
时间:2020-11-02 02:35:43

标签: vba ms-word


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Function InsertBlankPara(Rng As Range, _
                         Optional ByVal Before As Boolean) As Range
    ' SSY 001 01 Nov 2020

    ' ======================================================
    ' Rng           may be a single paragraph or part thereof
    '                   or a table or part thereof
    ' Before        Insert the paragraph before Rng if True
    '                   [False by default, appending the paragraph]
    ' ======================================================
    ' Return value  the inserted paragraph
    ' Return object Rng will expand the original Rng to include the
    '               entire table or paragraph it comprised originally
    '               plus the paragraph that was added
    ' ======================================================

    Dim Pstart      As Long
    Dim Pend        As Long
    Dim IsTbl       As Boolean

    With Rng
        IsTbl = .Information(wdWithInTable)
        .Expand IIf(IsTbl, wdTable, wdParagraph)
        Pstart = .Start
        Pend = .End + 1
        .Collapse IIf(Before, wdCollapseStart, wdCollapseEnd)
        If IsTbl Then .Move wdCharacter, IIf(Before, -1, _
                                         IIf(.Document.Range.End <= Pend, 2, 0))
        If IsTbl Or Before Then
            .Move wdCharacter, IIf(.Document.Range.End < Pend, 0, -1)
        End If
        Set Rng = .Document.Range(Pstart, Pend)
        If Before Then
            Pend = Pstart + 1
            Pstart = Pend - 1
        End If
        Set InsertBlankPara = .Document.Range(Pstart, Pend)
    End With
End Function