
时间:2021-04-16 02:41:04

标签: arrays c loops struct

我有一个结构体,用户可以在其中输入他们选择的多个坐标并标记每个坐标。因此,如果他们选择输入 3 个坐标,则需要标记所有 3 个坐标并给出坐标。我可以遍历所有数据并验证标签是否存在,但如果没有找到,我无法为结构标签分配该值。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>

/*Stuct link list */
struct node
    double xCoord; 
    double yCoord;
    char label[30];

int checkLabel(char* receivedlabel, int coordSize, struct node coord[coordSize])
    int i,j;
    if (coordSize == 0)
    for(i = 0; i<coordSize; i++)
         if(strcmp(coord[i].label, receivedlabel)==0)
            j = 0;
            j = 1;
    return j;
int main() {
    int i, numOfCoords, j, k;
    double distance;
    double closest = 0;
    double farthest = 0;
    char label[30];
     do //Get the amount of coordinates to enter greater than 2
        printf("How many coords do you want to enter?\nPlease enter more than 2:");
        scanf("%d", &numOfCoords);
    }while(numOfCoords <=2);
    struct node coords[numOfCoords];
    for(i = 0; i < numOfCoords; i++ )
        printf("Please Enter a X Coordinate:");
        scanf("%lf", &coords[i].xCoord);
        printf("Please Enter a y coordinate:");
        scanf("%lf", &coords[i].yCoord);
        }while(coords[i].xCoord<0 || coords[i].yCoord<0);
            printf("Please Enter a Label:");
        scanf("%s", &coords[i].label);  
        printf("Please Enter a Label:");
        scanf("%s", &label);
        k = checkLabel(label,i, coords);
        if(k == 1)
            *coords[i].label = label;
      for(i = 0; i < numOfCoords-1; i++ )
        for(j = 1; j < numOfCoords; j++)
            distance = sqrt(pow(coords[i].xCoord - coords[j].xCoord,2) + pow(coords[i].yCoord - coords[j].yCoord,2)); //Calculate Distance
            if(distance == 0) //If distance equal 0 output no info
              //Print out the distance of all coordinates entered   
              printf("The distance between %s:[%lf,%lf] and %s:[%lf,%lf] is %lf\n", coords[i].label, coords[i].xCoord, coords[i].yCoord,coords[j].label, coords[j].xCoord, coords[j].yCoord, distance);     
             if(j==1 && i==0)
            //Set the closet and furthest distance to the first calculated distance
            closest = distance; 
            farthest = distance;
            if(distance > farthest)//If distance is larger than current furthest set furthest equal to current distance
              farthest = distance;
            if(distance < closest) //If distance is less than closet set closet equal to current distance
                closest = distance;
printf("The closet coordinate is %lf and the furthest is %lf\n", closest, farthest);//Display closest and farthest distance
    return 0;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我发现问题可能在于您声明节点的方式,直接从读取 scanf 动态使用 numofcoords。



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>

/*Stuct link list */
struct node
double xCoord; 
double yCoord;
char label[30];

