
时间:2011-05-10 20:41:41

标签: iphone objective-c

我是一个新手 - 请不要讨厌。


-(float)findDistanceBetween:(Coordinate *)a and:(Coordinate *)b
//distance formula: 
//sqrt( (x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2 )

float resultDistance; 

resultDistance = sqrt( pow((b.latitude - a.latitude), 2) + pow((b.longitude - a.longitude), 2));

return resultDistance;  

//Somewhere else...

float theDistanceBetween; 

//Below is incorrect:

theDistanceBetween = [findDistanceBetween: location1 and: location2]; 


5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


当您执行[obj method]之类的操作时,需要执行以下操作:

  1. obj是Objective-C类的一个实例。
  2. obj的类实现了-method
  3. 因此,如果您的邮件的收件人是self,则表示:

    1. 您需要在类的实现的上下文中隐式声明self

    2. 您所在的课程必须与工具-findDistanceBetween:and:相同。

    3. 方法不仅仅是可以在任何上下文中调用的函数的闪亮替代品。可以在实现它们的对象上调用它们(技术上不像“Objective-C”那样在类似Smalltalk的语言中“调用”,但这是另一次)。


答案 1 :(得分:1)



theDistanceBetween = [self findDistanceBetween: location1 and: location2]; 

这意味着“将消息'findDistanceBetween:location1和:location2'发送到对象'self',并将结果存储到theDistanceBetween”。 self仅表示当前对象;它是一个向自己发送消息的对象。

答案 2 :(得分:0)

尝试将-(float)findDistanceBetween:(Coordinate *)a and:(Coordinate *)b;添加到.h文件

答案 3 :(得分:0)


   // in the .h file

   @interface MyClass : NSObject

   // declaration of the method
   - (float)findDistanceInBetween:(Coordinate *)a and:(Coordinate *)b;

   // in the .m file

   @implementation MyClass

   // definition of the method
   - (float)findDistanceBetween:(Coordinate *)a and:(Coordinate *)b {
       return sqrt(powf(a.x - b.x, 2.f) + powf(a.y - b.y, 2.f));

   // then somewhere else that needs to calculate the difference:
   // (assume coord_a and coord_b already exist)

   // create an instance of MyClass
   MyClass *myInstance = [[MyClass alloc] init];

   // send the `findDistanceBetween:and:` message to the instance
   float distance = [myInstance findDistanceBetween:coord_a and:coord_b];

   // when you're done with the instance, you need to clean up
   [myInstance release];


   Coordinate *coord_a = <get the coordinate from somewhere>;
   Coordinate *coord_b = <get the coordinate from somewhere>;

   float distance = [coord_a distanceFrom:coord_b];
   float angle = [coord_a angleTo:coord_b];

不要担心任何人讨厌,我们在这一次都是新人。 :)

答案 4 :(得分:0)


- (double)degreeToRadian:(double)degree{
return (degree * (M_PI/180.0));

- (double)radianToDegree:(double)radian{
return (radian *(180.0/M_PI));

-(double) distanceFromCordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)fromCoord to:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)toCoord {
double radiusOfEarth = 6371.0;
double fromLongitude, fromLatitude, toLongitude, toLatitude;
double _deltaLongitude, _deltaLatitude;

double a, c;

fromLongitude = [self degreeToRadian:fromCoord.longitude];
fromLatitude = [self degreeToRadian:fromCoord.latitude];
toLongitude = [self degreeToRadian:toCoord.longitude];
toLatitude = [self degreeToRadian:toCoord.latitude];

_deltaLongitude = toLongitude - fromLongitude;
_deltaLatitude = toLatitude - fromLatitude;

a = (sin(_deltaLatitude/2) * sin(_deltaLatitude/2)) + ( cos(fromLatitude) * cos(toLatitude) * (sin(_deltaLongitude/2) * sin(_deltaLongitude/2)) );
c = 2 * atan2( sqrt(a), sqrt(1-a));
return (radiusOfEarth * c); 

- (double)bearingFromCordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)fromCoord to:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)toCoord{
double fromLatitude, toLatitude;    

double _deltaLongitude;

double x, y;

double bearing;

fromLatitude = [self degreeToRadian:fromCoord.latitude];
toLatitude = [self degreeToRadian:toCoord.latitude];

deltaLongitude = [self degreeToRadian:(toCoord.longitude - fromCoord.longitude)];

y = sin(deltaLongitude) * cos(toLatitude);
x = (cos(fromLatitude) * sin(toLatitude)) - (sin(fromLatitude) * cos(toLatitude) * cos(deltaLongitude));
bearing = atan2(y,x);
return fmod(([self radianToDegree:bearing] + 360.0), 360.0) ;