
时间:2020-10-22 20:12:12

标签: sql-server tsql


  • 主要(收件人)
  • CC
  • 密件抄送

从下面的屏幕快照中可以看到,我能够正确PIVOT AddressType NotificationRecipientType并使用STUFF值,在某些情况下,问题是我有2 CC或者它们可以更多取决于数据。

在查询结束时,它仅显示第一个值而不是多个值,我想将它们添加为逗号分隔,这是我考虑使用/* Base Hierarchy query to display all data */ SELECT ns.ScheduleName AS NotificationName, ns.[Description] AS NotificationDescription, ne.EventName, nt.[Type] AS NotificationType, nrt.[Description] AS NotificationRecipientType, nat.AddressType FROM dbo.[Notification] n JOIN dbo.NotificationSchedule ns ON ns.NotificationScheduleID = n.NotificationScheduleID AND ns.Active = 1 JOIN dbo.NotificationEvent ne ON ne.NotificationEventID = ns.NotificationEventID JOIN dbo.NotificationType nt ON nt.NotificationTypeID = n.NotificationTypeID JOIN dbo.NotificationRecipient nr ON nr.NotificationID = n.NotificationID AND nr.Active = 1 JOIN dbo.NotificationRecipientType nrt ON nrt.RecipientTypeID = nr.RecipientTypeID JOIN dbo.NotificationAddressType nat ON nat.AddressTypeID = nr.AddressTypeID WHERE n.Active = 1 ORDER BY n.NotificationID /* Dynamic SQL query to retrieve all possible AddressType values by NotificationRecipientType */ DECLARE @cols AS NVARCHAR(MAX) = NULL ,@query AS NVARCHAR(MAX) = NULL SELECT @cols = STUFF ( ( SELECT ',' + QUOTENAME(AddressType) FROM dbo.NotificationAddressType FOR XML PATH('') ), 1, 1, '' ) SET @query = N' SELECT * FROM ( SELECT ns.ScheduleName AS NotificationName, ns.[Description] AS NotificationDescription, nrt.[Description] AS NotificationRecipientType, nat.AddressType --,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY n.NotificationID ORDER BY nat.AddressTypeID) AS RN FROM dbo.[Notification] n JOIN dbo.NotificationSchedule ns ON ns.NotificationScheduleID = n.NotificationScheduleID AND ns.Active = 1 JOIN dbo.NotificationEvent ne ON ne.NotificationEventID = ns.NotificationEventID JOIN dbo.NotificationType nt ON nt.NotificationTypeID = n.NotificationTypeID JOIN dbo.NotificationRecipient nr ON nr.NotificationID = n.NotificationID AND nr.Active = 1 JOIN dbo.NotificationRecipientType nrt ON nrt.RecipientTypeID = nr.RecipientTypeID JOIN dbo.NotificationAddressType nat ON nat.AddressTypeID = nr.AddressTypeID WHERE n.Active = 1 ) t PIVOT ( MIN([NotificationRecipientType]) FOR AddressType IN (' + @cols + ') ) p ' EXEC sp_executesql @query 方法的地方,但是现在,因为它是动态SQL查询,所以在PIVOT部分中停留在如何使用它上。

data sample


"policy": {
        "validation": {
            "minimumSizeMB": 0.000005
        "externalData": {
                "retry": 3,
                "longRetry": 2,
                "longRetryInterval": "01:00:00"

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