
时间:2020-07-16 04:41:11

标签: reactjs azure redirect msal


** AuthProvider.ts **

import { Configuration } from 'msal

// Msal Configurations
const config = {
   auth: {
      authority: 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/' + process.env.REACT_APP_AAD_TENANT,
      clientId: process.env.REACT_APP_AAD_CLIENT_ID,
      postLogoutRedirectUri: window.location.origin,
      redirectUri: window.location.origin,
      validateAuthority: true,
      navigateToLoginRequestUrl: false,
   cache: {
      cacheLocation: 'sessionStorage', // This configures where your cache will be stored
      storeAuthStateInCookie: false, // Set this to "true" if you are having issues on IE11 or Edge
} as Configuration

// Authentication Parameters
const authenticationParameters = {
   scopes: ['openid', 'api://' + process.env.REACT_APP_AAD_SCOPES],

// Options
const options = {
   loginType: LoginType.Redirect,
   tokenRefreshUri: window.location.origin + '/auth.html',

export const authProvider = new MsalAuthProvider(config, authenticationParameters, options)


我想知道为什么它在用户第一次访问应用程序时起作用,而在尝试刷新令牌时却不起作用。我认为Azure配置是正确的,因为它是第一次工作。可能是iframe /浏览器问题还是代码问题?

[![IdResponse tokenType undefined] [1]] [1] [1]:https://i.stack.imgur.com/6Vkwn.png

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:-1)

要使用刷新令牌获取有效令牌,您需要调用msal.js令牌API AcquisitionTokenSilent。有关如何使用msal.js获取令牌的更多信息,请参见this document

您可以根据自己的情况参考msal.js sample