
时间:2019-11-23 16:00:10

标签: omnet++

我是Castalia的新手,并尝试通过多路径环路由(在Casting 3.2中使用oment 4.6)进行以下操作




void MyRouting::fromApplicationLayer(cPacket * pkt, const char *destination)
    string dst(destination);

............////Remaining  PART Of CODE 


void MyRouting::fromMacLayer(cPacket * pkt, int macAddress, double rssi, double lqi)
    .....////STARTING PART Of CODE 

        case MPRINGS_DATA_PACKET:{
            string dst(netPacket->getDestination());
            string src(netPacket->getSource());
            int senderLevel = netPacket->getSenderLevel();
            int sinkID = netPacket->getSinkID();

            if (dst.compare(BROADCAST_NETWORK_ADDRESS) == 0 ||
                    dst.compare(SELF_NETWORK_ADDRESS) == 0) {
                // We are not filtering packets that are sent to this node directly or to
                // broadcast network address, making application layer responsible for them

            } else if (dst.compare(SINK_NETWORK_ADDRESS) == 0) {
                if (senderLevel == currentLevel + 1) {
                    if (self == sinkID) {
                        // Packet is for this node, if filter passes, forward it to application
                        if (isNotDuplicatePacket(pkt))
                            trace() << "Discarding duplicate packet from node " << src;
                    } else if (sinkID == currentSinkID) {
                        // We want to rebroadcast this packet since we are not its destination
                        // For this, a copy of the packet is created and sender level field is
                        // updated before calling toMacLayer() function
                        MyRoutingPacket *dupPacket = netPacket->dup();

                        //****to call find the best destination to send to it
                        toMacLayer(dupPacket, BROADCAST_MAC_ADDRESS);

         .....////Renaming PART Of CODE 

2-我想以某种方式搜索并知道所有级别= mycurrent level -1的节点,因此我可以循环搜索以找到具有最大重命名能量的节点以将数据发送给它。我如何知道其他级别的节点?

注意: 我正在根据以下配置运行


include ../Parameters/Castalia.ini

sim-time-limit = 100s

include ../Parameters/SensorDevice/Accelerometer.ini

SN.physicalProcessName = "CarsPhysicalProcess"
SN.physicalProcess[*].car_interarrival = 5
SN.node[0].Application.isSink = true
SN.node[*].Application.reportDestination = "SINK"

[Config m100Bridge]
SN.field_x = 100
SN.field_y = 20
SN.deployment = "[0]->center;[1..18]->6x3"
SN.numNodes = 19

SN.physicalProcess[0].point1_x_coord = 0
SN.physicalProcess[0].point1_y_coord = 10
SN.physicalProcess[0].point2_x_coord = 100
SN.physicalProcess[0].point2_y_coord = 10

[Config myMAC]
SN.node[*].Communication.MACProtocolName = "BaselineBANMac"
SN.node[*].Communication.MAC.phyDataRate = 1024
SN.node[0].Communication.MAC.isHub = true
SN.node[*].Communication.MAC.macBufferSize = 48

[Config myWirelessChannel]
SN.wirelessChannel.pathLossMapFile = "../Parameters/WirelessChannel/BANmodels/pathLossMap.txt"
SN.wirelessChannel.temporalModelParametersFile = "../Parameters/WirelessChannel/BANmodels/TemporalModel.txt"

[Config myRadioChannel]
SN.node[*].Communication.Radio.RadioParametersFile = "../Parameters/Radio/BANRadio.txt"
SN.node[*].Communication.Radio.symbolsForRSSI = 16
SN.node[*].Communication.Radio.TxOutputPower = "-15dBm"

[Config myApp]
#***************** to calculate the delay in MyApplication 
SN.node[*].ApplicationName = "BridgeTest"
SN.node[*].Application.startupDelay = 1     #wait for 1sec before starting sending packets
SN.node[0].Application.latencyHistogramMax = 600 # Max delay(Bounded delay in msec)
SN.node[0].Application.latencyHistogramBuckets = 30 # number of  histograms
SN.node[*].Application.packet_rate = 5
SN.node[*].Application.collectTraceInfo = true

[Config myRouting]
SN.node[*].Communication.RoutingProtocolName = "MultipathRingsRouting"
SN.node[*].Communication.Routing.collectTraceInfo = true

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