
时间:2011-05-24 12:00:50

标签: scala string clojure




replaceTemplates("This is a {test}", Map('test -> "game"))


(replace-templates "This is a {test}" {:test "game"})

将返回"This is a game"




def replaceTemplates(text: String,
                     templates: Map[Symbol, String]): String = {
  val builder = new StringBuilder(text)

  def loop(key: String,
           keyLength: Int,
           value: String): StringBuilder = {
    val index = builder.lastIndexOf(key)
    if (index < 0) builder
    else {
      builder.replace(index, index + keyLength, value)
      loop(key, keyLength, value)

  templates.foreach {
    case (key, value) =>
      val template = "{" + + "}"
      loop(template, template.length, value)



(defn replace-templates
  "Return a String with each occurrence of a substring of the form {key}
   replaced with the corresponding value from a map parameter.
   @param str the String in which to do the replacements
   @param m a map of keyword->value"
  [text m]
  (let [sb (StringBuilder. text)]
    (letfn [(replace-all [key key-length value]
              (let [index (.lastIndexOf sb key)]
                (if (< index 0)
                    (.replace sb index (+ index key-length) value)
                    (recur key key-length value)))))]
      (doseq [[key value] m]
        (let [template (str "{" (name key) "}")]
          (replace-all template (count template) value))))
    (.toString sb)))


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque
elit nisi, egestas et tincidunt eget, {foo} mattis non erat. Aenean ut
elit in odio vehicula facilisis. Vestibulum quis elit vel nulla
interdum facilisis ut eu sapien. Nullam cursus fermentum
sollicitudin. Donec non congue augue. {bar} Vestibulum et magna quis
arcu ultricies consectetur auctor vitae urna. Fusce hendrerit
facilisis volutpat. Ut lectus augue, mattis {baz} venenatis {foo}
lobortis sed, varius eu massa. Ut sit amet nunc quis velit hendrerit
bibendum in eget nibh. Cras blandit nibh in odio suscipit eget aliquet
tortor placerat. In tempor ullamcorper mi. Quisque egestas, metus eu
venenatis pulvinar, sem urna blandit mi, in lobortis augue sem ut
dolor. Sed in {bar} neque sapien, vitae lacinia arcu. Phasellus mollis
blandit commodo.
""", Map('foo -> "HELLO", 'bar -> "GOODBYE", 'baz -> "FORTY-TWO"))


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque
elit nisi, egestas et tincidunt eget, HELLO mattis non erat. Aenean ut
elit in odio vehicula facilisis. Vestibulum quis elit vel nulla
interdum facilisis ut eu sapien. Nullam cursus fermentum
sollicitudin. Donec non congue augue. GOODBYE Vestibulum et magna quis
arcu ultricies consectetur auctor vitae urna. Fusce hendrerit
facilisis volutpat. Ut lectus augue, mattis FORTY-TWO venenatis HELLO
lobortis sed, varius eu massa. Ut sit amet nunc quis velit hendrerit
bibendum in eget nibh. Cras blandit nibh in odio suscipit eget aliquet
tortor placerat. In tempor ullamcorper mi. Quisque egestas, metus eu
venenatis pulvinar, sem urna blandit mi, in lobortis augue sem ut
dolor. Sed in GOODBYE neque sapien, vitae lacinia arcu. Phasellus mollis
blandit commodo.





更新2 :这是一个更好的Scala实现;字符串长度为O(n)。请注意,我已根据多人的建议将Map修改为[String, String]而非[Symbol, String]。 (感谢mikerakotarak):

 * Replace templates of the form {key} in the input String with values from the Map.
 * @param text the String in which to do the replacements
 * @param templates a Map from Symbol (key) to value
 * @returns the String with all occurrences of the templates replaced by their values
def replaceTemplates(text: String,
                     templates: Map[String, String]): String = {
  val builder = new StringBuilder
  val textLength = text.length

  def loop(text: String): String = {
    if (text.length == 0) builder.toString
    else if (text.startsWith("{")) {
      val brace = text.indexOf("}")
      if (brace < 0) builder.append(text).toString
      else {
        val replacement = templates.get(text.substring(1, brace)).orNull
          if (replacement != null) {
            loop(text.substring(brace + 1))
          } else {
    } else {
      val brace = text.indexOf("{")
      if (brace < 0) builder.append(text).toString
      else {
        builder.append(text.substring(0, brace))


更新3 :以下是一组Clojure测试用例(Scala版本留作练习: - )):

(use 'clojure.test)

(deftest test-replace-templates
  (is (=        ; No templates
        (replace-templates "this is a test" {:foo "FOO"})
        "this is a test"))

  (is (=        ; One simple template
        (replace-templates "this is a {foo} test" {:foo "FOO"})
        "this is a FOO test"))

  (is (=        ; Two templates, second at end of input string
        (replace-templates "this is a {foo} test {bar}" {:foo "FOO" :bar "BAR"})
        "this is a FOO test BAR"))

  (is (=        ; Two templates
        (replace-templates "this is a {foo} test {bar} 42" {:foo "FOO" :bar "BAR"})
        "this is a FOO test BAR 42"))

