
时间:2020-10-20 04:56:28

标签: scala typeclass implicit

Witness that an abstract type implements a typeclass之后 我试图在下面的代码片段中并行比较这两种方法:

// We want both ParamaterizedTC and WithAbstractTC (below) to check that 
// their B parameter implements AddQuotes 
abstract class AddQuotes[A] {
  def inQuotes(self: A): String = s"${self.toString}"  
implicit val intAddQuotes = new AddQuotes[Int] {}

abstract class ParamaterizedTC[A, _B](implicit ev: AddQuotes[_B]) {
  type B = _B
  def getB(self: A): B 
  def add1ToB(self: A): String = ev.inQuotes(getB(self)) // TC witness does not need to be at method level

abstract class WithAbstractTC[A] private { 
  // at this point the compiler has not established that type B implements AddQuotes, even if we have created
  // this instance via the apply[A, _B] constructor below...
  type B 
  def getB(self: A): B
  def add1ToB(self: A)(implicit ev: AddQuotes[B]): String = 
    ev.inQuotes(getB(self)) // ... so here the typeclass witness has to occur on the method level
object WithAbstractTC {
  // This constructor checks that B implements AddQuotes
  def apply[A, _B: AddQuotes](getB: A => _B): WithAbstractTC[A] = new WithAbstractTC[A] { 
    type B = _B 
    def getB(self: A): B = getB(self)
  // But we could also have a constructor that does not check, so the compiler can never be certain that 
  // for a given instance of WithAbstractTC, type B implements AddQuotes
  def otherConstructor[A, _B](getB: A => _B): WithAbstractTC[A] { type B = _B } = new WithAbstractTC[A] { 
    type B = _B 
    def getB(self: A): B = getB(self)

case class Container[B: AddQuotes]( get: B )

// These are both fine
implicit def containerIsParamaterized[B: AddQuotes]: ParamaterizedTC[Container[B], B] = 
  new ParamaterizedTC[Container[B], B] { def getB(self: Container[B]): B = self.get }
implicit def containerIsWithAbstract[_B: AddQuotes]: WithAbstractTC[Container[_B]] = 
  WithAbstractTC[Container[_B], _B](self => self.get)

val contIsParamaterized: ParamaterizedTC[Container[Int], Int] = 
  implicitly[ParamaterizedTC[Container[Int], Int]]
val contIsWithAbstract: WithAbstractTC[Container[Int]] = 

implicitly[AddQuotes[contIsWithAbstract.B]] // This is not fine


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


abstract class WithAbstractTC2[A] private { 
  type B 
  implicit val ev: AddQuotes[B]
  def getB(self: A): B
  def add1ToB(self: A): String = 

def apply[A, _B](getB: A => _B)(implicit _ev: AddQuotes[_B]): WithAbstractTC2[A] = new WithAbstractTC2[A] { 
  type B = _B
  implicit val ev: AddQuotes[B] = _ev
  def getB(self: A): B = getB(self)


def apply[A, _B: AddQuotes](getB: A => _B): WithAbstractTC2[A] = new WithAbstractTC2[A] { 
  type B = _B
  implicit val ev: AddQuotes[B] = implicitly[AddQuotes[_B]]
  def getB(self: A): B = getB(self)


答案 1 :(得分:1)

implicitly[AddQuotes[contIsWithAbstract.B]]拒绝编译与单个/多个构造函数/ apply方法或类型参数/类型成员差异无关。你只是失去类型的改进随处可见。编译器无法检查您是否丢失了类型优化。您有权放弃类型的优化而放弃类型。


object WithAbstractTC {
  def apply[A, _B: AddQuotes](getB: A => _B): WithAbstractTC[A] {type B = _B} = 
//                                                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    new WithAbstractTC[A] {
      type B = _B
      def getB(self: A): B = getB(self)

implicit def containerIsWithAbstract[_B: AddQuotes]: 
  WithAbstractTC[Container[_B]] { type B = _B } =
//                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  WithAbstractTC[Container[_B], _B](self => self.get)

val contIsWithAbstract: WithAbstractTC[Container[Int]] { type B = Int } =
//                                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

implicitly[AddQuotes[contIsWithAbstract.B]] // compiles


implicitly不够具体时 https://typelevel.org/blog/2014/01/18/implicitly_existential.html

如何通过抽象隐式对类成员类型类使用类级别的隐式约束,请参见 @AlexeyRomanov 的答案。
