
时间:2020-05-09 19:38:59

标签: python python-3.x list

我似乎在将对象附加到其他对象列表时遇到麻烦。 尽我所能解释:




我有一个由3个投资者组成的列表,每个投资者都有一个作为房屋列表的字段(在第一个 init 处开始为空)

现在,我要做的是显示市场上的房屋清单(我已经完成了) 用户输入要购买的房屋的索引,然后程序会将房屋添加到其房屋列表中,并将其从市场中的房屋列表中删除。

现在我的问题似乎是,每当我选择一所房子时,它就会将其添加到所有3个投资者中,而不是添加到特定的投资者中,我不知道为什么 (可能是因为它是ref类型,但我不知道如何克服它:/)


class Investor:
    def __init__(self, name, budget, houses):
        self.name = name
        self.budget = budget
        self.houses = houses

    def BuyHouse(self, market, houseIndex):
        self.budget -= market.availableHouses(houseIndex).price
        self.houses.append(market.availableHouses[houseIndex])  ## i believe this to be the problem. 
        print(f'Budget left: {self.budget}$')    

    def PrintAllInfo(self): # prints all info for houses.
        counter = 1
        for h in self.houses:
            print(f'{counter}) The House is in: {h.location}\n   The House price is: {h.price}$\n   The House size is: {h.size} sqft')
            counter += 1

class House:
    def __init__(self, location, price, length, width):
        self.location = location
        self.price = price
        self.width = width
        self.length = length

    def PrintThisHouse(self):
        print(f'{self.location}, Price - {self.price}$')

class Market:
    def __init__(self, availableHouses):
        self.availableHouses = availableHouses

    def PrintAllHouses(self):
        print('\nALL ABAILABLE PROPERTIES:\n--------------------------')
        counter = 1
        for h in self.availableHouses:
            print(str(counter) + ' - ', end='')
            counter += 1

# main #
invHouses = []
investors = [ Investor('Bot1', 100000000, invHouses),
              Investor('Bot2', 100000000, invHouses),
              Investor('Bot3', 100000000, invHouses) ]
# init Houses:
houses = [ House("LA, California",450000,20,10),
           House("IL, Tel Aviv",1000000,5,5),
           House("Rus, Moscow",40000,20,10),
           House("Switz, Zr",125000,7,9),
           House("Fr, Paris",225000,15,4),
           House("Eg, Cairo",75000,15,15),
           House("Pt, Lisbon",100000,10,10),
           House("Ge, Batumi",75000,14,6),
           House("In, New Delhi",50000,20,20),
           House("Ca, Montreal",500000,30,35),
           House("Cambodia, Phnom Pen",15000,9,9),
           House("Uk, London",1000000,10,10) ]

#init Market:
mrkt = Market(houses)

# runs 3 times 1 time for each investor to buy one house.
for inv in investors: # run for all investors
    mrkt.PrintAllHouses() # a func that prints all the houses that are on the market
    selectHouse = (int(input('Enter the house you want to buy: ')) - 1)
    inv.BuyHouse(mrkt, selectHouse)

#after each investor bought a house i want to print for each investor his house(s) in the list
# problem is that now it prints all 3 houses for each one and i dont know why :(
for inv in investors:
    print(f'\nProperties of {inv.name}:')


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

invHouses = []
investors = [ Investor('Bot1', 100000000, invHouses),
              Investor('Bot2', 100000000, invHouses),
              Investor('Bot3', 100000000, invHouses) ]


investors = [ Investor('Bot1', 100000000, []),
              Investor('Bot2', 100000000, []),
              Investor('Bot3', 100000000, []) ]


答案 1 :(得分:0)

