
时间:2019-12-18 15:16:04

标签: c# winforms file


  1. 打开文件并读为字符串/读入字符串
  2. 解析该字符串,并用表示该模式的较小文本替换重复模式(例如:aaaaaaaaaaa(11个字符)被[a#$%11](8个字符)替换)
  3. 将较小的新字符串保存到单独的文件中(可以比较大小)



void bkg_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            string file = File.ReadAllText(this.txt_CompressFilename.Text);

            int olength = file.Length;
            int nlength = 0;
            decimal pct = 0;

            string lastchar = "";
            int count = 0;

            List<RepeatingPattern> SinglePatterns = new List<RepeatingPattern>();
            List<RepeatingPattern> DoublePatterns = new List<RepeatingPattern>();
            List<RepeatingPattern> TriplePatterns = new List<RepeatingPattern>();
            List<RepeatingPattern> QuadruplePatterns = new List<RepeatingPattern>();

            UpdateProgress("Read file contents", 0, 1, 6);
            UpdateProgress("Finding single character replacements.", pct, 1, 6);

            //single character replaces.
            for (int i = 0; i < olength; i++)
                if (file[i].ToString() == lastchar)
                    count += 1;
                    //create a pattern, if the count is more than what a pattern's compressed pattern looks like to save space... 8 chars
                    if (count > 7)
                        //create and add a pattern to the list if necessary.
                        RepeatingPattern ptn = new RepeatingPattern(lastchar.ToString(), count);
                        if (!SinglePatterns.Contains(ptn))
                    count = 0;
                    lastchar = file[i].ToString();

            //handle possible trailing pattern
            if (count > 7)
                //create and add a pattern to the list if necessary.
                RepeatingPattern ptn = new RepeatingPattern(lastchar.ToString(), count);
                if (!SinglePatterns.Contains(ptn))

            if (SinglePatterns.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < SinglePatterns.Count; i++)
                    file = file.Replace(SinglePatterns[i].ToString(), SinglePatterns[i].ToReplaceString());

            nlength = file.Length;
            pct = (decimal)(((double)(olength - nlength) / olength) * 100);

            UpdateProgress("Found and replaced " + SinglePatterns.Count, pct, 2, 6);
            UpdateProgress("Finding double character replacements.", pct, 2, 6);

            lastchar = "";
            count = 0;

            //double character replaces.
            for (int i = 0; i + 1 < file.Length; i = i + 2)
                if ("" + file[i] + "" + file[i + 1] == lastchar)
                    count += 1;
                    //create a pattern, if the count is more than what a pattern's compressed pattern looks like to save space... 8 chars
                    if (count > 8)
                        //create and add a pattern to the list if necessary.
                        RepeatingPattern ptn = new RepeatingPattern(lastchar.ToString(), count);
                        if (!DoublePatterns.Contains(ptn))
                    count = 0;
                    lastchar = "" + file[i] + "" + file[i + 1];

            //handle possible trailing pattern
            if (count > 8)
                //create and add a pattern to the list if necessary.
                RepeatingPattern ptn = new RepeatingPattern(lastchar.ToString(), count);
                if (!DoublePatterns.Contains(ptn))

            if (DoublePatterns.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < DoublePatterns.Count; i++)
                    file = file.Replace(DoublePatterns[i].ToString(), DoublePatterns[i].ToReplaceString());

            nlength = file.Length;
            pct = (decimal)(((double)(olength - nlength) / olength) * 100);

            UpdateProgress("Found and replaced " + DoublePatterns.Count, pct, 3, 6);
            UpdateProgress("Finding triple character replacements.", pct, 3, 6);

            lastchar = "";
            count = 0;

            //triple character replaces.
            for (int i = 0; i + 2 < file.Length; i = i + 3)
                if ("" + file[i] + "" + file[i + 1] + "" + file[i + 2] == lastchar)
                    count += 1;
                    //create a pattern, if the count is more than what a pattern's compressed pattern looks like to save space... 8 chars
                    if (count > 9)
                        //create and add a pattern to the list if necessary.
                        RepeatingPattern ptn = new RepeatingPattern(lastchar.ToString(), count);
                        if (!TriplePatterns.Contains(ptn))
                    count = 0;
                    lastchar = "" + file[i] + "" + file[i + 1] + "" + file[i + 2];

