Chart.Js 如何在堆积条形图中隐藏具有“0”值的数据点

时间:2021-04-14 07:53:51

标签: javascript chart.js bar-chart

我想隐藏一些没有有用值(“0”)的条形,但我不知道该怎么做,因为我不能使用任何 Chart.Js 插件,也不能只是隐藏整个数据集,因为我正在使用 SQL 表将值“放入”Chart.Js。


注意:我只想隐藏 Value 而不是整个栏本身。

    //coloring the bars from light blue (receiverColor) to dark blue (performancePayColor)
    var receiverColor = "#7ec0ee";
    var timeWageColor = "#368DD6";
    var performancePayColor = "#214B7D";

    //removing of chart when openening a new OE
    // var chartContainer = document.getElementById('chartContainer');
    // chartContainer.innerHTML = "";

    for (var x = 0; x < charts.length; x++) {
        var chartData = charts[x];

        var sumChartValues = [];

        //adding up the Arrays
        for (var i = 0; i < chartData.GE.length; i++) {
            sumChartValues.push(chartData.GE[i] + chartData.LL[i] + chartData.ZL[i]);

        //creating a TempChart canvas with same values as chart1 to be able to delete Chart1 canvas
        var chart = document.createElement("canvas"); = "Chart" + x;

        //make the Charts responsive
        var width = $(window).width(); 
        var paddingL; //= 0;
        var paddingR; //= 0;

        if (width >= 2560) {
           // chart.height = height / 2.2;
            chart.width = width / 2.2;
            paddingL = 25;
            paddingR = 25;
            else if (width >= 1440) {
               // chart.height = height / 2.2;
                chart.width = width / 2.2;
                paddingL = 25;
                paddingR = 25;

            else if (width >= 1024) {
               // chart.height = height / 2.2;
                chart.width = width / 2.5;
                paddingL = 20;
                paddingR = 20;

            else if (width >= 768) {
               // chart.height = height / 2;
                chart.width = width / 1.25;
                paddingL = 30;
                paddingR = 30;

            else {
                //chart.height = height;
                chart.width = width / 1.25;

        //var originalOnClick =;

        new Chart("Chart" + x, {
            //barchart is what we use normally, change type if something else is needed.
            type: "bar",

            data: {
                //labels is for the Values of the first x-Axis (we normally use KW)
                labels: chartData.KW,

                //datasets are the Bars that are displayed on the charts (each Dataset is one different Bar part a.e. a different color and value on one bar and KW)
                datasets: [
                        label: "Leistungslohn",
                        backgroundColor: performancePayColor,
                        data: chartData.LL,
                        xAxesID: "lowerXAxis",

                        label: "Zeitlohn",
                        backgroundColor: timeWageColor,
                        data: chartData.ZL,
                        xAxesID: "lowerXAxis"
                        label: "Gehaltsempfänger",
                        backgroundColor: receiverColor,
                        data: chartData.GE,
                        xAxesID: "lowerXAxis"
            options: {
                //Set the Chart responsive
                maintainAspectRatio: true,
                responsive: false,

                layout: {
                    padding: {
                        left: paddingL,
                        right: paddingR

                //Dynamic Chart title display on top of the Legend
                title: {
                    size: '200',
                    display: true,
                    text: chartData.O_Long[0] + ' (' + chartData.O_Short[0] + ')',
                //Enables legend Over the bars (Leistungslohn, Zeitlohn and Gehaltsempfänger)
                legend: {
                    display: true,
                    position: 'bottom'
                //Enables tooltips when hovering over bars
                tooltips: {
                    enabled: true

                hover: {
                    //disables number flickering when moving mouse across bars
                    animationDuration: 0,
                    //disables hover effect (change of bar color when hovering over a bar)
                    mode: null

                animation: {
                    //duration = build up time for the chart in ms, 0 = no visible animation.
                    duration: 0,
                    onComplete: function () {
                        //Shows bar values on top of each bar and Formats them
                        var ctx = this.chart.ctx;
                        var legendItems = this.chart.legend.legendItems;
                        var max = this.chart.scales['y-axis-0'].max;
                        ctx.font = Chart.helpers.fontString(, 'bold',;
                        //coloring the values white
                        ctx.fillStyle = this.chart.config.options.defaultFontColor = "#FFF";
                        ctx.textAlign = 'center';
                        ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';

                        //Calculation of the required scale
                        var chartHeight = this.height;
               (dataset) {
                            var index = -1;
                            for (var i = 0; i < legendItems.length; i++) {
                                if (legendItems[i].text == dataset.label && !legendItems[i].hidden) {
                                    index = i;
                            if (index != -1) {
                                for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
                                    var model = dataset._meta[Object.keys(dataset._meta)[0]].data[i]._model;
                                    ctx.fillText([i], model.x, model.y + ([i] / max * ((chartHeight / 2) - 50)));

                        //hide zero values

                scales: {
                    xAxes: [{
                        //Stacks mutliple Datasets on top of each other
                        ID: "lowerXAxis",
                        stacked: true,
                        gridLines: {
                            //removes x-Axes grid lines
                            display: false
                    //Second x-Axes:
                        ID: "upperXAxis",
                        position: "top",
                        offset: true,
                        gridLines: {
                            //removes x-Axes grid lines
                            display: false

                    yAxes: [{
                        //Stacks mutliple Datasets on top of each other
                        stacked: true,
                        scaleLabel: {
                            offset: true,
                            display: true,
                            labelString: 'Anzahl Personen',
                        ticks: {
                            //Makes the chart start at 0 to prevent negative values and to prevent formatting errors
                            beginAtZero: true,

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

options.animation.onComplete 回调函数中,您使用 ctx.fillText(...) 绘制文本。如果值为零,请不要绘制文本。

为此,您应该添加一个 if 语句,如下所示:

if ([i] > 0) {
  ctx.fillText([i], model.x, model.y + ([i] / max * ((chartHeight / 2) - 50)));

如果您的问题建议将值定义为字符串,则可能需要稍微更改 if 语句(即 if ([i] != '0') {)。
