
时间:2020-05-29 20:08:44

标签: python multithreading parallel-processing saving-data




import numpy as np
import threading
import time

def imacq():
    print('acquiring image...')
    print('saved image...')

# Start image acqusition and writing to disc thread
imacq_thread = threading.Thread(target=imacq)

starttime = time.time()
sig_arr = np.zeros(100)
tim_arr = np.zeros(100)
image_cycles = 5
running = True
flag = True
for cycles in range(1,20):
    if cycles%image_cycles == 0:
        if flag is True:
            imacq_thread.start() # this works well the first time as intended
            # imacq() # this does not work as everything is paused until imacp() returns
            flag = False
        flag = True

编辑:在西尔瓦斯反馈之后: 我已经制作了两种不同的版本来触发函数,最终将使用它们来确定驱动器的发送,存储和映像,以及与决定发送触发/执行函数的时间的主脚本并行。一个版本基于Sylvaus的答案(线程),而另一个版本则基于多重处理。


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import time
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

def imacq():
    print('taking image')
    n = 10000
    np.ones((n, n))*np.ones((n, n))  # calculations taking time
    print('saving image')

sig_arr = np.zeros(100)
tim_arr = np.zeros(100)
image_cycles = 20
max_cycles = 100
freq = 10
cycles = 1
sigSign = 1

running = True
flag = True
timeinc = []
tic = time.time()
tic2 = tic
timeinc = np.zeros(max_cycles)
starttime = time.time()
with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
    while running:
        t = time.time()-starttime
        tim_arr[:-1] = tim_arr[1:]
        tim_arr[-1] = t
        signal = np.sin(freq*t*(2.0*np.pi))
        sig_arr[:-1] = sig_arr[1:]
        sig_arr[-1] = signal

        # Calculate cycle number
        sigSignOld = sigSign
        sigSign = np.sign(sig_arr[-1]-sig_arr[-2])
        if sigSign == 1 and sigSignOld != sigSign:
            timeinc[cycles] = time.time()-tic
            cycles += 1
            print('cycles: ', cycles, ' time inc.: ', str(timeinc[cycles-1]))
            tic = time.time()

        if cycles%image_cycles == 0:
            if flag is True:
                # The function is submitted and will be processed by a
                # a thread as soon as one is available
                flag = False
            flag = True
        if cycles >= max_cycles:
            running = False

print('total time: ', time.time()-tic2)

fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes()


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import time
from multiprocessing import Process, Value, Lock

def trig_resp(running, trigger, p_count, pt, lock):
    while running.value == 1:  # note ".value" on each sharedctype variable
        time.sleep(0.0001)  # sleeping in order not to load CPU too excessively
        if trigger.value == 1:
            with lock:  # lock "global" variable before wrtting to it
                trigger.value = 0  # reset trigger
            tic = time.time()
            # Do a calculation that takes a significant time
            n = 10000; np.ones((n, n))*np.ones((n, n))
            with lock:
                pt.value = time.time() - tic  # calculate process time
                p_count.value += 1  # count number of finished processes

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # initialize shared values (global accross processes/sharedctype).
    # Type 'i': integer, type 'd': double.
    trigger = Value('i', 0)  # used to trigger execution placed in trig_resp()
    running = Value('i', 1)  # A way to break the loop in trig_resp()
    p_count = Value('i', 0)  # process counter and flag that process is done
    pt = Value('d', 0.0)  # process time of latest finished process
    lock = Lock() # lock object used to avoid raise conditions when changing "global" values.
    p_count_old = p_count.value
    p1 = Process(target=trig_resp, args=(running, trigger, p_count, pt, lock))
    p1.start()  # Start process

    # A "simulated" sinusiodal signal
    array_len = 50
    sig_arr = np.zeros(array_len)  # Signal array
    tim_arr = np.zeros(array_len)  # Correpsonding time array
    freq = 10  # frequency of signal

    # trigger settings
    im_int = 20  # cycle interval for triggering (acquiring images)
    max_cycles = 100  # max number of cycles before stopping main

