从Apps Script项目发送的重复电子邮件,具有每周一次的基于时间的触发器

时间:2020-06-08 13:33:26

标签: google-apps-script google-sheets triggers




每个Stackdriver日志运行4次-“我的执行”区域 Multiple runs where there should just be one

仅配置了1个触发器 Weekly time-based trigger


function sendEmailLoop() {

  var sheets =   SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheets();
  sheets.forEach(function(sheet) {
    var range = sheet.getDataRange();

    if (sheet.getName() == "Summary") //Disregard tab named 'Summary' 

    else {    
      var range = sheet.getDataRange(); //to set the range as array
      var values = range.getDisplayValues(); //to get the value in the array
      var lastRow = range.getLastRow();
      var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();  //declare the spreadsheet
      var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1");
      var message = "";
      var i;
      var logContent = '';

      for (i = 3; i < lastRow; i++) { 
        if (values[i][8] == 'TRUE') {

      var EmpName = values[i][0];        //[Name] cell A++
      var EmpEmail = values[i][1];       // [Email] cell B++
      var SupName = values[i][2];       //[Supervisor Name] cell C++
      var SupEmail = values[i][3];      //[Supervisor Email] cell D++
      var LastComplete = values[i][4];  //[Last Completed Date] cell E++
      var DueDate = values[i][5];       //[Due date] cell F++
      var Title = values[0][0];         //[Title] cell A1
      var URL = values[0][1];         //[URL] cell B1
      var CertTo = values[1][1];      // [Certificate goes to] cell B2
      var curDate = values[0][4];

        Logger.log('to: ' + EmpEmail);
        Logger.log('subject: ' + EmpName + Title + 'Test');
        Logger.log('message: ' + 'This is a test message for the training that can be found at ' + URL);

        if (EmpEmail == "") {

        message = "Dear " + EmpName + ","+
            "<br/><br/>This is a reminder that you must complete the " + Title + " training by " + DueDate + " in order to comply with the annual training requirement. You last completed the course on " +
              LastComplete + ". " + 
                "<p>Please complete the course at <a href=\ " + URL + ">this link</a> prior to the due date. You will continue to receive email reminders until you complete it. Once completed, please email a PDF of your completion certificate to your supervisor and " + CertTo + ".</p>" +
                "<em><br/><br/>**This email is auto-generated. If you already completed this training, please let your supervisor know.**</em>";

          to: EmpEmail,
          cc: SupEmail,
          subject: 'Annual ' + Title + ' Training Reminder - Due ' + DueDate,
          htmlBody: message});
      }; //end for loop - email tab data
    };   // end 'else'
  }); // end function(sheet)       
} // end SendEmailLoop()  

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



  • 使用Script Properties保存上一次执行时间
  • 仅在上次执行时间(从脚本属性中检索)不少于一周前的情况下,在代码的开头执行if语句,以执行其余代码。


function sendEmailLoop() {
    PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().setProperty("lastExecution", new Date().getTime());
  var lastExecution = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty("lastExecution");
  var now = new Date().getTime();
  var oneWeek = 1000*3600*24*7;
  if(now-lastExecution >= oneWeek){
    // paste here the rest of your code
    PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().setProperty("lastExecution", now);