
时间:2020-02-28 07:26:18

标签: excel vba file



Dim FileNum as Integer
dim DataLine as String
Dim strPath as String
Dim strEntry as String

strPath = [Path to Log.txt]  
strEntry = [Special Value]     

'In this first part the Log.txt is opened for Input and each line is saved in DataLine 
'to be compared to the special value in strEntry. If it is already in the Log.txt, the Sub to
'create a new Log-Entry is exited and is started again, once the next special value from another cell is 
'obtained (from another Sub).

FileNum = FreeFile()
Open strPath For Input As #FileNum
Do While Not EOF(FileNum)
     Line Input #FileNum, DataLine
'The value strEntry should start at position 2 of the Entry in the Log.txt (due to the quotation marks [""] in the 
'Log.txt line.
     If InStr(DataLine, strEntry) = 2 Then Exit Sub
Close #FileNum

'After it could be verified, that strEntry is not already in the Log.txt, the txt-File should be opened 
'again, this time for Append. Then, the strEntry should be written to the txt-File, the Log.txt should close and 
'Sub is finished.

FileNum = FreeFile()
Open strPath For Append As #FileNum
Write #FileNum, strEntry 
Close #FileNum




我不知道为什么会这样,正如我在第一部分结尾处Close #FileNum一样。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

问题是If InStr(DataLine, strEntry) = 2 Then Exit Sub在这种情况下,因为它正在退出Sub,所以您没有关闭文件。在这种情况下,文件保持打开状态。明智地使用Exit Sub。尝试使用一个入口点和一个出口点,以便您可以处置对象/变量并正确进行相关清理。


'~~> Rest of your code
Dim continue As Boolean: continue = True

'~~> Rest of your code

Do While Not EOF(FileNum)
    Line Input #FileNum, DataLine
    If InStr(DataLine, strEntry) = 2 Then
        continue = False
        Exit Do
    End If
Close #FileNum

If continue = True Then
    FileNum = FreeFile()
    Open strPath For Append As #FileNum
    Write #FileNum, strEntry
    Close #FileNum
End If


    FileNum = FreeFile()
    Open strPath For Input As #FileNum
    Do While Not EOF(FileNum)
        Line Input #FileNum, DataLine
        'The value strEntry should start at position 2 of the Entry in the Log.txt (due to the quotation marks [""] in the
        'Log.txt line.
        If InStr(DataLine, strEntry) = 2 Then GoTo CleanupAndExit
    Close #FileNum

    'After it could be verified, that strEntry is not already in the Log.txt, the txt-File should be opened
    'again, this time for Append. Then, the strEntry should be written to the txt-File, the Log.txt should close and
    'Sub is finished.

    FileNum = FreeFile()
    Open strPath For Append As #FileNum
    Write #FileNum, strEntry
    Close #FileNum