    # initializing counters etc.
    cycles = 1  # number of cycles counted
    sigSign = 1  # sign of signal gradient
    flag = 1  # used to only set trigger once for the current cycle count
    trigger_count = 0  # counts how many times a trigger has been set

    tic = time.time()
    tic2 = tic
    timeinc = np.zeros(max_cycles) # Array to keep track of time used for each main loop run
    starttime = time.time()
    while running.value == 1:
        time.sleep(0.00001)  # mimics sample time (real world signal)
        t = time.time()-starttime  # local time
        signal = np.sin(freq*t*(2.0*np.pi))  # simulated signal
        # Keeping the latest array_len values (FIFO) of t and signal.
        tim_arr[:-1] = tim_arr[1:]
        tim_arr[-1] = t
        sig_arr[:-1] = sig_arr[1:]
        sig_arr[-1] = signal

        if p_count.value == p_count_old + 1:  # process have finished
            print('Process counter: ', p_count.value,  'process_time: ', pt.value)
            p_count_old = p_count.value

        # Calculate cycle number by monotoring sign of the gradient
        sigSignOld = sigSign  # Keeping track of previous signal gradient sign
        sigSign = np.sign(sig_arr[-1]-sig_arr[-2])  # current gradient sign
        if sigSign == 1 and sigSignOld == -1:  # a local minimum just happened
            timeinc[cycles] = time.time()-tic
            cycles += 1
            print('cycles: ', cycles, ' time inc.: ', str(timeinc[cycles-1]))
            tic = time.time()
            flag = 1

        if cycles % im_int == 0 and flag == 1:
            if cycles > 0:
                if trigger_count > p_count.value:
                    print('WARNING: Process: ', p_count.value,
                          'did not finish yet. Reduce freq or increase im_int')
                trigger.value = 1
                trigger_count += 1
                print('Trigger number: ', trigger_count)
                flag = 0

        if cycles >= max_cycles:
            running.value = 0

    print('total cycle time: ', time.time()-tic2)

    # Print the process time of the last run
    if p_count.value < max_cycles//im_int:
        if p_count.value == p_count_old + 1:
            print('process counter: ', p_count.value,  'process_time: ', pt.value)
            p_count_old = p_count.value

    print('total process time: ', time.time()-tic2)

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = plt.axes()

我在Windows 10笔记本电脑上,因此时间安排(主while循环“正在运行...:”的每个循环中的时间增量)取决于计算机上正在发生的其他事情,但是该版本基于多处理似乎不如基于线程的敏感。但是,基于多处理的解决方案不是很优雅,我怀疑可以实现相同或更好的解决方案(更简单,更不容易犯错误)的更智能解决方案(一致的时间增量和较低的CPU负载)。

我在此处分别为“多进程”和“线程”示例附加了时间增量图:Multiprocess example Threading example


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)




import numpy as np
import time
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

def imacq():
    print('acquiring image...')
    print('saved image...')

starttime = time.time()
sig_arr = np.zeros(100)
tim_arr = np.zeros(100)
image_cycles = 5
running = True
flag = True

with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
    for cycles in range(1,20):
        if cycles%image_cycles == 0:
            if flag is True:
                # The function is submitted and will be processed by a 
                # a thread as soon as one is available
                flag = False
            flag = True

答案 1 :(得分:0)

您的采集设备,数据速率和数据量的细节似乎并不十分清楚,但我的印象是,问题在于您想要尽可能快地采集一个信号并想要捕获图像并只要该信号“有趣” 就会尽快写入磁盘,但不会延迟信号的下一次采集。



#!/usr/bin/env python3

from multiprocessing import Process, Queue, freeze_support

def ImageCapture(queue):
    while True:
        # Wait till told to capture image - message could contain event reference number
        item = queue.get()
        if item == -1:
        # Capture image and save to disk

def main():
    # Create queue to send image capture requests on
    queue = Queue(8)

    # Start image acquisition process
    p = Process(target=ImageCapture, args=(queue,))

    # do forever
    #    acquire from DAQ
    #    if interesting
    #       queue.put(event reference number or filename)

    # Stop image acquisition process

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Some Windows thing

