
时间:2019-12-07 20:20:19

标签: python quicksort


from random import *

def quicksort( myList, first, last ):
    """ Sort the given list using the quicksort algorithm. Sorts the
        portion of the list between the first and last indices (inclusive).
    # base case: done when the indices touch or overlap.
    if first >= last: return

    # recursive case: partition the myList and recurse on both sides
    split = partition( myList, first, last )
    quicksort( myList, first, split-1 )
    quicksort( myList, split+1, last )

def partition( myList, first, last ):
    """ Partition the given list into two parts. Smaller and larger values of pivot btwn them
        Partitions the portion of the list between the first and last indices (inclusive).
        Return the index of the pivot element.

    lastSmall = first

    # Separate the list into "pivot, smalls, lastSmall, larges".
    for i in range( first+1, last+1 ): # first+1 ... last (inclusive)
        # if myList[i] is small, swap it onto the 'small' side.
        if myList[ i ] <= myList[ first ]:
            lastSmall = lastSmall + 1
            swap( myList, lastSmall, i )

    # Swap the pivot with lastSmall to get "smalls, pivot, larges".
    swap( myList, first, lastSmall )

    # Return the location of the pivot
    return lastSmall

def swap( myList, first, second ):
    """ Swap the items at the first and second indices in the given list.
        Assumes the indices are legal and occupied in the list.
    tmp = myList[ first ]
    myList[ first ] = myList[ second ]
    myList[ second ] = tmp

def main():

    ''' task 1 '''
    # randomized list
    pt1 = [randint(0,10) for x in range(10)]
    print(pt1) # print randomized list before quicksort
    pt1 = quicksort(pt1,0,len(task1pt1)-1)   # this keeps giving me None
    print(pt1) # print pt1 list after quicksort
    pt2 = [x for x in range(10)]



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

quicksort函数不会返回已排序列表,但默认情况下会返回。但是,它按引用对列表进行排序。 pt1 = quicksort(...)行在对 pt1 进行排序后将其重新分配为“无”。因此,以下方法将起作用:

pt1 = [randint(0,10) for x in range(10)]
print(pt1) # prints the sorted list