
时间:2011-05-11 14:37:33

标签: c++ linker directdraw

我使用直接绘制的遗留代码,我处于相当尴尬的境地。 不久前我已更新我的系统,不得不适应新的情况(加载ddraw.dll),一切正常。 今天我探索了另一个传统的解决方案,它也使用了我已经改变的类(文件),但我坚持上面提到的链接错误。我检查并比较了项目属性,它们接缝很好。


 typedef int (__stdcall *DirectDrawCreateFunc)(GUID FAR* a ,LPDIRECTDRAW FAR* b, IUnknown FAR* c);

    /* init_directx:
     *  Low-level DirectDraw initialization routine.
    int CDCUtils::init_directx(HWND allegro_wnd)
       LPDIRECTDRAW directdraw1;
       HRESULT hr;
       LPVOID temp;
       HINSTANCE ddraw = LoadLibrary("%WINDIR%\system32\ddraw.dll");
       if(ddraw== NULL)
           return -1;
       _ddrawLib =ddraw;
    DirectDrawCreateFunc ddFunc = (DirectDrawCreateFunc)GetProcAddress(ddraw,"DirectDrawCreate");
     /* first we have to set up the DirectDraw1 interface... */
       hr = ddFunc(NULL, &directdraw1, NULL);
       if (FAILED(hr))
          return -1;

       ///* first we have to set up the DirectDraw1 interface... */
       //hr = DirectDrawCreate(NULL, &directdraw1, NULL);
       //if (FAILED(hr))
       //   return -1;

       //...then query the DirectDraw2 interface
       //This is the only place where IID_IDirectDraw2 is mentioned in entire solution
       hr=directdraw1->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectDraw2, &temp);
       if (FAILED(hr))
          return -1;

       _directdraw = (LPDIRECTDRAW2)temp;

       /* set the default cooperation level */
       hr = IDirectDraw2_SetCooperativeLevel(_directdraw, allegro_wnd, DDSCL_NORMAL);
       if (FAILED(hr))
          return -1;

       /* get capabilities */
       _ddcaps.dwSize = sizeof(_ddcaps);
       hr = IDirectDraw2_GetCaps(_directdraw, &_ddcaps, NULL);
       if (FAILED(hr)) {
          TRACE("Can't get driver caps\n");
          return -1;

      return 0;

有什么想法吗? 为什么它在一个解决方案中工作而不在这个解决方案中 哦,我不喜欢你。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

您是否已将dxguid.lib添加到项目的linker inputs

答案 1 :(得分:0)
