Twitter直接消息 - iPhone

时间:2011-06-17 18:01:48

标签: iphone api twitter messages




所以我尝试只使用“user_id”,因为在日志返回的项目列表中显示用户ID,但仍然执行相同的操作。 user_id,scrren_name,profile_image_url都是主词典“发件人”收件人的子目录“但当我将它们放在表格视图中时,我只是崩溃.....



//  DirecctMessages Parse

-(NSString*)sender {

return [contents objectForKey:@"sender"]   ; 


-(NSString*)sender_id {

return [[contents objectForKey:@"sender"] objectForKey:@"sender_id"]  ; 


-(NSString*)sender_screenName {

return [[contents objectForKey:@"sender"] objectForKey:@"screen_name"]  ; 


-(NSString*)sender_profileImage {

return [[contents objectForKey:@"sender"] objectForKey:@"profile_image_url"]  ; 



"created_at" = "Fri Jun 17 03:11:25 +0000 2011";
id = 3279750226;
recipient =     {
    "contributors_enabled" = false;
    "created_at" = "Wed Nov 10 10:58:54 +0000 2010";
    "default_profile" = false;
    "default_profile_image" = false;
    description = "Creator of xQuisite HD, Omega HD, AfterHours-HD, BlueBird-HD, ..a web  
and IOS5";
    "favourites_count" = 1;
    "follow_request_sent" = false;
    "followers_count" = 935;
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    "geo_enabled" = true;
    id = 214019964;
    "is_translator" = false;
    lang = en;
    "listed_count" = 23;
    location = "From NY 518 in Houston 281";
    name = "Anthony Cornell";
    notifications = false;
    "profile_background_color" = 131516;
    "profile_background_image_url" = 
    "profile_background_tile" = true;
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    "profile_link_color" = 0485db;
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    "profile_use_background_image" = true;
    protected = 0;
    "screen_name" = FreeAppl3;
    "show_all_inline_media" = false;
    "statuses_count" = 6166;
    "time_zone" = "";
    url = "";
    "utc_offset" = "";
    verified = false;
"recipient_id" = 214019964;
"recipient_screen_name" = FreeAppl3;
sender =     {
    "contributors_enabled" = false;
    "created_at" = "Tue Jul 27 15:12:30 +0000 2010";
    "default_profile" = false;
    "default_profile_image" = false;
    description = "Currently a private platform..The one place all Geeks meet. One place 
to call home. We are not building an army. WE are building a Legion. #bAdGB";
    "favourites_count" = 12;
    "follow_request_sent" = false;
    "followers_count" = 699;
    following = 0;
    "friends_count" = 126;
    "geo_enabled" = false;
    id = 171526185;
    "is_translator" = false;
    lang = en;
    "listed_count" = 30;
    location = "Houston/U.S.A";
    name = bAdGB;
    notifications = false;
    "profile_background_color" = C0DEED;
    "profile_background_image_url" =   
    "profile_background_tile" = true;
    "profile_image_url" = 
    "profile_link_color" = 0084B4;
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    "profile_text_color" = 333333;
    "profile_use_background_image" = false;
    protected = 0;
    "screen_name" = bAdGigabit;
    "show_all_inline_media" = false;
    "statuses_count" = 3088;
    "time_zone" = "Central Time (US & Canada)";
    url = "";
    "utc_offset" = "-21600";
    verified = false;
"sender_id" = 171526185;
"sender_screen_name" = bAdGigabit;
"source_api_request_type" = 13;
text = "Dude. U should add a function to let the user get push updates on a themer   he  
subscribes too ";

1 个答案:

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