29]), .b(b[29]), .cin(ctmp[28]), .sum(sum[29]), .cout(ctmp[29]));
    adder_1bit bit28 (.a(a[28]), .b(b[28]), .cin(ctmp[27]), .sum(sum[28]), .cout(ctmp[28]));
    adder_1bit bit27 (.a(a[27]), .b(b[27]), .cin(ctmp[26]), .sum(sum[27]), .cout(ctmp[27]));
    adder_1bit bit26 (.a(a[26]), .b(b[26]), .cin(ctmp[25]), .sum(sum[26]), .cout(ctmp[26]));
    adder_1bit bit25 (.a(a[25]), .b(b[25]), .cin(ctmp[24]), .sum(sum[25]), .cout(ctmp[25]));
    adder_1bit bit24 (.a(a[24]), .b(b[24]), .cin(ctmp[23]), .sum(sum[24]), .cout(ctmp[24]));
    adder_1bit bit23 (.a(a[23]), .b(b[23]), .cin(ctmp[22]), .sum(sum[23]), .cout(ctmp[23]));
    adder_1bit bit22 (.a(a[22]), .b(b[22]), .cin(ctmp[21]), .sum(sum[22]), .cout(ctmp[22]));
    adder_1bit bit21 (.a(a[21]), .b(b[21]), .cin(ctmp[20]), .sum(sum[21]), .cout(ctmp[21]));
    adder_1bit bit20 (.a(a[20]), .b(b[20]), .cin(ctmp[19]), .sum(sum[20]), .cout(ctmp[20]));
    adder_1bit bit19 (.a(a[19]), .b(b[19]), .cin(ctmp[18]), .sum(sum[19]), .cout(ctmp[19]));
    adder_1bit bit18 (.a(a[18]), .b(b[18]), .cin(ctmp[17]), .sum(sum[18]), .cout(ctmp[18]));
    adder_1bit bit17 (.a(a[17]), .b(b[17]), .cin(ctmp[16]), .sum(sum[17]), .cout(ctmp[17]));
    adder_1bit bit16 (.a(a[16]), .b(b[16]), .cin(ctmp[15]), .sum(sum[16]), .cout(ctmp[16]));
    adder_1bit bit15 (.a(a[15]), .b(b[15]), .cin(ctmp[14]), .sum(sum[15]), .cout(ctmp[15]));
    adder_1bit bit14 (.a(a[14]), .b(b[14]), .cin(ctmp[13]), .sum(sum[14]), .cout(ctmp[14]));
    adder_1bit bit13 (.a(a[13]), .b(b[13]), .cin(ctmp[12]), .sum(sum[13]), .cout(ctmp[13]));
    adder_1bit bit12 (.a(a[12]), .b(b[12]), .cin(ctmp[11]), .sum(sum[12]), .cout(ctmp[12]));
    adder_1bit bit11 (.a(a[11]), .b(b[11]), .cin(ctmp[10]), .sum(sum[11]), .cout(ctmp[11]));
    adder_1bit bit10 (.a(a[10]), .b(b[10]), .cin(ctmp[9]),  .sum(sum[10]), .cout(ctmp[10]));
    adder_1bit bit9  (.a(a[9]),  .b(b[9]),  .cin(ctmp[8]),  .sum(sum[9]),  .cout(ctmp[9]));
    adder_1bit bit8  (.a(a[8]),  .b(b[8]),  .cin(ctmp[7]),  .sum(sum[8]),  .cout(ctmp[8]));
    adder_1bit bit7  (.a(a[7]),  .b(b[7]),  .cin(ctmp[6]),  .sum(sum[7]),  .cout(ctmp[7]));
    adder_1bit bit6  (.a(a[6]),  .b(b[6]),  .cin(ctmp[5]),  .sum(sum[6]),  .cout(ctmp[6]));
    adder_1bit bit5  (.a(a[5]),  .b(b[5]),  .cin(ctmp[4]),  .sum(sum[5]),  .cout(ctmp[5]));
    adder_1bit bit4  (.a(a[4]),  .b(b[4]),  .cin(ctmp[3]),  .sum(sum[4]),  .cout(ctmp[4]));
    adder_1bit bit3  (.a(a[3]),  .b(b[3]),  .cin(ctmp[2]),  .sum(sum[3]),  .cout(ctmp[3]));
    adder_1bit bit2  (.a(a[2]),  .b(b[2]),  .cin(ctmp[1]),  .sum(sum[2]),  .cout(ctmp[2]));
    adder_1bit bit1  (.a(a[1]),  .b(b[1]),  .cin(ctmp[0]),  .sum(sum[1]),  .cout(ctmp[1]));
    adder_1bit bit0  (.a(a[0]),  .b(b[0]),  .cin(cin),      .sum(sum[0]),  .cout(ctmp[0]));


module adder_1bit (input a, b, cin,
                   output sum, cout);

  assign sum  = a ^ b ^ cin;
  assign cout = (a & b) | (a & cin) | (b & cin);


module adder(input [31:0] a, b,
             output [31:0] y);

  assign #`mydelay y = a + b;

module sl2(input  [31:0] a,
           output [31:0] y);

  // shift left by 2
  assign #`mydelay y = {a[29:0], 2'b00};

module sign_zero_ext(input      [15:0] a,
                     input             signext,
                     output reg [31:0] y);

   always @(*)
       if (signext)  y <= {{16{a[15]}}, a[15:0]};
       else          y <= {16'b0, a[15:0]};


module shift_left_16(input      [31:0] a,
                       input         shiftl16,
                     output reg [31:0] y);

   always @(*)
       if (shiftl16) y = {a[15:0],16'b0};
       else          y = a[31:0];


module flopr #(parameter WIDTH = 8)
              (input                  clk, reset,
               input      [WIDTH-1:0] d, 
               output reg [WIDTH-1:0] q);

  always @(posedge clk, posedge reset)
    if (reset) q <= #`mydelay 0;
    else       q <= #`mydelay d;


module flopenr #(parameter WIDTH = 8)
                (input                  clk, reset,
                 input                  en,
                 input      [WIDTH-1:0] d, 
                 output reg [WIDTH-1:0] q);

  always @(posedge clk, posedge reset)
    if      (reset) q <= #`mydelay 0;
    else if (en)    q <= #`mydelay d;


module mux2 #(parameter WIDTH = 8)
             (input  [WIDTH-1:0] d0, d1, 
              input              s, 
              output [WIDTH-1:0] y);

  assign #`mydelay y = s ? d1 : d0; 



#include "SevenSeg.h"

int SevenSeg()
unsigned int * seg0_addr = (unsigned int *) SevenSeg0;
unsigned int i;

while (1){

     *seg0_addr = SEG_5;
     for (i=0; i<0xFFFFF; i++) ;

     *seg0_addr = SEG_A;
     for (i=0; i<0xFFFFF; i++) ;

return 0;

Altera板上的预期输出:  0005-> positive_clk-> 000A-> positive_clk(永远重复) 船上实际产量:  0008

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