int checkLabel(char* receivedlabel, int coordSize, struct node coord[coordSize])
    int i,j;
    if (coordSize > 0)
        for(i = 0; i<coordSize; i++)
             if(strcmp(coord[i].label, receivedlabel)==0)
                return 0;
    return 1;
int main() {
    int i = 0, numOfCoords = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
    double distance;
    double closest = 0;
    double farthest = 0;
    char label[30];
    struct node coords[5];
    while(numOfCoords <=2) //Get the amount of coordinates to enter greater than 2
        printf("How many coords do you want to enter?\nPlease enter more than 2:");
        scanf("%d", &numOfCoords);
    for(i = 0; i < numOfCoords; i++)
            printf("Please Enter a X Coordinate:");
            scanf("%lf", &coords[i].xCoord);
            printf("Please Enter a y coordinate:");
            scanf("%lf", &coords[i].yCoord);
        }while(coords[i].xCoord<0 || coords[i].yCoord<0);
            printf("Please Enter a Label:");
            scanf("%s", label);strtok(label, "\n");  
            if ( i > 0 && checkLabel(label, i, coords) == 0 ){
    for(i = 0; i < numOfCoords; i++ )
        printf("i=%d", i);
        for(j = 0; j < numOfCoords; j++)
            distance = sqrt(pow(coords[i].xCoord - coords[j].xCoord,2) + pow(coords[i].yCoord - coords[j].yCoord,2)); //Calculate Distance
            if(distance == 0) //If distance equal 0 output no info
                //Print out the distance of all coordinates entered   
                printf("The distance between %s:[%lf,%lf] and %s:[%lf,%lf] is %lf\n", coords[i].label, coords[i].xCoord, coords[i].yCoord,coords[j].label, coords[j].xCoord, coords[j].yCoord, distance);     
                if(j==1 && i==0)
                    //Set the closet and furthest distance to the first calculated distance
                    closest = distance; 
                    farthest = distance;
                    if(distance > farthest)//If distance is larger than current furthest set furthest equal to current distance
                        farthest = distance;
                    if(distance < closest) //If distance is less than closet set closet equal to current distance
                        closest = distance;
    printf("The closet coordinate is %lf and the furthest is %lf\n", closest, farthest);//Display closest and farthest distance
    return 0;

答案 1 :(得分:0)

所以我能够弄清楚。我没有让用户输入字符串作为字符,我选择使用 &coords[i].label 然后我将该值传递给函数,它能够遍历现有值,如果没有找到,则将值分配给 coords[i ].标签


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>

/*Stuct link list */
struct node
    double xCoord; 
    double yCoord;
    char label[30];

int checkLabel(char* receivedlabel, int coordSize, struct node coord[coordSize])
    int i,j;
    if (coordSize == 0)
    for(i = 0; i<coordSize; i++)
         if(strcmp(coord[i].label, receivedlabel)==0)
            j = 0;
            j = 1;
    return j;
int main() {
    int i, numOfCoords, j, k;
    double distance;
    double closest = 0;
    double farthest = 0;
    char label[30];
     do //Get the amount of coordinates to enter greater than 2
        printf("How many coords do you want to enter?\nPlease enter more than 2:");
        scanf("%d", &numOfCoords);
    }while(numOfCoords <=2);
    struct node coords[numOfCoords];
    for(i = 0; i < numOfCoords; i++ )
        printf("Please Enter a X Coordinate:");
        scanf("%lf", &coords[i].xCoord);
        printf("Please Enter a y coordinate:");
        scanf("%lf", &coords[i].yCoord);
        }while(coords[i].xCoord<0 || coords[i].yCoord<0);
            printf("Please Enter a Label:");
        scanf("%s", &coords[i].label);  
        printf("Please Enter a Label:");
        scanf("%s", &coords[i].label);
        k = checkLabel(coords[i].label,i, coords);
      for(i = 0; i < numOfCoords-1; i++ )
        for(j = 1; j < numOfCoords; j++)
            distance = sqrt(pow(coords[i].xCoord - coords[j].xCoord,2) + pow(coords[i].yCoord - coords[j].yCoord,2)); //Calculate Distance
            if(distance == 0) //If distance equal 0 output no info
              //Print out the distance of all coordinates entered   
              printf("The distance between %s:[%lf,%lf] and %s:[%lf,%lf] is %lf\n", coords[i].label, coords[i].xCoord, coords[i].yCoord,coords[j].label, coords[j].xCoord, coords[j].yCoord, distance);     
             if(j==1 && i==0)
            //Set the closet and furthest distance to the first calculated distance
            closest = distance; 
            farthest = distance;
            if(distance > farthest)//If distance is larger than current furthest set furthest equal to current distance
              farthest = distance;
            if(distance < closest) //If distance is less than closet set closet equal to current distance
                closest = distance;
printf("The closet coordinate is %lf and the furthest is %lf\n", closest, farthest);//Display closest and farthest distance
    return 0;