
时间:2011-07-06 06:53:07

标签: c# asp.net datetime



start date = 1-june -2009
end date = 18-july-2011

count should be = 10.

one more 
start date = 4-Jan-2009 
end date = 27-oct -2010
count =8.


6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)

您的示例有误:4-Jan-200927-oct -2010之间只有7个季度



Public Shared Function getQuartersBetween(ByVal d1 As Date, ByVal d2 As Date) As Int32
    Return DateDiff(DateInterval.Quarter, d1, d2)
End Function


public static int getQuartersBetween(System.DateTime d1, System.DateTime d2)
    return Microsoft.VisualBasic.DateAndTime.DateDiff(DateInterval.Quarter, d1, d2);


public class Quarter

    public static long GetQuarters(DateTime dt1, DateTime dt2) 
        double d1Quarter = GetQuarter(dt1.Month); 
        double d2Quarter = GetQuarter(dt2.Month); 
        double d1 = d2Quarter - d1Quarter; 
        double d2 = (4 * (dt2.Year - dt1.Year)); 
        return Round(d1 + d2); 

    private static int GetQuarter(int nMonth) 
        if (nMonth <= 3) 
            return 1; 
        if (nMonth <= 6) 
            return 2; 
        if (nMonth <= 9) 
            return 3; 
        return 4; 

    private static long Round(double dVal) 
        if (dVal >= 0) 
              return (long)Math.Floor(dVal); 
        return (long)Math.Ceiling(dVal); 


Public Class Quarter

    Public Shared Function GetQuarters(ByVal dt1 As DateTime, ByVal dt2 As DateTime) As Long
        Dim d1Quarter As Double = GetQuarter(dt1.Month)
        Dim d2Quarter As Double = GetQuarter(dt2.Month)
        Dim d1 As Double = d2Quarter - d1Quarter
        Dim d2 As Double = (4 * (dt2.Year - dt1.Year))
        Return Round(d1 + d2)
    End Function

    Private Shared Function GetQuarter(ByVal nMonth As Integer) As Integer
        If nMonth <= 3 Then
            Return 1
        End If
        If nMonth <= 6 Then
            Return 2
        End If
        If nMonth <= 9 Then
            Return 3
        End If
        Return 4
    End Function

    Private Shared Function Round(ByVal dVal As Double) As Long
        If dVal >= 0 Then
            Return CLng(Math.Floor(dVal))
        End If
        Return CLng(Math.Ceiling(dVal))
    End Function

End Class

答案 1 :(得分:1)


 public static void Main()
        //Application.Run(new XmlTreeDisplay());
        int monthdiuff = monthDifference(Convert.ToDateTime("01/04/09"), Convert.ToDateTime("10/27/10"));
        int totalQuater = (monthdiuff / 3) + (monthdiuff%3);

    private static int monthDifference(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
        int monthsApart = 12 * (startDate.Year - endDate.Year) + startDate.Month - endDate.Month;
        return Math.Abs(monthsApart);

答案 2 :(得分:0)



答案 3 :(得分:0)


DateTime dt1 = new DateTime(2009, 1, 1);// new DateTime(2009, 6, 1);
DateTime dt2 = new DateTime(2010, 10, 27);// new DateTime(2011, 7, 18);
if (dt1.Month < 4)
  dt1 = new DateTime(dt1.Year,1,1);
else if (dt1.Month < 7)
  dt1 = new DateTime(dt1.Year,4,1);
else if (dt1.Month < 10)
  dt1 = new DateTime(dt1.Year,7,1);
  dt1 = new DateTime(dt1.Year,10,1);
if (dt2.Month < 4)
   dt2 = new DateTime(dt2.Year, 3, DateTime.DaysInMonth(dt2.Year, 3)); 
else if (dt2.Month < 7)
   dt2 = new DateTime(dt2.Year, 6, DateTime.DaysInMonth(dt2.Year, 6));
else if (dt2.Month < 10)
   dt2 = new DateTime(dt2.Year, 9, DateTime.DaysInMonth(dt2.Year, 9));
   dt2 = new DateTime(dt2.Year, 12, DateTime.DaysInMonth(dt2.Year, 12));

TimeSpan ts = dt2 - dt1;
int quarters = (int) ts.TotalDays/90;


答案 4 :(得分:0)


    internal static int GetNumberOfQuarters(DateTime p_DtStart, DateTime p_DtEnd)
        TimeSpan span = p_DtEnd.Subtract(p_DtStart);
        return (int)span.TotalDays % 90;


internal static class DateTimeTools
    internal static int GetNumberOfQuartersBetweenDates(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
        int iYearStart, iYearEnd, iMonthStart, iMonthEnd, iDayStart, iDayEnd;
        iYearStart = startDate.Year;
        iYearEnd = endDate.Year;
        iMonthStart = startDate.Month;
        iMonthEnd = endDate.Month;
        iDayStart = startDate.Day;
        iDayEnd = endDate.Day;

        int iYearDiff, iQuarterDiff, iDayDiff;
        iYearDiff = iYearEnd - iYearStart;
        iQuarterDiff = iMonthEnd % 3 - iMonthStart % 3;
        iDayDiff = iDayEnd - iDayStart;

        int iNumOfQuarters = 0;

        // at least a year difference? 
        if ((iYearDiff > 0 && iQuarterDiff > 0) || iYearDiff > 0 && iQuarterDiff == 0 && iDayDiff >= 0)
            iNumOfQuarters = iYearDiff * 4 + iQuarterDiff;
        // at least a quarter difference?
        // within different years
        if ((iYearDiff > 0 && iQuarterDiff <= 0)) // eg, dec 2010 - feb 2011 iYearDiff 1 iQuarterDiff -3
            if ((iQuarterDiff == -3 && iDayDiff >= 0) || iQuarterDiff > -3)
                iNumOfQuarters = iQuarterDiff + 4;
        // within the same year
        if (iYearDiff == 0 && iQuarterDiff > 0)
            if ((iQuarterDiff == 1 && iDayDiff >= 0) || iQuarterDiff > 1)
                iNumOfQuarters = iQuarterDiff;
        return iNumOfQuarters;

此致 尼科

答案 5 :(得分:0)

public static string GetQuarter(this DateTime date)
            var quarterList = new List<string>();

            if (date.Month >= 1 && date.Month <= 3)
                return "Q1";
            else if (date.Month >= 4 && date.Month <= 6)
                return "Q1,Q2";
            else if (date.Month >= 7 && date.Month <= 9)
                return "Q1,Q2,Q3";
                return "Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4";

如果您希望获得四分之一的列表,也可以将其用作扩展方法。稍后您可以使用GetQuarter().Split(new[] { ',' }).Count()来获取计数。
