
时间:2020-01-08 18:21:29

标签: html css vba outlook


Sub Email_File()
    Dim xOutApp As Object
    Dim xOutMail As Object
    Dim xMailAddress As String
    Dim xMailAddress2 As String
    Dim wb1 As Workbook
    Dim attch As String
    Dim subj As String

    Set wb1 = Workbooks("IOM Denial.xlsm")
    Set xOutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set xOutMail = xOutApp.CreateItem(0)
    xMailAddress = Workbooks("IOM Denial.xlsm").Sheets("Home").Range("B7").Value
    xMailAddress2 = Workbooks("IOM Denial.xlsm").Sheets("Home").Range("B13").Value
    attch = wb1.Sheets("Home").Range("B21").Value
    subj = wb1.Sheets("Home").Range("B17")

    With xOutMail
        .To = xMailAddress
        .CC = xMailAddress2
        .BCC = ""
        .Subject = subj
        .HTMLBody = "<p>Operations Leadership,</p>" & _
                    "<p>An inventory performance summary of your submitted IOM requested products is attached. The IOM Summary tab displays the families that are approved or denied based on whether they met the minimum performance turn threshold.</p>" & _
                    "Products are evaluated for performance by family" & _
                    "<li>Approved products will be scheduled the same as before, based on forecast availability and prioritized by tier productivity</li>" & _
                    "<li>Denied products are due to a minimum turn threshold of productivity that is not met</li>" & _
                    "<p>Attached is an inventory performance report based on the family of products that are requested in the associated IOM.  This includes your turn and tier performance, inventory and sales information, the minimum turn threshold and national rank for your territory and decision of Yes/No for approval.</p>" & _
                    "<p>In addition - we have included three tabs that provide potential opportunities for redeployment within your territory.  Each tab report shows your productivity in each family: by account, by demand model (SISO) and evaluating loose shelf inventory and/or inventory contained in sales team and sales associate locations.</p>" & _
                    "<p>For those product families where the turn threshold is not met, (NO in column J) please review the performance metrics.  Utilizing the 3 tabs, evaluate the productivity of the identified Parked account turns, site demand model kit delta and misc inventory locations that carry this product family and work to reallocate / rebalance the inventory to meet the need of this particular IOM.</p>"
        .Attachments.Add attch
        .Display '.Send
    End With

    Set xOutMail = Nothing
    Set xOutApp = Nothing

End Sub


p.padding {
  padding-left: 2cm;}

<h1>The padding-left Property</h1>

<p>This is a text with no left padding.</p>
<p class="padding">This text has a left padding of 2 cm.</p>


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


robocopy /S "D:\Source" "D:\Destination" "*.*"



<li style="padding-left:5px"> your texts </li>

答案 1 :(得分:1)


.HTMLBody = "<style type='text/css'> li.padded {margin-left:70px}; p.padded {margin-left:100px};</style>" & _
         "<p>Paragraph 1</p>" & _
         "<p>Paragraph 2</p>" & _
         "Products are evaluated for performance by family" & _
         "<ul><li class='padded'>List item 1</li>" & _
         "<li style='margin-left:50px'>List item2</li>" & _
         "</ul><p>Paragraph 3</p>" & _
         "<p>Paragraph 4</p>" & _
         "<p class='padded'>Paragraph 5</p>"



答案 2 :(得分:0)


With xOutMail
        .To = xMailAddress
        .CC = xMailAddress2
        .BCC = ""
        .Subject = subj
        .HTMLBody = "<html> <head> <style> li.padding { margin-top: -10px; } </style> </head>" & "<p>Operations Leadership,</p>" & _
                    "<p>An inventory performance summary of your submitted IOM requested products is attached. The IOM Summary tab displays the families that are approved or denied based on whether they met the minimum performance turn threshold.</p>" & _
                    "Products are evaluated for performance by family<br>" & _
                    "<ul><li class='padding'>Approved products will be scheduled the same as before, based on forecast availability and prioritized by tier productivity<br>" & _
                    "<li>Denied products are due to a minimum turn threshold of productivity that is not met" & _
                    "</ul><p>Attached is an inventory performance report based on the family of products that are requested in the associated IOM.  This includes your turn and tier performance, inventory and sales information, the minimum turn threshold and national rank for your territory and decision of Yes/No for approval.</p>" & _
                    "<p>In addition - we have included three tabs that provide potential opportunities for redeployment within your territory.  Each tab report shows your productivity in each family: by account, by demand model (SISO) and evaluating loose shelf inventory and/or inventory contained in sales team and sales associate locations.</p>" & _
                    "<p>For those product families where the turn threshold is not met, (NO in column J) please review the performance metrics.  Utilizing the 3 tabs, evaluate the productivity of the identified Parked account turns, site demand model kit delta and misc inventory locations that carry this product family and work to reallocate / rebalance the inventory to meet the need of this particular IOM.</p>"
        .Attachments.Add attch
        .Display '.Send
    End With

答案 3 :(得分:0)


Dim html As String

html = "<html> <head> <style> li.padding { padding-left: 2cm; } </style> </head>"

html = html & "<p>Operations Leadership,</p>" & _
       "<p>An inventory performance summary of your submitted IOM requested products is attached." & _
       "The IOM Summary tab displays the families that are approved or denied based on whether they met the minimum performance turn threshold.</p>" & _
       "Products are evaluated for performance by family" & _
       "<li class='padding'>Approved products will be scheduled the same as before, based on forecast availability and prioritized by tier productivity</li>" & _
       "<li class='padding'>Denied products are due to a minimum turn threshold of productivity that is not met</li>" & _
       "<p>Attached is an inventory performance report based on the family of products that are requested in the associated IOM.  " & _
       "This includes your turn and tier performance, inventory and sales information, " & _
       "the minimum turn threshold and national rank for your territory and decision of Yes/No for approval.</p>" & _
       "<p>In addition - we have included three tabs that provide potential opportunities for redeployment within your territory.  " & _
       "Each tab report shows your productivity in each family: by account, by demand model (SISO) and evaluating loose shelf " & _
       "inventory and/or inventory contained in sales team and sales associate locations.</p>" & _
       "<p>For those product families where the turn threshold is not met, (NO in column J) please review the performance metrics.  " & _
       "Utilizing the 3 tabs, evaluate the productivity of the identified Parked account turns, site demand model kit delta and misc inventory " & _
       "locations that carry this product family and work to reallocate / rebalance the inventory to meet the need of this particular IOM.</p>"

html = html & "</body> </html>"

Open "c:\cdh\foo.html" For Output As #1
Print #1, html
Close #1


enter image description here

