在最新的 DiagrammeR 版本 ( 中减少节点之间的距离

时间:2021-02-03 22:12:34

标签: r nodes dot edges diagrammer

我想减少 DiagrammeR R 包中节点之间的距离。我知道这里有一个类似的问题:How to increase distance between nodes in DiagrammeR R。但是,这种解决方案在当前的 DiagrammeR 版本 ( 中不起作用。我在手册中找到了一个给定的解决方案:

graph <-
  create_graph() %>%
    n = 3,
    type = "path",
    edge_aes = edge_aes(
      style = "solid",
      color = c("yellow", "blue"),
      len= c(10, 0.2), ## Parameter to change edge distance

render_graph(graph, layout="tree")

正如上面的代码所指出的,len 参数应该为两条不同的边(即节点 1-2 到 2-3)提供不同的距离。然而,生成的图表没有不同的边缘距离。它打印如下:

enter image description here

我知道在点语言(即 Graphviz)中,节点之间的距离由 minlen 参数控制。但是,minlen 不是 edge_aes() 中的参数。我什至尝试修改 edge_aes() 的源代码以包含 minlen 参数,但效果不佳:

edge_aesM <- function (style = NULL, penwidth = NULL, color = NULL, arrowsize = NULL, 
          arrowhead = NULL, arrowtail = NULL, fontname = NULL, fontsize = NULL, 
          fontcolor = NULL, len = NULL, tooltip = NULL, URL = NULL, 
          label = NULL, labelfontname = NULL, labelfontsize = NULL, 
          labelfontcolor = NULL, labeltooltip = NULL, labelURL = NULL, 
          edgetooltip = NULL, edgeURL = NULL, dir = NULL, headtooltip = NULL, 
          headURL = NULL, headclip = NULL, headlabel = NULL, headport = NULL, 
          tailtooltip = NULL, tailURL = NULL, tailclip = NULL, taillabel = NULL, 
          tailport = NULL, decorate = NULL, minlen=NULL) 
  attr_values <- list(style = style, penwidth = penwidth, color = color, 
                      arrowsize = arrowsize, arrowhead = arrowhead, arrowtail = arrowtail, 
                      fontname = fontname, fontsize = fontsize, fontcolor = fontcolor, 
                      len = len, tooltip = tooltip, URL = URL, label = label, 
                      labelfontname = labelfontname, labelfontsize = labelfontsize, 
                      labelfontcolor = labelfontcolor, labeltooltip = labeltooltip, 
                      labelURL = labelURL, edgetooltip = edgetooltip, edgeURL = edgeURL, 
                      dir = dir, headtooltip = headtooltip, headURL = headURL, 
                      headclip = headclip, headlabel = headlabel, headport = headport, 
                      tailtooltip = tailtooltip, tailURL = tailURL, tailclip = tailclip, 
                      taillabel = taillabel, tailport = tailport, decorate = decorate,
  non_null_attrs <- 1:length(attr_values) %>% purrr::map_chr(.f = function(x) {
    if (!is.null(attr_values[[x]])) {
      attr_values[x] %>% names()
    else {
  non_null_attrs <- non_null_attrs[which(!is.na(non_null_attrs))]

有什么想法可以让不同的节点距离在 DiagrammeR 包中工作吗?

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