
时间:2020-09-18 16:58:25

标签: web-crawler nutch

尝试使用NUTCH 1.17进行爬网,但该URL被拒绝, 有 #!在网址中 例如:xxmydomain.com/xxx /#!/ xxx / abc.html


+ ^ /

+ ^#! 在我的regex-urlfilter中

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

  1. 如果您特别签入regex-normalize.xml文件 这个特定的规则文件将作为urlnormalizer-regex插件的一部分应用。 默认情况下,此插件包含在nutch-site.xml中的plugin-includes中。


<!-- removes interpage href anchors such as site.com#location -->

您可以通过注释禁用此规则。 (推荐方式) (或),您可以从nutch-site.xml的plugin-include conf中删除urlnormalizer-regex。

  1. 还有另外一个地方,URL标准化部分urlnormalizer-basic中的URL片段部分被忽略


    public String normalize(String urlString, String scope)
      throws MalformedURLException {
    if ("".equals(urlString)) // permit empty
      return urlString;

    urlString = urlString.trim(); // remove extra spaces

    URL url = new URL(urlString);

    String protocol = url.getProtocol();
    String host = url.getHost();
    int port = url.getPort();
    String file = url.getFile();

    boolean changed = false;
    boolean normalizePath = false;

    if (!urlString.startsWith(protocol)) // protocol was lowercased
      changed = true;

    if ("http".equals(protocol) || "https".equals(protocol)
        || "ftp".equals(protocol)) {

      if (host != null && url.getAuthority() != null) {
        String newHost = normalizeHostName(host);
        if (!host.equals(newHost)) {
          host = newHost;
          changed = true;
        } else if (!url.getAuthority().equals(newHost)) {
          // authority (http://<...>/) contains other elements (port, user,
          // etc.) which will likely cause a change if left away
          changed = true;
      } else {
        // no host or authority: recompose the URL from components
        changed = true;

      if (port == url.getDefaultPort()) { // uses default port
        port = -1; // so don't specify it
        changed = true;

      normalizePath = true;
      if (file == null || "".equals(file)) {
        file = "/";
        changed = true;
        normalizePath = false; // no further path normalization required
      } else if (!file.startsWith("/")) {
        file = "/" + file;
        changed = true;
        normalizePath = false; // no further path normalization required

      if (url.getRef() != null) { // remove the ref
        changed = true;

    } else if (protocol.equals("file")) {
      normalizePath = true;

    // properly encode characters in path/file using percent-encoding
    String file2 = unescapePath(file);
    file2 = escapePath(file2);
    if (!file.equals(file2)) {
      changed = true;
      file = file2;

    if (normalizePath) {
      // check for unnecessary use of "/../", "/./", and "//"
      if (changed) {
        url = new URL(protocol, host, port, file);
      file2 = getFileWithNormalizedPath(url);
      if (!file.equals(file2)) {
        changed = true;
        file = file2;

    if (changed) {
      url = new URL(protocol, host, port, file);
      urlString = url.toString();

    return urlString;


因此,我们所能做的就是简单地替换url = new URL(protocol, host, port, file);

规格化方法(line number


url = new URL(protocol, host, port, file+"#"+url.getRef());


scala> val url = new URL("https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/AlisoViejo/#!/AlisoViejo01/AlisoViejo01.html");
url: java.net.URL = https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/AlisoViejo/#!/AlisoViejo01/AlisoViejo01.html

scala> val protocol = url.getProtocol();
protocol: String = https

scala>     val host = url.getHost();
host: String = www.codepublishing.com

scala>     val port = url.getPort();
port: Int = -1

scala>     val file = url.getFile();
file: String = /CA/AlisoViejo/

scala> //when we construct back new url using the above information we end up loosing fragment information like shown in below

scala> new URL(protocol, host, port, file).toString
res69: String = https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/AlisoViejo/

scala> //if we use url.getRef Information in constructing url we can retain back URL fragment information

scala> //like shown below

scala> new URL(protocol, host, port, file+"#"+url.getRef).toString
res70: String = https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/AlisoViejo/#!/AlisoViejo01/AlisoViejo01.html

scala> // so we can replace the url construction object as explained above to retain url fragment information

注意: UrlFragment将在页面内提供本地对象引用。在大多数情况下,对这些URL进行爬网是没有意义的(这就是为什么要使用上述规则对URL进行归一化),因为HTML将保持不变。