            //handle possible trailing pattern
            if (count > 9)
                //create and add a pattern to the list if necessary.
                RepeatingPattern ptn = new RepeatingPattern(lastchar.ToString(), count);
                if (!TriplePatterns.Contains(ptn))

            if (TriplePatterns.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < TriplePatterns.Count; i++)
                    file = file.Replace(TriplePatterns[i].ToString(), TriplePatterns[i].ToReplaceString());

            nlength = file.Length;
            pct = (decimal)(((double)(olength - nlength) / olength) * 100);

            UpdateProgress("Found and replaced " + TriplePatterns.Count, pct, 4, 6);
            UpdateProgress("Finding quadruple character replacements.", pct, 4, 6);

            lastchar = "";
            count = 0;

            //triple character replaces.
            for (int i = 0; i + 3 < file.Length; i = i + 4)
                if ("" + file[i] + "" + file[i + 1] + "" + file[i + 2] + "" + file[i + 3] == lastchar)
                    count += 1;
                    //create a pattern, if the count is more than what a pattern's compressed pattern looks like to save space... 8 chars
                    if (count > 10)
                        //create and add a pattern to the list if necessary.
                        RepeatingPattern ptn = new RepeatingPattern(lastchar.ToString(), count);
                        if (!QuadruplePatterns.Contains(ptn))
                    count = 0;
                    lastchar = "" + file[i] + "" + file[i + 1] + "" + file[i + 2] + "" + file[i + 3];

            //Handle possible trailing pattern
            if (count > 10)
                //create and add a pattern to the list if necessary.
                RepeatingPattern ptn = new RepeatingPattern(lastchar.ToString(), count);
                if (!QuadruplePatterns.Contains(ptn))

            if (QuadruplePatterns.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < QuadruplePatterns.Count; i++)
                    file = file.Replace(QuadruplePatterns[i].ToString(), QuadruplePatterns[i].ToReplaceString());

            nlength = file.Length;
            pct = (decimal)(((double)(olength - nlength) / olength) * 100);

            UpdateProgress("Found and replaced " + QuadruplePatterns.Count, pct, 5, 6);
            UpdateProgress("Saving new .cmp file...", pct, 5, 6);

            string newpath = this.txt_FolderName.Text + "\\" + Path.GetFileName(this.txt_CompressFilename.Text);
            newpath = newpath.Substring(0, newpath.LastIndexOf("."));
            newpath = newpath + ".cmp";
            File.WriteAllText(newpath, file);


            UpdateProgress("Compression completed! Time to compress file: " + string.Format("{0}", stopwatch.Elapsed), pct, 6, 6);
            string report = "Compression report\n\n";

            FileInfo inf = new FileInfo(this.txt_CompressFilename.Text);
            FileInfo infNew = new FileInfo(newpath);
            report += "Single character replacements made: " + SinglePatterns.Count + "\n\n";
            report += "Double character replacements made: " + DoublePatterns.Count + "\n\n";
            report += "Triple character replacements made: " + TriplePatterns.Count + "\n\n";
            report += "Quadruple character replacements made: " + QuadruplePatterns.Count + "\n\n";
            report += "Total compression ration achieved in string: " + pct + "% \n\n";
            report += "Old file size: " + inf.Length + "\nNew file size: " + infNew.Length + " in bytes.";

            report += "Total time to achieve compression: " + string.Format("{0}", stopwatch.Elapsed);
            e.Result = report;
        catch (Exception ex)
            e.Result = ex;


    using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Compressor
    public class RepeatingPattern : IEquatable<RepeatingPattern>
        public string RepeatingChar { get; set; }
        public int Count { get; set; }

        public RepeatingPattern()
            this.RepeatingChar = "";
            this.Count = -1;

        public RepeatingPattern(string rchar, int count)
            this.RepeatingChar = rchar;
            this.Count = count;

        public RepeatingPattern(string FromReplaceString)

            FromReplaceString = FromReplaceString.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "");

