
时间:2020-08-06 07:02:36

标签: c# unity3d

我刚刚开始使用Unity和Visual Studio制作游戏,我有点困惑为什么我的 Speed 值始终设为零,即使我将其设置为另一个变量也是如此。

<?php ?>

这是我的 speed 值始终为零的脚本

<?= ?>

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


启用脚本之前,在框架上调用开始 第一次调用Update方法。



private void Update()
    \\ i though the code below will set my speed equal to my finalSpeed but it still 0
    speed = ballista.GetComponent<Ballista>().finalSpeed;

    Vector2 mousePos = Input.mousePosition;
    Debug.Log("speed: " + speed);
    rgBody2D.AddForce(mousePos * speed * Time.deltaTime);


答案 1 :(得分:1)

速度= ballista.GetComponent()。finalSpeed;


void Update(){



void Start() {


因为空启动仅运行一次,并且在那个时间点速度为零 希望对您有所帮助:)

答案 2 :(得分:1)




  1. 您始终在从给定的预制中生成第二个脚本的 new 实例。该预制件似乎包含对Ballista prefab 实例的引用。至少您永远不会为ballista分配新的值!永远不会更新finalSpeed的地方可能是错误的参考。

  2. 您首先执行Shoot,然后设置finalSpeed->,即使它是正确的引用,您也总是得到错误的finalSpeed值!


public class Ballista : MonoBehaviour
    public Transform firePoint;
    // By giving it the correct type here you don't need GetComponent later
    public Rigidbody2D arrowPrefab;

    public float startTimeHold;
    public float arrowSpeed = 100f;

    // I personally would add aax value and clamp since to fast RigidBodies can break collision detection eventually
    public float maxArrowSpeed = 300;

    private void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.M))
            startTimeHold = Time.time;
        if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.M))
            var holdDownTime = Time.time - startTimeHold;
            // get the speed before you shoot
            // Here personally I would clamp to be sure the arrow is never faster than maxArrowSpeed 
            // regardless of how long the user held the button pressed
            var finalSpeed = Mathf.Min(holdDownTime * arrowSpeed, maxArrowSpeed);

            Debug.Log("holddowntimeis: " + holdDownTime);
            Debug.Log("final speed is: " + finalSpeed);
            // pass in your speed
    private void Shoot(float speed)
        // Instantiate anyway returns the type of the given prefab
        // which now is a Rigidbody2D
        var arrow = Instantiate(arrowPrefab, firePoint.position, firePoint.rotation);
        // Directly set the speed from here
        // -> your arrow doesn't even need an extra component
        // Since you already spawned it with the correct rotation you maybe don't even need the mouse position thing
        // AddForceRelative adds a force in the local space of the arrow so if the rotation is correctly
        // this simply adds the force in its forward direction
        // Note that also using Time.deltaTime actually only makes sense if you set something continuously
        // For a one-time force you wouldn't need it, rather adjust your arrowSpeed field
        arrow.AddForceRelative(Vector2.forward * speed);


arrow.velocity = Vector2.forward * speed; 

由于您没有连续进行更新,因此这非常好,并且可以更轻松地预测实际目标速度,因为在添加力时必须考虑质量和摩擦。当然,您将不得不相应地调整arrowSpeed(和evtl maxArrowSpeed),使其不再代表力,而是代表单位为单位的实际速度。

