
时间:2020-02-04 21:51:39

标签: applescript repeat



on open droppedItems

    set user to do shell script "whoami"
    set archivePath to "/Users/" & user & "/Desktop/Archive' 'Drive"

    #tell application "Finder" to set jobName to name of item droppedItems
    #I need to figure this out as it's not working the way I originally had it

    tell application "Finder"
        do shell script "mkdir -p " & archivePath & "/" & jobName & "RAW' 'FILES"
        set localDestination to archivePath & "/" & jobName & "RAW' 'FILES"
        do shell script "open " & localDestination
        set position of window 1 to {1000, 0}
    end tell

    **#this is where I'm having issues (obviously)**
    repeat with i from 1 to count of droppedItems
        set currentItem to item i of droppedItems
        #display dialog (currentItem)
        duplicate currentItem to localDestination #I've tried a few different things here...
    end repeat
end open

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



  1. droppedItems是项目的列表。要获得名称,您必须使用一项。
  2. Finder仅接受HFS路径(以冒号分隔),您甚至试图将文件复制为文字字符串。使用HFS路径,您无需转义空格字符。在do shell script行中,路径以quoted form of进行转义。
  3. duplicate命令属于Finder。它必须包装在tell application "Finder"块中。


on open droppedItems

    set archivePath to (path to desktop as text) & "Archive Drive"
    tell application "Finder" to set jobName to name of first item of droppedItems
    set localDestination to archivePath & ":" & jobName & "RAW FILES"
    do shell script "mkdir -p " & quoted form of POSIX path of localDestination
    tell application "Finder"
        duplicate droppedItems to folder localDestination
        open folder localDestination
    end tell

end open


on open droppedItems

    set archivePath to (path to desktop as text) & "Archive Drive"
    tell application "Finder" to set jobName to name of first item of droppedItems
    set localDestination to archivePath & ":" & jobName & "RAW FILES"
    do shell script "mkdir -p " & quoted form of POSIX path of localDestination
    tell application "Finder"
        repeat with anItem in droppedItems
            if class of anItem is folder then
                duplicate every item of anItem to folder localDestination
                duplicate anItem to folder localDestination
            end if
        end repeat
        open folder localDestination
    end tell

end open