
时间:2020-02-16 22:03:54

标签: drools kie






    public class TempClass {
        public List<String> droolLogging = new ArrayList<>();

   public void execute(){
        Map<String, List<String>> failedTasks = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); // to see which tasks were incorrectly executed

        // Run 120 tasks in parallel using x threads (x depends upon no of processor)

        IntStream.range(1, 120).parallel()
        .forEach(taskCounter -> {

            String uniqueId = "Task-"+taskCounter;

            TempClass classObj = new TempClass();

            String ruleString = "package com.sample" + taskCounter + "\n" +
                    "import com.TempClass\n" +
                    "\n" +\
                    "rule \"droolLogging"+taskCounter+"\"\n" +
                    "\t when \n" +
                    "\t\t obj: TempClass(true)\n" +
                    "\t then \n" +
                    "\t\t obj.droolLogging.add(\"RuleOf-"+uniqueId+"\");\n" +
                    "\t end\n";

            // Above ruleString contains 1 rule and it is always executed. 
            // After execution, it will add an entry in array list 'droolLogging' 
            // of class 'TempClass'. In this entry, we are storing task counter 
            // to see rule of which task is executed.

            //following line of code seems to be the culprit as this is somehow returning incorrect KieBase sometime.

            KieBase kbase = new KieHelper()
                             .addContent(ruleString, ResourceType.DRL)

        //Same issue occurs even if I create different file with different name instead of using KieHelper.

        KieServices ks = KieServices.Factory.get();
        KieFileSystem kfs = ks.newKieFileSystem();

        String inMemoryDrlFileName = "src/main/resources/inmemoryrules-" + taskCounter + ".drl";

        kfs.write(inMemoryDrlFileName, ruleString);

        KieBuilder kieBuilder = ks.newKieBuilder(kfs).buildAll();
        KieContainer kContainer = ks.newKieContainer(kieBuilder.getKieModule().getReleaseId());
        KieBaseConfiguration kbconf = ks.newKieBaseConfiguration();
        KieBase kbase = kContainer.newKieBase(kbconf);

            StatelessKieSession kieSession = kbase.newStatelessKieSession();

            System.out.println("(" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + ") " +
                    uniqueId + "_" + classObj.droolLogging );

            //  To see if correct rule is executed, task no. printed by variable 'droolLogging'
            //  should match with uniqueId

            if(classObj.droolLogging == null || classObj.droolLogging.size() != 1 ||
                    !classObj.droolLogging.get(0).endsWith(uniqueId)) {
                failedTasks.put("" + taskCounter, classObj.droolLogging);

        logger.info("Failed:\n {}", failedTasks);

    (ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1) Task-37_[RuleOf-Task-4]
    (ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-6) Task-8_[RuleOf-Task-4]
    (ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-3) Task-18_[RuleOf-Task-4]
    (ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-2) Task-108_[RuleOf-Task-4]
    (main) Task-78_[RuleOf-Task-4]
    (ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-7) Task-52_[RuleOf-Task-4]
    (ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-4) Task-97_[RuleOf-Task-4]
    (ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-5) Task-4_[RuleOf-Task-4]
    (ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-3) Task-19_[RuleOf-Task-19]
    (ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-5) Task-5_[RuleOf-Task-5]
    (ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-2) Task-109_[RuleOf-Task-109]
    (ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-7) Task-53_[RuleOf-Task-53]
    (ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1) Task-38_[RuleOf-Task-38]
    (ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-4) Task-98_[RuleOf-Task-98]
    .... more

    Failed (12):
        {88=[RuleOf-Task-77], 78=[RuleOf-Task-4], 68=[RuleOf-Task-60], 37=[RuleOf-Task-4], 15=[RuleOf-Task-1], 18=[RuleOf-Task-4], 7=[RuleOf-Task-11], 8=[RuleOf-Task-4], 108=[RuleOf-Task-4], 71=[RuleOf-Task-76], 52=[RuleOf-Task-4], 97=[RuleOf-Task-4]}

This shows:

 - Rule of task 77 was executed in task 88
 - Rule of task 4 was executed in task 78
 - Rule of task 60 was executed in task 68
 - ....

This is wrong. For correct results, in each process, Rule of task X should be executed in task X only.


更新: 上面的代码仅用于测试目的,以了解KieBase的生成和执行在多线程环境中的行为。实际用例如下:




 for category 1 , I need to execute rule101, rule102, rule103

 for category 2 , I need to execute rule201, rule202, rule203

 Note: During evaluation, rules of category X should NOT interfere with Rules of category Y, i.e., they should be run independently.

因为没有类别巨大,我们正在并行构建KieBases(针对每个类别)并将其存储x分钟。 x分钟后,我们检查规则是否已更改任何类别,如果更改,则KieBase将再次针对这些类别进行编译(这将是并行的)。


   category1 -> KieBase1   (compiled rules: rule101, rule102, rule103)
   category2 -> KieBase2   (compiled rules: rule201, rule202, rule203)
   category3 -> KieBase3

   Note: As already mentioned above, execution of KieBase X should NOT interfere with execution of KieBase Y as KieBases are created category wise and for each category, only particular set of rules should be executed.

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


在Drools Dev社区的一位成员提出了解决方案的建议后,以下似乎是上述异常的原因以及解决此问题的解决方法:




KieServices ks = KieServices.Factory.get();
KieFileSystem kfs = ks.newKieFileSystem();
kfs.write("src/main/resources/rules.drl", ruleString);

ReleaseId releaseId = ks.newReleaseId("com.rule", "test" + taskCounter, "1.0.0");

KieBuilder kieBuilder = ks.newKieBuilder(kfs).buildAll();
Results results = kieBuilder.getResults();

if (results.hasMessages(Message.Level.ERROR)) {
  throw new RuntimeException(results.getMessages().toString());

KieContainer kContainer = ks.newKieContainer(releaseId);
KieBase kbase = kContainer.newKieBase(ks.newKieBaseConfiguration());

StatelessKieSession kieSession = kbase.newStatelessKieSession();

通过并行运行> 500个进程进行了验证,并且未发生任何问题。