
时间:2020-02-14 08:28:08

标签: scala generics refactoring


  def createResultStreamSpecificRecordBase[T <: SpecificRecordBase](topic: String, source: DataStream[KafkaSourceType])(
      implicit tag: ClassTag[T]): DataStream[T] = {
      // contain calling java method with T <: SpecificRecordBase
      serialize(source, topic)  
      // the same logic

  def createResultStreamString(topic: String, source: DataStream[KafkaSourceType]): DataStream[String] = {
      // dont contain calling java method with T <: SpecificRecordBase
      // the same logic

  def processSpecificRecordBase[T <: SpecificRecordBase](...)(implicit tag: ClassTag[T]): Unit = {
      val stream = createStreamSpecificRecordBase(topic, source)
      // the other the same process actions

  def processString(...): Unit = {
      val stream = createResultStreamString(topic, source)
      // the other the same process actions


  def process[T <: SpecificRecordBase ?OR? String](...)(implicit tag: ClassTag[T]): Unit = {
      val stream = createStream(topic, source)

      this match {
          case SpecificRecordBaseRunner() => createStreamSpecificRecordBase(topic, source)
          case StringRunner()             => createStreamString(topic, source)
      // the other process actions

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

不幸的是,目前您没有所描述的OR类型的运算符。好消息,Union Types功能是即将推出的Dotty的一部分: https://dotty.epfl.ch/docs/reference/new-types/union-types.html



您可以声明sealed trait,该框将装箱所有可能的实例。 请查看下一个代码示例以获取更多详细信息:

// This is your base of sum type
sealed trait TopicResult

//Declared instances which you need to handle
case class RecordResult[T <: SpecificRecordBase](tag: ClassTag[T]) extends TopicResult
case object StringResult extends TopicResult

//Helper methods goes here for convenience 
object TopicResult {
    def record[T <: SpecificRecordBase](implicit tag: ClassTag[T]): TopicResult = RecordResult(tag)
    def string: TopicResult = StringResult

def process(result: TopicResult /*other arguments*/): Unit = {
  // This pattern matching should be safe, because you know all instances in advance.
  result match {
    case RecordResult(tag) => createStreamSpecificRecordBase(topic, source)
    case StringResult => createStreamString(topic, source)
  /// other operations


也称为Type Class模式。您可以根据行为类型提取行为。这是一种非常流行的方法,您可能会在catscirce等库中看到这种方法。 请查看下面的代码示例以获取更多详细信息:

// Type dependent logic interface
trait CreateTopic[T] {
 def createTopic(topic: String, source: String): String // put desired result type here

object CreateTopic {
  implicit def recordCreateTopic[T <: SpecificRecordBase](implicit tag: ClassTag[T]): CreateTopic[T] = {
    (topic: String, source: String) => ??? // create topic for record base

  implicit val stringCreateTopic: CreateTopic[String] = {
    (topic: String, source: String) => ??? // create topic for record base

import CreateTopic._
// implementation will be substituted by compiler based on it's type, from implicit context 
def process[T](/*other arguments*/)(implicit create: CreateTopic[T]): Unit = {
  create.createTopic(topic, source)
  /// other operations


