根据对象属性的前 3 个单词从对象数组中删除重复项

时间:2021-03-15 15:34:40

标签: javascript jquery arrays

我有这个对象数组,其中有很多重复的条目。我可以清理数组并删除重复的数组,但问题是我需要根据属性的前 3 个单词删除那些匹配的数组。


let arr = [
         text: "Be good and you will be lonely. But there’s nothing wrong with being lonely.",
         id: 1
         text: "Coffee is a way of stealing time.",
         id: 2
         text: "Be good and you will be lonely. But there’s nothing wrong with being lonely.",
         id: 3

我想匹配每个文本的前 3 个单词,如果匹配,则从旧数组中删除匹配的对象之一,并将删除的对象推送到新数组。


let texts     = {};

arr = arr.filter(function(currentObject) {
      if (currentObject.text in seenNames) {
           return false;
      } else {
           seenNames[currentObject.text] = true;
           return true;



我用与以前不同的方法重新开始了整个事情。正如@Andreas 和@freedomn-m 所说,我根据前 3 个单词拆分项目,然后尝试通过匹配拆分项目来过滤原始数组。但是现在我无需任何过滤就可以恢复所有值。

let arr = [{
    "text": "Be good and you will be lonely. But there’s nothing wrong with being lonely.",
    "id": 1
    "text": "Coffee is a way of stealing time.",
    "id": 2
    "text": "Be good and you will be lonely. But there’s nothing wrong with being lonely.",
    "id": 3

let removedItems = [];

let filtered = arr.filter((item, index) => {
  let splitItem = item["text"].split(" ").slice(0, 3).join(" ").toLowerCase();

  if (item["text"].toLowerCase().startsWith(splitItem, index + 1)) {
    return item;
  } else {



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

对于如何获得3个单词的原始问题,一种选择是使用 .split() .slice() 和 .join():

var firstWords = item["text"].split(" ").slice(0, 3).join(" ");

然后,您可以直接将原始问题中的 currentObject.text 替换为 firstWords

let texts = {};
arr = arr.filter(function(currentObject) {
    if (firstWords in seenNames) {
         return false;
    } else {
         seenNames[firstWords] = true;
         return true;


  • .filter(function(item)) 必须返回 true/false(就像它最初所做的那样)而不是 item/nothing。

  • item["text"].toLowerCase().startsWith(splitItem) 将始终为真,因为 splitItem 是从 item["text"] 构建的

removedItems 附加列表添加到原始列表中:

let arr = [{
    "text": "Be good and you will be lonely. But there’s nothing wrong with being lonely.",
    "id": 1
    "text": "Coffee is a way of stealing time.",
    "id": 2
    "text": "Be good and you will be lonely. But there’s nothing wrong with being lonely.",
    "id": 3

let removedItems = [];
let seenNames = {};

let filtered = arr.filter((item, index) => {
  let splitItem = item["text"].split(" ").slice(0, 3).join(" ").toLowerCase();
  if (splitItem in seenNames) {
    // already exists, so don't include in filtered, but do add to removed
    return false;
  // doesn't exist, so add to seen list and include in filtered
  seenNames[splitItem] = true;
  return true;

