
时间:2020-10-16 14:22:08

标签: c

创建一个程序,该程序通过线性搜索找到与输入数值匹配的给定二维数组的元素。考虑到可能存在多个匹配项,因此应在搜索完成后显示匹配项的数量。 我要执行的执行结果

% ./a.out
     Please enter a number: 1
     a [0] [0] is 1
     There was one 1 in the element of the two-dimensional array a
     % ./a.out
     Please enter a number: 5
     a [1] [1] is 5
     a [2] [0] is 5
     There were two 5s in the element of the two-dimensional array a
     % ./a.out
     Please enter a number: 27
     There are no 27 elements in the 2D array a


Please enter a number: 1
a [0] [0] is 1
There were 32768 1s in the elements of the two-dimensional array a
There is no 1 in the element of the 2D array a


#include <stdio.h>
#define INDI 3
#define INDJ 4

int main ()
   int a [INDI] [INDJ] = {
     {1, 8, 11, 3},
     {9, 5, 0, 7},
     {5, 10, 4, 6},
   int n;
   int i;
   int yoko;
   int tate;
   int result;
   int count;
   / * Add variable declaration as needed * /

   printf ("Enter a number:");
   scanf ("% d", & n);

   for (tate = 0; tate <3; tate ++) {
     for (yoko = 0; yoko <4; yoko ++) {
       if (n == a [tate] [yoko]) {
     count ++;
     printf ("a [% d] [% d] is% d \ n", tate, yoko, n);
     printf ("There were% d% d in the element of 2D array a \ n", n, count);


   printf ("There is no% d in the element of 2D array a \ n", n);

   return 0;


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


  1. 虽然将变量n作为输入,但是您没有为整数提供正确的格式说明符。您应该执行scanf ("% d", & n);而不是scanf ("%d", &n);
  2. 您没有将count字段初始化为零,而是直接将其递增。我认为您应该在使用之前初始化它:
int count = 0;
  1. 在打印未找到消息之前,您不会检查是否实际找到了元素。我认为您应该将其包装在if块中,如下所示:
if (count == 0) {
   printf ("There is no %d in the element of 2D array a \n", n);
  1. 我不确定您是要放空格还是复制粘贴的副作用。但是您的printf语句应如下所示:
printf ("a [%d] [%d] is %d \n", tate, yoko, n);
printf ("There were %d occurences of %d in the element of 2D array a \n", count, n);


src : $ ./a.out 
Enter a number:5
a [1] [1] is 5 
There were 1 occurences of 5 in the element of 2D array a 
a [2] [0] is 5 
There were 2 occurences of 5 in the element of 2D array a 
src : $ ./a.out 
Enter a number:46
There is no 46 in the element of 2D array a 