  (is (=        ; Second brace-enclosed item is NOT a template
        (replace-templates "this is a {foo} test {baz} 42" {:foo "FOO" :bar "BAR"})
        "this is a FOO test {baz} 42"))

  (is (=        ; Second item is not a template (no closing brace)
        (replace-templates "this is a {foo} test {bar" {:foo "FOO" :bar "BAR"})
        "this is a FOO test {bar"))

  (is (=        ; First item is enclosed in a non-template brace-pair
        (replace-templates "this is {a {foo} test} {bar" {:foo "FOO" :bar "BAR"})
        "this is {a FOO test} {bar")))


7 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)


  1. 初始化一个空的StringBuilder
  2. 扫描字符串以找到第一个“{”,在此之前将任何子字符串添加到Stringbuilder中。如果没有找到“{”,那么你已经完成了!
  3. 扫描到下一个“}”。使用花括号之间的任何内容在String-&gt; String hashmap中执行地图查找并将结果添加到StringBuilder
  4. 返回2.继续扫描“}”
  5. 之后

    转换为Scala / Clojure作为练习: - )

答案 1 :(得分:7)

这是使用正则表达式进行替换的clojure实现的一个版本。它比你的版本更快(运行你的Lorum ipsum测试用例100次,进一步查看),并且维护的代码更少:

(defn replace-templates2 [text m]
  (clojure.string/replace text 
                          (fn [groups] 
                              ((keyword (subs groups 
                                              (dec (.length groups)))) m))))




(defn replace-templates3 [text m]
  (clojure.string/replace text 
                          (fn [groups] 
                              ((->> groups
                                    (drop 1)
                                    (drop 1)
                                    (apply str)
                                    keyword) m))))


"Elapsed time: 77.475072 msecs"
"Elapsed time: 50.238911 msecs"
"Elapsed time: 38.109875 msecs"

答案 2 :(得分:7)

我为Clojure编写了一个字符串插值库,它被作为clojure.contrib.strint引入clojure-contrib。我blogged about it;你会在那里找到对这种方法的描述。它的最新来源可以是viewed here on githubclojure.contrib.strint和这里的方法之间的巨大差异是后者都在运行时执行插值。根据我的经验,运行时插值在很大程度上是不必要的,并且使用在编译时执行插值的clojure.contrib.strint之类的东西通常会为您的应用程序带来切实的性能优势。

请注意,clojure.contrib.strint有望成为migrating to clojure.core.strint under Clojure's "new-contrib" organization

答案 3 :(得分:6)

有些人在遇到问题时会想“我会使用正则表达式!”。现在他们有两个问题。然而,其他人决定使用正则表达式 - 现在他们有三个问题:实现和维护半正则表达式的临时实现,以及其他两个。


import scala.util.matching.Regex

def replaceTemplates(text: String,
                     templates: Map[String, String]): String = 
    """\{([^{}]*)\}""".r replaceSomeIn ( text,  { case Regex.Groups(name) => templates get name } )


您可能希望从Regex的scaladoc API中浏览Scala的源代码,看看发生了什么。

答案 4 :(得分:6)

Torbjørns的答案非常好听。使用butlast摆脱双反转,以及字符串/连接而不是apply'ing str可能会很好。另外使用地图作为功能。 因此,clojure代码可以进一步缩短为:

(defn replace-template [text m] 
      (clojure.string/replace text #"\{\w+\}" 
                              (comp m keyword clojure.string/join butlast rest)))

答案 5 :(得分:1)



def replaceTemplates(s: String, templates: Map[String, String]): String = {
  type DataList = List[(Int, String, Int)]
  def matchedData(from: Int, l: DataList): DataList = {
    val end = s.lastIndexOf("}", from)
    if (end == -1) l
    else {
      val begin = s.lastIndexOf("{", end)
      if (begin == -1) l
      else {
        val template = s.substring(begin, end+1)
        matchedData(begin-1, (begin, template, end+1) :: l)

  val sb = new StringBuilder(s.length)
  var prev = 0
  for ((begin, template, end) <- matchedData(s.length, Nil)) {
    sb.append(s.substring(prev, begin))
    val ident = template.substring(1, template.length-1)
    sb.append(templates.getOrElse(ident, template))
    prev = end
  sb.append(s.substring(prev, s.length))


def replaceTemplates(s: String, templates: Map[String, String]): String = {
  val sb = new StringBuilder(s.length)
  var prev = 0
  for (m <- """\{.+?\}""".r findAllIn s matchData) {
    sb.append(s.substring(prev, m.start))
    val ms = m.matched
    val ident = ms.substring(1, ms.length-1)
    sb.append(templates.getOrElse(ident, ms))
    prev = m.end
  sb.append(s.substring(prev, s.length))

答案 6 :(得分:1)

Regex + replaceAllIn + Fold:

val template = "Hello #{name}!"
val replacements = Map( "name" -> "Aldo" )
replacements.foldLeft(template)((s:String, x:(String,String)) => ( "#\\{" + x._1 + "\\}" ).r.replaceAllIn( s, x._2 ))