            List<string> parts = FromReplaceString.Split(new string[] { "#$%" }, StringSplitOptions.None).ToList();

            if (parts.Count != 2)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid argument count. Must be in this format: [a#$%N]");

                this.RepeatingChar = parts[0];
                this.Count = int.Parse(parts[1]);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unable to cast the argument and create an object from it. Error: " + ex.Message);
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            RepeatingPattern tmp = obj as RepeatingPattern;
            if (tmp != null)
                return base.Equals(tmp);
                throw new Exception("Invalid comparison type. Both objects must be of type RepeatingPattern");

        public bool Equals(RepeatingPattern tmp)
            return this.RepeatingChar == tmp.RepeatingChar && this.Count == tmp.Count;

        public override int GetHashCode()
            return this.RepeatingChar.GetHashCode() ^ this.Count.GetHashCode();
        public override string ToString()
            string retval = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i++)
                retval += this.RepeatingChar;

            return retval;

        public string ToReplaceString()
            return "[" + this.RepeatingChar + "#$%" + this.Count + "]";

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  • 我创建了一个辅助函数来查找文本中的运行
  • 在遍历旧字符串而不是替换旧字符串时,我使用StringBuilder构建了一个新字符串


Input:  "aaaaaaaaaaabbbcdcdcdcdcdcdxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxhello"
Output: "[a#$%11]bbb[cd#$%6][x#$%18]hello"


static int FindRun(string s, int start, int length)
    if (start + length >= s.Length) return 0;

    int numRuns = 0;
    string pattern = s.Substring(start, length);
    for (int i = start + length; i <= s.Length - length; i += length)
        if (s.Substring(i, length) == pattern) numRuns += 1;
        else break;
    return numRuns;

static string EncodeString(string src)
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i = 0; i < src.Length; i++)
        string theRun = null;
        int numRuns = 0;
        // Find runs of lengths 4, 3, 2, 1
        for (int j = 4; j >= 1; j--)
            int runs = FindRun(src, i, j);
            if (runs > 1)  // Run found!
                // Save it for later. Want to append the longest run
                theRun = src.Substring(i, j);
                numRuns = runs;
        // No run? Just append the letter
        if (theRun == null)
            // This is the size of the run
            int replacementStringSize = (numRuns * theRun.Length) + (theRun.Length - 1);
            // This is the code to use as a replacement
            String runCode = String.Format("[{0}#$%{1}]", theRun, numRuns + 1);
            // Only append if the code length is smaller than the original run
            if (runCode.Length < replacementStringSize)
                // Don't encode. Put original run back
                for (int j = 0; j <= numRuns; j++)
            // Skip over the run
            i += replacementStringSize;
    return sb.ToString();

答案 1 :(得分:1)

更大的输出文件的根本原因是由于编码。 ChromeSetup.exe为1,397,976字节。使用File.ReadAllText读取文件时,它将尝试检测字符串编码。在这种情况下,字符串的长度为1,327,384个字符。不过,这是关键,因为对每个字符进行编码都不一定是单个字节。例如,在UTF-8中,每个字符为1到4个字节。因此,当写出结果字符串时,单个字符可能会变成多个字节。



1)在double / triple / quad字符中替换了for循环边界,应检查将要使用的字符。

//double character replaces.
for (int i = 0; i < file.Length; i = i + 2)
  if ("" + file[i] + "" + file[i + 1] == lastchar)

如果文件字符串是奇数个字符,将导致索引不足异常。添加+ 1来解决此问题。

for (int i = 0; i + 1 < file.Length; i = i + 2)

对于三元组,它将为+ 2,对于四元组+ 3


if (count > 7)
    //create and add a pattern to the list if necessary.
    RepeatingPattern ptn = new RepeatingPattern(lastchar.ToString(), count);
    if (!SinglePatterns.Contains(ptn))

3)countlastchar应该在每个for循环之前重设。如果一个for循环以count = 17结尾,而下一个for循环运行,则会添加一个重复计数模式17,该模式已经被替换。



编辑:使用您的RepeatingPattern代码运行我看到另一个小错误。模式“ aaaaaaaaaaaa”变为“ [a#$%9] a”。它应该替换另一个字符。这可能会使您的输出字符串略长于预期。要解决此问题,请在启动新模式时将count的{​​{1}}设置为1(而不是0)。