
时间:2019-11-24 13:49:27

标签: haskell random random-seed


使用以下代码,我可以生成一个随机数字列表,但是,这些数字的类型为randomList 5 (0,10) :: IO [Int],而不是[Int]。该代码还不能确保列表中不重复整数。

import Test.QuickCheck

t :: Int -> (Int,Int) -> Gen [Int]
t n r = vectorOf n (choose r)

randomList n r = head `fmap` (sample' $ t n r)



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


getStdRandom (randomR (0, 100))

但是您也可以使用QuickCheck来实现。您可以使用choose :: Random a => (a, a) -> Gen a,它可以用于具有Random实例的任何类型。您提供范围。或使用elements :: [a] -> Gen a。它接受一个纯值列表(尚未在Gen中),选择一个并在Gen中返回它。

generate $ choose (0,100)
generate $ elements [0..100]

答案 1 :(得分:0)


我看过各种StackOverflow答案,尽管我仍然不能   找到解决方案。   许多答案只能使用System.Random生成具有相同种子的一个随机列表。



-- Run a random computation using the generator g, returning the result
-- and the updated generator.
runRand :: RandomGen g => Rand g a -> g -> (a, g)

此函数将单音 action 和生成器作为参数。

您提到您不想在输出列表中进行任何重复。这意味着您需要输入列表的随机置换(又称为 shuffle )的子集。 suitable page of the Haskell Wiki中有相应的代码。这个答案是从该代码中无耻地借来的,尤其是在页面结尾处显示“ 不替换的图形”的情况下,因此没有重复之处。



功能swapElems直接来自Wiki页面。它与随机性无关,其目的只是“执行”给定的排列。请注意,并非绝对需要为此目的使用数组。 System.Random.Shuffle中的代码将ad hoc树结构用于同一任务。


import  Data.List    (sort, mapAccumL)
import  Data.Tuple   (swap)
import  Text.Printf  (printf)
import  Data.Array
import  Data.Array.MArray
import  Data.Array.ST
import  System.Random
import  Control.Monad.Random

swapElems  :: [a] -> [(Int, Int)] -> [a]
swapElems xs swaps = elems $ runSTArray (do
    arr <- newListArray (0, maxIx) xs
    mapM_ (swap arr) swaps
    return arr)
        maxIx   = length xs - 1
        swap arr (i,j) = do
            vi <- readArray arr i
            vj <- readArray arr j
            writeArray arr i vj
            writeArray arr j vi

partShuffle :: MonadRandom mr => [a] -> Int -> mr [a]
partShuffle xs sampleSize =
    let  maxIx     = length xs - 1
         ranStep i = do
                       j <- getRandomR (i, maxIx)
                       return (i, j)
    swapList  <- forM  [0 .. (min (maxIx - 1) sampleSize)]  ranStep
    let  xs2  =  swapElems xs swapList
    return $ take sampleSize xs2


stUnfold :: (s -> (a,s)) -> s -> Int -> ([a], s)
stUnfold go s0 count = let  auxList     =  replicate count ()
                            xgo state _ =  swap $ go state
                       in  swap  $  mapAccumL xgo s0 auxList

类型 s 代表随机数生成器状态的类型。

 λ> stUnfold  (\n -> (n*n, n+1))  0  10


-- for prettyprinting purposes:
myShow :: [Int] -> String
myShow = concatMap  (printf "%02d ")

main = do
    let  -- setup random number generator:
         seed = 4242
         rng0 = mkStdGen seed
         -- standard bridge/poker card deck of 52 cards
         -- 13 cards out of 52, no replacement, 10 samples:
         itemCount   = 52
         deck        = [0 .. (itemCount-1)]
         sampleSize  = 13
         sampleCount = 10
    -- type of action1 is: Rand StdGen [Int]
    let action1          = partShuffle deck sampleSize

    -- passing random generator manually:
    let  (sample1, rng1a) = runRand action1 rng0
    putStrLn  $  myShow $ sample1
    let  (sample2, rng1b) = runRand action1 rng1a
    putStrLn  $  myShow $ sample2

    -- automated random generator passing:
    let  (samples, rng2) = stUnfold (runRand action1) rng1b (sampleCount - 2)
    mapM_  (\ls -> putStrLn  $  myShow ls)  samples


$ cards
49 38 15 14 03 24 22 02 37 43 44 31 39 
48 34 46 07 21 29 28 01 50 08 14 12 51 
27 31 48 19 20 01 16 04 15 35 30 50 46 
02 42 29 48 35 05 19 45 18 34 44 09 51 
37 47 49 05 19 16 50 21 02 22 39 11 12 
04 13 07 23 16 36 27 22 20 21 11 49 38 
45 02 27 36 13 04 14 12 11 26 09 38 00 
03 14 13 40 32 05 06 29 30 27 43 15 38 
48 15 00 04 11 10 13 07 21 36 09 38 37 
14 48 33 10 05 07 50 03 51 41 29 44 12 



    let action1   =  partShuffle deck sampleSize
        action10  =  replicateM 10 action1
    let (samples, rng3) = runRand action10 rng0
    mapM_  (\ls -> putStrLn  $  myShow ls)  samples