使用向量C ++进行二进制搜索

时间:2020-08-27 10:35:14

标签: c++ vector struct binary-search


typedef struct contacts 
    string name;   //{jhonathan , anderson , felicia}
    string nickName; //{jhonny  , andy , felic}
    string phoneNumber; // {13453514 ,148039 , 328490}
    string carrier;  // {atandt , coolmobiles , atandt }
    string address; // {1bcd , gfhs ,jhtd }

} contactDetails;

vector <contactDetails> proContactFile;

在这里我想对name进行二进制搜索。如果搜索到的姓名可用,那么我想显示该姓名的相关联系信息(nickname,phone number ,carrier ,address)。如何执行此操作?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

auto cmpFn = [](const contacts &c1, const contacts &c2) {return c1.name < c2.name;};

// 1. vector must be sorted
std::sort(proContactFile.begin(), proContactFile.end(), cmpFn);

// 2. what to find
contacts findme; findme.name = "cat";

// 3. find
auto it = std::lower_bound(proContactFile.begin(), proContactFile.end(), findme, cmpFn);
bool found = it != proContactFile.end() && it->name == findme.name;